

It’s time to wake up.

This image has been in my head for a while, but after attending the George Floyd protest on Monday. I knew I had to do it now. I seen beautiful people of all races standing up to police for the unjust treatment of black lives. It was surreal to me, but it also reminded me that there are quite a few people who refuse to acknowledge that this is even a problem. So this piece is specifically for you… time to wake up. Because honestly the rest of us are very tired. Tired of racism, police brutality, and all the systems that support these things. I’m a fan of addressing problems at their root. Police violence toward black people is a byproduct of white supremacy and racism. Please do what you can to stand up against it. #blacklivesmatter justice for #breonnataylor #georgefloyd #ahmaudarbery #tamirrice #mikebrown #trayvonmartin #sandrabland #johncrawford #ericgarner #rekiaboyd #ayannajones
