#gentle caretaker


When the whumpee hurt their leg and can barely even stand, but they know that if they can get back to the caretaker, then the caretaker will handle everything else. The whumpee forcing themself to limp back to the caretaker, and the caretaker rushing to them as soon as they notice how badly the whumpee is limping. Them reaching out to steady the whumpee and take some of their weight as soon as they get close enough, and the whumpee just crumpling into their chest instead, in too much pain to force themself to keep going now that they know that they’re safe. The caretaker gently lowering them to the ground and looking them over, then scooping them up and carrying them off to get their injuries treated, and murmuring to the whumpee that they did a good job getting to them, and that they’d take care of them now.

When the caretaker is watching the whumpee, and they notice that they seem a little paler than usual, but they’re only mildly concerned, until they see the whumpee suddenly go even paler and start to sway. The caretaker rushing to the whumpee and steadying them, looking around for somewhere for the whumpee to sit, but the whumpee passing out in their hold before they can find somewhere. The caretaker gently guiding the whumpee to the ground, and laying them down with their head in the caretaker’s lap. The whumpee coming back to consciousness a minute later, and the caretaker giving them a few moments to get their bearings, then asking if they know why they passed out. The whumpee admitting that they’d barely been sleeping, and the caretaker giving them a disapproving look, then gently helping them sit up. The caretaker giving them a few moments, and then pulling them up to standing, and gently helping them get to somewhere they can get some proper rest.

When the whumpee is finally rescued from the whumper, and they end up clinging to the caretaker, not even letting go as they get patched up. The caretaker just holding them close, gently maneuvering them to let the medics care for them without making them let go, and running gentle fingers through the whumpee’s hair to comfort them. The whumpee falling asleep as the medics work, and still clinging to the caretaker, hands gripping their shirt even while they sleep. The caretaker gently settling into bed with the whumpee after the medics are done, eventually falling asleep, and letting the whumpee cling to them all night, hoping it helps them feel safe.

When the whumpee has hurt their ankle, and the caretaker has gotten them settled in bed, then left them alone for a few minutes to go gather an ice pack and some water, and the whumpee decides to try to stand up and grab something from the other side of the room. The whumpee falling as soon as they try to put weight on their injured ankle, and landing on the floor with a loud thump. The caretaker hurrying back to the whumpee, and finding them sitting on the floor, clutching their ankle with tears running down their cheeks. The caretaker gently helping the whumpee back into bed, and carefully checking to make sure they haven’t made their ankle worse, then settling an ice pack on it. The whumpee hissing slightly at the sudden cold, and the caretaker asking them how they ended up on the floor. The whumpee admitting that they were trying to grab something, and the caretaker getting it for them, then handing them some water and telling them to just ask for help next time, instead of risking hurting themself even more.

When the whumpee is stuck in bed recovering after getting badly hurt, and they’re still weak and spend most of their time sleeping. Them complaining about how tangled and messy their hair is during one of the times they’re awake, and the caretaker sitting on the bed beside them and gently brushing it for them. The caretaker doing what they can to make sure it won’t tangle, and the whumpee dozing off as they work, soothed to sleep by the caretaker’s gentle touch. The whumpee sleeping more peacefully than they have in a long time, and the caretaker deciding to try brushing the whumpee’s hair more often, because the whumpee could definitely use the rest.

When the whumpee has a horrible headache, and although they don’t say anything, the caretaker notices them wincing at every loud noise fairly quickly. The caretaker quietly asking the whumpee if they’re alright, and the whumpee muttering that they’re fine, but the caretaker giving them a look, and the whumpee glancing away and admitting that their head is pounding. The caretaker closing all the curtains, then getting a glass of water for the whumpee and getting the whumpee settled on the couch with their head in the caretaker’s lap. The caretaker gently stroking the whumpee’s hair and massaging their scalp until the whumpee drifts off to sleep, hoping they’d feel better when they wake up. 

