#hosab spoilers

gwyns: my favorite ships:ariadne and tristan flynn— crescent city (2020 - ?)you sound like someone wgwyns: my favorite ships:ariadne and tristan flynn— crescent city (2020 - ?)you sound like someone w


my favorite ships:

ariadne and tristan flynn

— crescent city (2020 - ?)

you sound like someone who’s grown accustomed to his life being dull as dust.

you’ve been trapped inside a ring for the gods know how long,

what the hel do you know about anything?

Post link

Why does every books do the light/dark trope couples with the “dark” side being the man? Enough already.

And that’s why Lidia and Ruhn >>>


..ok I haven’t read the series and I don’t plan to lmao, but evidently Bryce met the inner circle? Can someone summarize what happened so I don’t have to read it

Is it to the point where it’ll affect the ACOTAR universe? Or does Bryce pop in and leave by the end of the book ‍♀️


Elain’smurky realm

Warning: Spoilers for ACOTAR, CC, and TOG series

When we learn about Elain’s sight, Feyre references a murky realm, where reality and dream seem to entwine in her sister’s mind:

Elain blinked and blinked, eyes clearing again. As if the understanding, our understanding … it freed her from whatever murky realm she’d been in.

Seer. The word clanged through me. She’d known. She’d warned Nesta about the Ravens. And in the chaos of the attack, that little realization had slipped from me. Slipped from me as reality and dream slipped and entwined for Elain.Seer.

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Reblogging to expand upon Elain’s seer powers and deer symbolism (which was also discussed in this lovely postby@juusworld5728):

The lovely fawn

Elain, which means fawn in Welsh, has been repeatedly compared to deer throughout the ACOTAR series (graceful as a doe,still as a doe,doe eyes peering at me,the lovely fawn). This may have been a connection Sarah planned all along, or, as she has said before for an unnamed character, she may have realized just how fitting it was the more she did her own research. Elain’s association with the natural world isn’t stagnant, of course, as I suspect that she is both a trembling fawn and fanged beast, but even that matches what I’ve found on deer.

Deer are born with a coat that helps them remain camouflaged, or hide in plain sight, from those who might prey upon them. They are associated with gentleness, intuition, serenity, and regeneration. These associations make sense for Elain: she surprises powerful characters with her unexpected appearance and is described as gentle,observant,calm, and wise. She is also often connected to symbols of hope and the future, including dawn and spring.

As in nature, deer are elusive and graceful creatures in mythology. In some cultures, they were even believed to be otherworldly messengers and led people on spiritual or sacred quests (and because we are often of the same mind, @offtorivendell has theorized for quite some time that Elain might be like the Greek goddess Iris, a messenger of the gods). Deer are closely connected to deities and sometimes even shift into goddesses. In other stories, they are by turns protective and vengeful, luring those who do harm to their own destructive ends. All of those connections—otherworldly messenger,shifting into a goddess or something other,being both protective and vengeful,luring—make sense for Elain and her role as a powerful seer. We’ve seen her act as a messenger, ask questions about changing form,protectandavenge, and draw others to her without seeming to try.

An otherworldly guide

Elain’s abilities as a seer allow her access to, and the power to convey, messages from beings that may be more powerful (the Mother) and/or beings in other realms. Interactions with otherworldly beings aren’t exclusive to ACOTAR. In TOG, we witness Elide summon Anneith, believed to be the goddess of wisdom and slow deaths, through prayer:

She whispered a short prayer to Anneith for wisdom, for guidance—andcould have sworn a warm hand brushed her brow as if in answer. It straightened her spine, lifted her chin.

This interaction in TOG eerily mimics the interaction between Nesta and what is suspected to be an otherworldly power, the Mother. This interaction is preceded by Elain taking Nesta’s hand and praying to the gods:

A hand slid into Nesta’s, and she found Elain there, shaking and wide-eyed. Nesta squeezed her sister’s fingers. Together, they approached the other side of the bed. And when Elain began praying to the Fae’s foreign gods, to their Mother, Nesta bowed her head, too.

