#probably not every day for another week or few


When the whumpee hurt their leg and can barely even stand, but they know that if they can get back to the caretaker, then the caretaker will handle everything else. The whumpee forcing themself to limp back to the caretaker, and the caretaker rushing to them as soon as they notice how badly the whumpee is limping. Them reaching out to steady the whumpee and take some of their weight as soon as they get close enough, and the whumpee just crumpling into their chest instead, in too much pain to force themself to keep going now that they know that they’re safe. The caretaker gently lowering them to the ground and looking them over, then scooping them up and carrying them off to get their injuries treated, and murmuring to the whumpee that they did a good job getting to them, and that they’d take care of them now.