When the caretaker notices that the whumpee is looking a little bit pale, but they think nothing of it until the whumpee starts to sway during a conversation. The caretaker starting to reach out to steady them, and then having to lunge to catch them as they crumple to the ground. The caretaker having no idea why the whumpee passed out, but gently getting them onto the floor, and settling the whumpee’s head in their lap. The whumpee coming to as the caretaker checks their pulse and tries to figure out why they passed out, and the caretaker asking if they know why. The whumpee admitting that they’d been feeling a little under the weather, and hadn’t been getting much sleep, and the caretaker gently scooping them up and carrying them to bed, then making them stay there until they think the whumpee is okay.

When the whumpee is hurt and very disoriented, and the caretaker just tries to keep them calm and still so the medics can help them. The whumpee having no idea what’s going on, but trusting that the caretaker will tell them if they need to do anything, and them just letting the caretaker look out for them. The caretaker holding their hand and stroking their hair, trying to keep the whumpee at least a little bit grounded as they’re patched up. The whumpee leaning into the caretaker’s touch, and relaxing as much as they can, letting the medics work.

When the whumpee sits down to be patched up, and when the caretaker sees their injuries, all they can do is look at them in horror. The caretaker gently pushing them to lay down, and asking why the whumpee didn’t tell them how badly they were hurt as they start to clean the whumpee’s wounds. The whumpee starting to respond, but interrupting themself with a hiss of pain when the antiseptic stings. The caretaker apologizing, and trying to be gentle as they continue to work, and the whumpee admitting that they didn’t mention it because there were other things to worry about. The caretaker scolding them, telling them that while there may have been other things going on, their health is still important, and they still need to tell someone.

When the whumpee has work that they absolutely have to finish, but they’re exhausted, and it’s starting to interfere with their ability to finish the work. The caretaker doing what they can to help and support them, and the whumpee somehow managing to push through it. As soon as the whumpee’s done, the caretaker fussing over them, and ushering them off to rest. The whumpee falling asleep the second they lay down, and the caretaker tucking them in gently, so they don’t get cold while they sleep.

When the whumpee has a horrible headache, but they’re stuck waiting for a friend to pick them up. The caretaker who is waiting with them letting the whumpee curl up with their head in their lap, and playing with their hair to try to distract them. The whumpee mostly dozing off by the time their friend arrives to pick them up, and the caretaker carrying them to the car. The caretaker gently sitting them down and buckling their seatbelt for them, and explaining to the friend how to take care of the whumpee once they’ve gotten them home.

When the whumpee is hurt, but they’re still running on adrenaline and it hasn’t really sunk in that they’re hurt. The caretaker having to force them to sit down and let themself get patched up. The whumpee only really noticing the pain partway through getting patched up, and letting out a hiss. The caretaker apologizing, and finishing patching them up as quickly and gently as possible. The caretaker then helping the whumpee get home and to bed, because the whumpee doesn’t have the energy to get there on their own, and the caretaker isn’t about to leave them on their own.

When the whumpee finds the caretaker intimidating, so when they get hurt, they try to hide it from them. Them managing to hide it for a few hours, but getting caught when they end up bleeding through their bandages and onto their clothes in front of the caretaker. The caretaker noticing, and asking the whumpee why there’s blood on their clothes, and the whumpee trying to brush off their concern. The caretaker not believing the whumpee, and asking them to sit down and let them see what’s wrong. The whumpee hesitantly doing so, and the caretaker taking a minute to look at the wound, then grabbing a first aid kit and patching them up properly. The whumpee being surprised with how careful the caretaker is, and so when the caretaker gently asks why they didn’t ask for help sooner, the whumpee admitting that they were intimidated. The caretaker being caught off guard by this, since they’ve never thought they seemed intimidating, and them reassuring the whumpee that it’s okay to come to them if they’re sick or hurt, and that they’d rather know so they can help. The whumpee tentatively agreeing to tell them in the future, and the caretaker making sure to keep a closer eye on them in the future, just incase they hide something again.