Elain then pleads with Feyre to hold on, to wait:

But Death hovered nearby. Nesta felt it, saw it, a shadow thicker and more permanent than any of Azriel’s. Elain sobbed,squeezing Feyre’s hand,pleading with her to hold on..

An otherworldly presence enters the room and peers through Nesta’s glowing eyes with the three Trove objects. She is lovely,kind,sage, and warm. And she had been waiting for Nesta to act.

Alovely,kind female voice, sageandwarm,waiting for her all this time.

This gentle presence has a close relationship with the Cauldron, and prevents it from taking Nesta’s power entirely:

Yet Cassian could have sworn a luminescent,gentle hand prevented the light from leaving her body altogether.

But is this presence the Mother, an otherworldly being we’ve heard about but never witnessed before? Or an otherworldly guide with a respect for and connection to god-like beings? Amren clearly states that the Trove cannot be used upon Nesta or Elain because they were Made in the Cauldron:

“Like calls to like,” Amren countered. “You were Made by the Cauldron. You may track other objects Made by it as well, as Briallyn can. And because you are Made by it, you are immune to the influence and power of the Trove. You might use them, yes, but they cannot be used upon you.”A glance to Elain. “Either of you.”

In other words, Nesta’s use of the Trove would not have worked on Elain. In the first part of this original post, I wondered if Elain was channeling her own magic in this scene, still as a doe, rather than frozen in time. Forming a hand from magic is not exclusive to otherworldly beings, or what the fae believe to be gods; it’s something mighty fae can do as well (thanks to @offtorivendell for sharing this quote in her post and helping to spark this connection for me):

A few stars blinked into existence in Rhys’s eyes. Azriel muttered a prayer.

But Rhys took two steadying breaths and unspooled his power toward the massive sword, letting it lift the blade in star-flecked hands.

Neither are familiar, comforting voices that can be heard in Nesta’s (and others’ heads):

And then there had been another male voice in her mind, and this one had been familiar as well, and full of power. But it had been kind, in a way she had never heard the voice be to her, and it had eased her from the black pit of the dream, leading her with a star-flecked hand back to a land of drifting clouds and rolling hills under a bright moon. She had curled up on one of those hills, safe and guarded in the moonlight, and slept.

Rhysand is able to create a magical hand that embodies his night-bound power. He can manifest it to carry physical objects and lead his sister-in-law to safety within her mind. As a daemati, he is able to pry into someone’s mind and influence their behavior, which in this particular scene with Nesta involves comforting guidance. In HOSAB (CC2), Rigelus (Bright Hand) indicated mystics can also pry into minds and potentially influence others. If Elain possessed these mystic abilities, it would align with Amren’s comment about the sisters’ gifts matching Rhysand’s power:

Amren shook her head, hair swaying. “Nothing is a fluke. The Cauldron’s power flows through Nesta, and could use her as a puppet without her knowledge. It wanted those weapons Made, and thus they were Made. It wanted Rhysand to have them and thus the blacksmith brought them to you. To you, Rhysand, not to Nesta. And do not forget that Nesta herself—and Elain, with whatever powers she hasis here. Feyre is here. All three sisters blessed by fate and gifted with powers to match your own.

The gentle presence even seems to track where Nesta is at different points throughout the story (library, Oorid, manor), and cares a great deal about her well-being and success…just like Elain can track others and does whatever is required to help her family. I’d wager that voice and hand belong to our lovely fawn:

I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn,blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife.

Lovely,vibrant,luminous. After this serene moment, our lovely fawn then appears like a vengeful goddess out of the shadows and stabs the King of Hybern with a snarl before he could destroy Nesta. This Elain would not allow Feyre to die without a fight. She would find a way to do what was needed and lend a helping hand.


Lidia and Ruhn - Crescent City

Artist: @/jemlin_c for @prettygalpins



Forbidden secrets

This theory was written in honor of #elrielmonth and combines prompts from weeks 1-3. Okay, so week 3 might be a stretch but gardening on a grander scale is proposed and I think it counts. Spoilers for other Sarah J. Maas series, including TOG and CC.

