#prompt masterlist


OC Questions: Horror Movie Night Edition

Your OCs picked out a horror movie for movie night! Which OC:

  1. Is spooked but is still having a good time?
  2. Pretends to be brave but is actually terrified?
  3. Spills popcorn everywhere during a jumpscare?
  4. Laughs gleefully during the scary scenes?
  5. Is at least a little suspicious of the person laughing during the scary scenes?
  6. Hides or refuses to watch the movie, but still shows up at movie night to hang out with their friends?
  7. Pretends to be scared so their crush will put their arm around them and comfort them?
  8. Spends the entire movie talking about film trivia or special effects?
  9. Tries to spook the others by making a noise during a tense scene?
  10. Is covering their face for most of the movie but is sneaking peaks every once in a while?
  11. Brutally roasts the characters’ decisions and their archetypes?
  12. Is the best at predicting the plot based on just the box art?
  13. Is too scared to sleep alone afterwards and convinces the others to have a sleepover that night?