

It’s gonna be May

Peep that cute little May flower (that the April showers brought) growing out of the M.

Letter M comes from The true prophecies : or, Prognostications of Michael Nostradamus


Lucien’s (and Feyre’s) Powers

This theory relies somewhat on and mentions HOSAB spoilers, so proceed at your own risk! Also I apologize for the length but I couldn’t help myself.

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Reblogging to add a crack theory based on something discussed in @offtorivendell’s amazing post on Theia (credit for this research and line of thinking also goes to @wingedbloomsand@psychee92).

In Greek mythology, Theia had three children: Eos (the dawn), Selene (the moon), and Helios (the sun). Helena seems like she might represent Selene, the moon. We know Theia also had a second daughter—could she represent Eos, the dawn?

Of course, the question is whether Theia only had 2 children, or might she have had a third, a son. @offtorivendell theorizes in the post I linked above that the son might be Pelias, which is a fascinating theory. But I wonder if the son actually remained in Prythian, and if that son is the direct ancestor of Helion. I mean, this would make sense given Helion’s name. And it would also explain why Helion reacted to the mask’s presence how he did—it’s likely because his ancestor interacted with the mask 10,000+ years ago. So this would mean Helion and Lucien are direct descendants of Fionn and Theia and are starborn, and that Feyre has that starborn power in her veins from Helion as well.

Also interesting about this, of course, is the parallel to the Archeron sisters. Nesta has been described as the moon, and would thus be Helena’s heir. Elain has been described as the dawn, and would be the second daughter’s heir. And then of course we have Feyre, who is called a star, and whose light is bright white like Helion’s—the heir of the sun?

And would this mean that Theia’s children/heirs have essentially been reborn, either for the final battle against Koschei (to finally defeat him), or for the upcoming fight against the Asteri?