Two Secret-Keepers

Sarah has talked about planting secrets for the next ACOTAR book, so naturally my mind turns to our notorious secret-keepers: Azriel, the spymaster, and Elain, the seer. Both are, as Sarah explicitly points out for us, skilled in the art of uncovering and keeping secrets.

Feyre smiled. “Elain was the only one who guessed. She caught me vomiting two mornings in a row.” She nodded toward Azriel. “I think she’s got you beat for secret-keeping.”

Azriel’s got no shortage of lovers, though, don’t worry. He’s better at keeping them secret than we are, but … he has them.”

On a Forbidden Adventure

Not only are both matched in secrecy, but they are also forbidden from doing what they want.

“Then go off on adventures,” Nesta said. “Go drink and fuck strangers. Butstay away from the Cauldron.”

Rhys bared his teeth. “So you will leave Elain alone. If you need to fuck someone, go to the pleasure hall and pay for it, butstay away from her.

But, you see, they have a tendency to challenge commands (even if that is a more recent development for Elain, I think it’s here to stay):

Elain remained in the doorway, her face pale but her expression harder than Nesta had ever seen it. “You do notdecide what I can and cannot do, Nesta.”

Youcan’torderme to do that.”

I believe these parallels are designed to set up an adventure for Azriel and Elain that involve the sacred sister peaks. Both Feyre and Nesta have overcome challenges in these mountains, so it would make sense for our spymaster and seer to continue this trend with a different kind of mission that suits their powers: together, they can explore and unearth the forbiddensecretsthat lie beneath the sacred peaks.

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Once again, @wingedblooms, your mind! I love the parallels you draw, and the way they all seem to flow perfectly, weaving in and out of each other.

Spoilers:for CC, TOG and ACOTAR books to date.

It seems interesting that the Middle is so frequently described with language that suggests it’s deVoid of life, when this sounds like a different sort of lifeform is present; perhaps one whose sustenance depends on the slow death of other beings, as you already suggested.

I had previously suggested that the mountains could not just contain underground palaces, but also be defunct or inactive portals to other worlds. What if the Middle is more than just a portal (UTM), but a possible former bastion of Hel in Prythian? Could the Illyrians have once guarded it, as well, before rejoining their people in what we currently know as the Night Court? Was this after they were confident that the placement of the Weaver, Koschei and the Bone Carver, in their respective prisons, would keep the portals drained and sealed?

The Middle is a place where wild magic still dwells and thrives and feeds. We respect it as its own entity, and do not wish to provoke its wrath by revealing its mysteries.”

As an aside, “slow deaths” reminds me of Anneith from TOG. Anneith, whose consort was Hellas, who in turn could very likely have once held a throne in Hel, or perhaps presided over all (assuming they are truly dead). This is admittedly an extremely vague and obscure connection, but what if the Middle is not only where Elain and Azriel’s hypothetical adventure - or even Elain’s own “wanderings” that her inner Sight grants her - will take them, or her, as you suggested, but what if they will wake up, and perhaps provoke, the wrathful entity/entities who live there?

The question is, given that the Asteri/Daglan, death gods and Hel princes have all been associated with the Void… will these beings be friend or foe?

* I wrote this jetlagged, so please forgive me for any glaring errors.

Great points, @offtorivendell. I emphasized the more hopeful side of Elain and Azriel’s adventures in the sacred peaks, but I agree with you. I think there’s a reason an ancient council forbid others from discovering the mysteries of the Middle and it could lead to more danger. Or it could be, as we’ve discussed before, that the mysteries are keeping the portals hidden and therefore, Prythian safe from an Asteri invasion.

As you are well aware (haha), I’ve been a little obsessed with the connections between the sacred trio (particularly the Cauldron), Void, and Elain’s powers, so it struck me that the sister peaks are described similarly. And that rather than building palaces on top, the Daglan created underground palaces—maybe another indication, like you said, of their association with Hel and/or Void. They remind me of parasites, actually, with the way they drank power from the land, such as sacred spaces like Oorid and the peaks (where they ruled). Like leeches latching onto and consuming the lifeblood of the earth until it dies and they need to find another source to feed from (as with the Asteri). It would make sense that their palaces would bear the deepest scars of their presence.

