

[image description: 5 photos of a small letterpress printed piece, and the handset forme of lead type used to print it. It’s a 3x15 inch print that folds into thirds, with linoleum illustrations of spiders crawling out of holes in the wall, and across the bottom of the sheet. In the middle panel is text that reads: “I am learning that many names for spiders are extremely local. These ones, that live in the walls and hunt on the ground at night, they might be family Gnaphosidae. My mother taught me to call every small brown spider that startled me in the sink, ‘George.’” end description.]

Happy Spook Day! Have some small terrors.

I tell you what Exposure Therapy Study No. 3 is maybe the closest I’ve come to any kind of affection for spiders as a concept but it has not done anything to engender affection for the physical reality of them. They crawl around on the floor!! Where my feet also are!!! Extremely rude.

Century Schoolbook, linoleum, I’m reasonably certain this is BFK Rives but it’s leftover scraps so I don’t remember. They’re up on Etsy now, and there are only 17 of them!
