


i miss my old puppyshipping/ violetshipping art era,,,

(older art)

i feel like my newer style doesn’t capture how pretty jonouchi actually is? kaiba looks sm better slay king

(more recent art)

Drawing a boy relaxing getting the feel of drawing Joey again is really relaxing for me.

I’m in love with this dork y'all. I love drawing him so much.

Seto Kaiba dreaming about kissing this beautiful man and I don’t blame him.

Hi here’s some puppyshipping cause I’m back into children’s card games,like I ever left XD, and even tho I multi ship this show these guys are my otp

Angst is my jam so here some DSOD sad with Joey and Kaiba in a relationship already but the need to beat the Atem consumes Kaiba and he leaves without even telling Joey, coming back 4years later to a pissed off / hardened heart blonde…..then Kaiba works his ass off to get Joey back to the smiling idiot he left. Will draw more of this and than a happy ending if y’all are interested.

“A Call Home from Tokyo.”

Wanted to practice my painting and i really like how this came out!!! I also am getting more confident about my digital painting without dark lineart.



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海いけなかったな ☔︎

海いけなかったな ☔︎

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You don’t need a friend’s strength, is that it? Heh…that sounds just like how I used to think awhile

You don’t need a friend’s strength, is that it? Heh…that sounds just like how I used to think awhile back.

I really love how, despite how much they fight and oppose each other, they actually have quite a lot of similarities in terms of how they’re presented in the series, especially with regards to their main monsters of choice and their love for their younger siblings. It makes their relationship very interesting.

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