And you know I have wondered about Hel’s intentions, even though they appear to be allies. Are they trying to remove competition for a coveted food source (power/life), or is it just an old debt they want to settle? I’d like to think the fae and princes of Hel can be permanent allies, but we shall have to see.

Regardless of what is hidden beneath those peaks, and particularly in the Middle, I think Elain and Azriel will need to merge their powers to uncover it. Their powers center on secrecy, so this role makes the most sense for them. And understanding the events of the past, in my mind, is the key to not only protecting themselves from Asteri invasion and oppression, but also fully healing the land and beings who depend upon it. That is why they are gilded with the dawn and will be pivotal players in creating a more hopeful future.

So I’m rereading HOSAB for fanfic purposes, but I had completely forgotten that Bryce used her winnowing powers to poke Hunt in the butt. I will admit I laughed at that.

HOSAB Spoilers

One scene I want in the next book is for Cassian, Azriel and Rh/ys to be in the same room when they first meet Hunt Athalar and for Cassian to crack a joke about Hunt having the biggest wingspan.


Sometimes a family is a sassy half fae princess, a lightning powered angel of death, a soft emo frat boy princeling, his jock and nerd best friends, a himbo merman and a totally confused wolf pup

My two sentence, spoiler-free review of the Crescent City series by Sarah J. Maas:

Come for Quinlar. Stay for Ruhn Fucking Danaan.

(This post is spoiler free but no guarantee the notes will be so I’ll tag for spoilers just in case.)


‘’ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ’ᴍ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ,” ꜱʜᴇ ꜱᴀɪᴅ, ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴛʜɪᴄᴋ. “ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɢᴏᴏᴅɴᴇꜱꜱ ᴄᴀɴ ᴇxɪꜱᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ.”

The sketch I posted two days ago is finally done into thisssssss! Okay but Sarah has given us LITERAL forbidden romance, day/night aesthetic AND a badass female and a badass male! Also, the way these two care for each other is so beautiful

⚠️ You can use this art in edits, and shares, and also as a banner etc, just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE credit me!⚠️


Okay so not my regular post, but I just wanted to share how much I’ve improved since last year. The first image is February 2021 and the second one is February 2022–it’s mad that this time last year I was afraid of getting out of my comfort zone and drawing hands, drawing backgrounds, and now I love it so much!

Also, the fandom drama has been a lot to deal with, and I’m so glad it hasn’t stopped me from creating. Here’s to 2023 and how much I’m gonna improve before next year! Thank you so much for everything, and your support guys. It really means a lot to me ❤️‍


Ahhhh, I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH I’ll be posting the finished piece tomorrow! But for now, have a WIP ❣️



Okay so who’s here shipping Ruhn and Lidia like, A LOT???? This is literally my FAVOURITE ship in the whole of Crescent City and honestly? IM OBSESSED

Anyone know the ship name for these two? I’ve seen DayNight, NightBright, Ruhnlidia, Runhlia??? I don’t know, but either away you’ll be seeing A LOT of fan art of these two!

Just saw this theory on tiktok about where the Bone Carver, the Weaver, and Koschei might come from that’s blowing my mind, and I needed to share it here.

This would certainly connect Koschei to the crossover, and also potentially to the Library (the Library of Parthos, and the House of Wind’s library if it’s connected to the Library of Parthos).


Shadows, Siphons and Fog; has something happened in Velaris?

Please don’t screenshot or share this post without credit.

Disclaimer: the following post discusses a theory that, like all the rest, is simply my thoughts based on the text, and makes no claims of accuracy. TOG, CC (HOEAB and HOSAB) spoilers and content below so beware. Thanks to everyone who helped me think this through: @silverlinedeyes,@psychee92,@merymoonbeam,@wingedblooms,@icedflames and more.

Thanks to a massive lack of motivation to actually write up any theory whatsoever, this post has been in draft form since the spoilers were released; it essentially combines a crack theory about the origin of the Illyrians that I had last year with new (and very pertinent) information from CC HOSAB. Because of the crack theory, it’ll require a little back story to explain my thoughts, but to summarise: I have been wondering whether chapter 78 of HOSAB hints at some sort of disaster having hit Velaris by the time Bryce had arrived… and who is the chiefest and greatest of calamities in Prythian’s world?


