#princess lady serenity

A dark version of an adult Princess Lady Serenity from Sailor Moon (otherwise known as Chibi Usa, Ri

A dark version of an adult Princess Lady Serenity from Sailor Moon (otherwise known as Chibi Usa, Rini, and Sailor Chibi Moon). This may or may not become a series of dark versions of each of the Sailor’s princess forms…

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the highlight of sm eternal was chibiusa getting her very own emotional support helios

sequel wHEN




Art of older Chibiusa pointing forward with the hand pose they use in introductions that looks like a victory sign, her other hand at her side does the middle finger. Her expression is monotone.ALT

“In the name of the moon, pick a god and pray”

Sailor Moon sequel but it’s just Chibiusa and her sailor team somehow finding violent solutions for every single problem while Hotaru and Helios attempt damage control

And she has a gun?

