#professor sonia

heyyyy, haven’t posted in a hot second, but a new alt for Sonia leaked from Pokemon Masters so here

heyyyy, haven’t posted in a hot second, but a new alt for Sonia leaked from Pokemon Masters so here I am, sobbing over my (now equally fancy) ship 

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Am a bit late bc busy with family, but merry Christmas everyone!! <333 Hope it’s been a good one Am a bit late bc busy with family, but merry Christmas everyone!! <333 Hope it’s been a good one

Am a bit late bc busy with family, but merry Christmas everyone!! <333 Hope it’s been a good one for all of you ♥

These are some doodles I’ve made for the holiday season last year, they were Patreon exclusives (better resolution version is still exclusive there!) so now it’s finally time to share them in public ^^ I am HELLA into Pokemon SwSh atm and Lionheartshipping is one of my big ships! So wish you all a Champion holiday time!! <333
(also sorry for the ugly big watermark on the icons, but they’re for mine and @captain-rei ‘s use only so wanted to make sure ppl won’t take them ;w; )

This year I’ll be doodling some Nessa/Leon and Sonia/Raihan for the holiday feels instead (they’re such underrated ships ;A; ), so if you’re interested in seeing them in the next days feel free to check out my Patreon! (or there’s always next year, my art will never be 100% exclusive! ^^)

Thanks for looking, love ya all! ♥♥♥

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More cowkini? More cowkini. I know I’m incredibly late to the party with this, started it back in Ja

More cowkini? More cowkini. I know I’m incredibly late to the party with this, started it back in January but due to health issues got it done only now ahah;;;

Cowkini is good, but classic milkmaid is also good! So why choosing when you can have both? And same can be applied to waifus tbh~
Who wants some moomoo milk~? ;3

(I can’t believe my first public SwSh fanart is…this lmao xD fullsize can be found on my Patreon! ♥)

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more Pokemon doodles! this illustrates some of my Leon headcanons - he’s trans, so jot that down, an

more Pokemon doodles! this illustrates some of my Leon headcanons - he’s trans, so jot that down, and he used his Gym Challenge as a starting point for his social transition. Before that he would dress in a sporty-cute kinda style. Also, he and Sonia have known each other since they were babies!

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Whole scene with sound

Ahhh, autumn The beautiful season of pumpkin carving, leaf watching and ditching your directionally-Ahhh, autumn The beautiful season of pumpkin carving, leaf watching and ditching your directionally-

Ahhh, autumn The beautiful season of pumpkin carving, leaf watching and ditching your directionally-challenged friends in corn mazes.

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