But, back to the beginning. The crack theory:

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Hell(as), Dawn, and Elain Archeron; some thoughts

Spoilers: all CC, TOG and ACOTAR books to date.

I was looking up quotes to prove a point in a silly debate about Lorcan’s magic - as you do - and stumbled across a few gems that may be relevant.




Two things struck me at the same time.

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Crack Theory Time: Is Hellas Hunt’s Father?

Ok, so this one is truly a crack theory, but hear me out. Warning: there are ToG and Cc spoilers in this post, so don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled.

So I was talking to @offtorivendell and she showed me this quote from Kingdom of Ash after Aelin kills the gods:

The last line of this quote caught my eye: “is there a hell-realm whose throne now sits vacant?”

So we know from various ToG books and Hellas has his own realm. For example:


According to Rowan, Hellas and his consort Anneith traveled to the ToG world from another place:

Is it possible that Hellas split his time between two realms: Hel, which Aelin et al refer to as Hellas’s realm, and Erilea?

Was Hellas a prince of Hel?

So how does this connect to Hunt?

Well, when Bryce was talking to Apollion, he told her that Hunt was bred to be receptive to “our kind”—Hel demons.

Now, what blood might make Hunt receptive to Hel demons, able to track them, and able to more easily communicate or connect with them? The blood of a Hel prince, perhaps?

And in the epilogue of HOEAB, Aidas and Jesiba have this conversation:

Aidas says that Hunt’s father “would have been proud,” and he says to Jesiba, “you knew the male best.” This to me implies Hunt’s father is dead. Like Hellas is dead now…

What if Hellas traveled to Erilea to watch over it and protect it from the Asteri as part of the rebellion/Intergalactic Asteri Fighting Team™️ (cc @merymoonbeam)? If Hellas was watching over Erilea as part of the IAFT, that explains why Aidas says Jesiba knew him best.

And finally, when Aidas meets Hunt for the first time, this fascinating exchange occurs:

Aidas recognizes some power in Hunt that truly surprises him, and he then asks what Hunt is doing with a black crown on his head. Is it possible that Aidas recognizes here that Hunt is the child of a Hel prince, and the black crown reference is related to that?

And finally, at the end of this passage, Aidas tells Bryce and Hunt that Hel is another realm bound to Midgard by a ripple in space and time. Why couldn’t it be bound similarly to Erilea as well?

So is it possible that Hellas was a Prince of Hel that was somehow bred with an angel by the Asteri to create Hunt? And like Aidas travels to Midgard and seems to watch over it, Hellas did the same with Erilea until Aelin killed him? I’m not sure how the Asteri would have gotten hold of him to breed him with Hunt’s mother and then how Hellas would have somehow gotten free again (maybe the Asteri tortured and then released him to avoid war with Hel? Or maybe someone helped him escape?), but it’s interesting to think about….


Lucien’s (and Feyre’s) Powers

This theory relies somewhat on and mentions HOSAB spoilers, so proceed at your own risk! Also I apologize for the length but I couldn’t help myself.

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Reblogging to add a crack theory based on something discussed in @offtorivendell’s amazing post on Theia (credit for this research and line of thinking also goes to @wingedbloomsand@psychee92).

In Greek mythology, Theia had three children: Eos (the dawn), Selene (the moon), and Helios (the sun). Helena seems like she might represent Selene, the moon. We know Theia also had a second daughter—could she represent Eos, the dawn?

Of course, the question is whether Theia only had 2 children, or might she have had a third, a son. @offtorivendell theorizes in the post I linked above that the son might be Pelias, which is a fascinating theory. But I wonder if the son actually remained in Prythian, and if that son is the direct ancestor of Helion. I mean, this would make sense given Helion’s name. And it would also explain why Helion reacted to the mask’s presence how he did—it’s likely because his ancestor interacted with the mask 10,000+ years ago. So this would mean Helion and Lucien are direct descendants of Fionn and Theia and are starborn, and that Feyre has that starborn power in her veins from Helion as well.

