#pup talk




Here’s a question I want to ask the plushblr community: Do you prefer your plush to be tagged or untagged?

It depends. I ALWAYS take off the cardboard tag so I can cuddle BUT I like to keep the fabric tag to write their name on. The exception is if the fabric tags are huge and there are multiple of them. If there’s like a stack of tags sewn on I will remove all except the one with the brand name

oooh i always take the plasticy/cardboard tags off hehe. maximum cuddles needed for all of them.. i think the only time i leave them on is when they’re like, supposed to be displayed like those plush that have a lot of detail! i don’t personally care about the “value” or rarity, i just wanna snuggle :3

A Guide to Buying Jellycats Online!

since Jellycat is getting more popular i wanted to help out a little bit in giving some reliable, safe, and typically well-stocked stores that you can buy from!

(**note that this is exclusive to the US as I am unsure of any UK/Australian/etc stores and have not bought from those. if you live in these places and want to provide some good stores as well, feel free to add!**)

the Jellycat official website (cheaper shipping is rather slow though to the US since they ship from the UK so be aware of that!)

Lil’ Tulips (i’ve had amazing experiences with them! fast shipping and they always send a little extra treat with your purchase)

The Natural Baby Co. (this store is who i’ve ordered from the most as they are always more stocked than the others!)

Nini and Loli (i’ve only ordered from them once so far but they have a lot of cute options that i didn’t expect, they also shipped really fast!)

all of these websites are easy to use as well, and even carry some retired designs that aren’t on the official website :•) happy shopping! i hope you find who you’re looking for!


it really makes my day whenever i see someone in public with a stuffed animal. the simple fact that someone else cares about a little plushie so much to bring them everywhere always warms my heart. does it have a name, a backstory? i get to see a peek inside this person’s world… that’s so wonderful!

i usually don’t post text posts.. but tomorrow is my birthday and im really excited to show you guys the jellycats i got for it ✨ :3 stay tuned

am i the only one who kind of likes it when a plushie/stuffie is kind of… off looking?

nothing too wild, but having like, an eye be a little more crooked than the other or the more well-loved plush with matted fur or a dirty nose.. maybe their head is tilted and floppy… yeah. that’s the good stuff.

id love to see your plushie friends, odd or not :•)