Also interesting about this, of course, is the parallel to the Archeron sisters. Nesta has been described as the moon, and would thus be Helena’s heir. Elain has been described as the dawn, and would be the second daughter’s heir. And then of course we have Feyre, who is called a star, and whose light is bright white like Helion’s—the heir of the sun?

And would this mean that Theia’s children/heirs have essentially been reborn, either for the final battle against Koschei (to finally defeat him), or for the upcoming fight against the Asteri?



Elain’s Powers

Again, this is based on HOSAB spoilers, so don’t look beyond the read more if you don’t want to be spoiled!

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I was thinking about this lovely post you wrote @silverlinedeyes and remembered this language that might be another clue for Elain’s role (HOSAB spoilers below):

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I am only at chapter 17 but I saw some spoilers and am now not sure about something, the Asteri. I saw someone say they are like alien parasites and I don’t know how to feel about that :/ I am not really into all this being turned into some Sci Fy. I hope she doesn’t turn Acotar world and especialy Tog world into some modern day society worlds. I love fantasy and all this mixing of her worlds is just making me feel scared she will ruin the fantasy feel of Tog and Acotar I really wish she doesn’t bring Tog characters into CC storyline or touch it, it’s perfect the way it ended no need to touch it just to have some fan service cameos.

It’s funny to see the shift from people being convinced Bryce’s mate is Aidas to Bryce’s mate being Azriel.

Like guys.

Come on now.

You’re better than this.

A Court of Silver Flames and House of Sky and Breath

SJM has confirmed that the ending of HOSAB has been planned from the beginning. Hence, whilst writing ACOSF, there is no way this mention of Merrill, and by default Gwyn, researching the connections between all their worlds is just a coincidence.

So, surely, we’ll get Merrill and Gwyn heavily featured in the crossover portion of CC3, helping Bryce find her way to Hel and helping understand the reach of the Asteri.

Not to mention, there are at least 8 volumes of books pertaining to ‘The Great War,’ which is 8 potential volumes worth of history on the Asteri and their role in Prythian.


If you’re looking for the House of Sky and Breath bonus chapters, I have all three up in my stories (and saved to my highlights) on my Instagram, house.of.hurricane.

Please credit me (with a link to either my Instagram or this account) if you repost. Thanks!

Of all the things I considered happening in the fandom from the release of House of Sky and Breath, the (ever) igniting battle between Gwynriel and Elriel shippers wasn’t one of them


KoA ch.90

And when they were alone on the silent battlefield, Manon’s great-grandmother put a hand on her shoulder and said quietly, her voice somehow distant, “Be the bridge, be the light. When iron melts, when flowers spring from fields of blood—let the land be witness, and return home.”

Manon didn’t hear the words. Didn’t notice when even Glennis returned to the city looming at her back.

For hours, Manon knelt on the battlefield, Abraxos at her side. As if she might stay with them, her Thirteen, for a little while longer.

And far away, across the snow-covered mountains, on a barren plain before the ruins of a once-great city, a flower began to bloom.

@alwayssara thank you for bringing this passage to my attention, and I’m sorry for saving this as a draft, then burying it under about ten others for a month.

“Be the bridge”

  • Feyre and Rhys’ bond bridge of adamant.
  • The only bridge of connection, that knife - Elriel and Truth-Teller.

“Be the light”

  • Could the Archeron sisters be Starborn fae, and each represent a different form of light (hereandhere)?
  • Other characters probably descend from the Starborn fae, too, such as Helion and Rhys.

“When iron melts”

  • “If Elain was a blooming flower in this army camp, then Nesta … she was a freshly forged sword, waiting to draw blood.” - ACOWAR, chapter 51
  • Nesta forged and Made her own weapons trove, and became a Valkyrie/warrior, in ACOSF.

“When flowers spring from fields of mud”

  • Elain possibly has some sort of life/rebirth or plant-based powers.
  • “Elain was just blinking, wide-eyed, at the camp. The army. Devlon let out a grunt at the sight of her. But Elain wrapped her own blue cloak around herself, averting her eyes from all of those towering, muscled warriors, the army camp bustling toward the horizon … She was a rose bloom in a mud field. Filled with galloping horses.” - ACOWAR, chapter 51

“Let the land be witness”

  • Elain’s doe eyes peered across the world to See the Suriel, but how? Through the murky, shadow realm, or can she also use the land?
  • “This time, you sent the trembling fawn to find me. I did not expect to see those doe-eyes peering at me from across the world.” - ACOWAR, chapter 58
  • The Prison mountain has eyes and ears, but to whom does it report?

“And return home”

  • “When knife and sword are reunited, so shall our people be.” - HOSAB, chapter 23
  • The Dusk Court and the Starborn / Avallen fae.

“And far away, across the snow-covered mountains,on a barren plain before the ruins of a once-great city, a flower began to bloom”

  • Obviously this sentence is referring to the Western Wastes, but could it also be indirectly referring to the Mother’s (Urd’s?) strength returning across all of the worlds, providing much needed balance between forces?
  • The Prison island, Ramiel and the mountain in the Middle are barren, each with tunnels hewn into their depths. Were these ancient cities?

There’s almost certainly more going on, but I can’t think of it off the top of my head, and this post has been languishing in drafts for too long now. I don’t know, it’s probably not a coincidence that so many similar themes are being repeated throughout ACOTAR, CC and TOG, especially after HOSAB confirmed that the extent of the crossover would be significant.

I’m going to tag @wingedblooms in this post, too, because I know she’ll have thoughts to contribute.

Elriel coded PLEASEEE—

Will other universes come together to help the IC in the war that we’ve been hinted towards?

CC2 spoilers ahead

Listen, with all the spoilers we’ve been getting, and reading all your wonderful posts and theories, I’ve gotten so excited. I’ve read some of you saying that by the time Bryce comes to Prythian, perhaps Azriel already lost his shadows and he and Elain already faced Koschei, and I’m not trying to discredit that, because I haven’t read Cc1 OR the full leaked content so I wouldn’t know for sure BUT… I’m here thinking, What if Bryce and the IC discovering there are different universes (or whatever multiverse madness SJM unleashed in KoA) will lead to them getting the amount of people they need to beat Koschei in the war??? (Possibly even getting help from Aelin and her cadre, too???)

We’re all excited to see how Elriel will fit into beating Koschei, but I think it’s important we remember that he is a death-lord and immortal. Beating him and getting the fourth trove won’t be easy. In fact, I would be disappointed if it’s done by the end of Acotar 5. The way SJM has been selling this koschei business is that they’re doomed.LikeALL Prythian is doomed. Let’s start at the beginning:

We have been told Koschei is invincible. Literally immortal. And he is powerful. He is also aware of the three dread-troves and more, which he needs to free himself from the lake.

That’s why he had his alliance with Bryallyn, who was NOT tied to a lake, and through her, to Beron, who is constantly trying to incite war with anyone because he is greedy and petty.

Those two alliances were stated to be dangerous in the first place already:

Which is how the IC got to the whole discussion of Rhys being High-King to unite the courts and lead them towards war. To which, we know, Rhys said no.

And HERE is where Az says:

Which is what inevitably leads me to think that Bryce and the IC discovering there is a multiverse and how to travel through it, could potentially—in my head, most certainly, since SJM has already multiple times told us about Aelin falling through the kingdoms and seeing the Cc and Acotar universes and now THIS—lead to these universes and characters we love so much coming together to beat the immortal koschei and fight the war against him, Montesere, Vallahan, (possibly, most likely) Rask, and Beron.

It just would make a lot more sense to me to bring a punch like this in the last Acotar book, since beating Koschei sounds so improbable. And also it would make us lose our minds to have that kind of cross-over!

hello who would like to chat to me about HOSAB spoilers… i need to talk to someone about this i can’t stop thinking.


HOSAB was good, great, fantastic and all of that bUT let’s make one thing fucking clear, Bryce Adelaide Quinlan: Nesta is not pretty. She is drop dead gorgeous. A literal living goddess. Nothing less.

they’re meant to be friends! SJM don’t let me down‍


Give me Nesta, Bryce, Cassian and Hunt teaming up or give me death.

nesta and bryce are literally binary stars. i beg i beg
