#python reticulatus


Ivo: Is not going to hesitate to take the food. Use 24″ hemostats in case she misses. (She has missed before and bitten the tongs, realized that’s not the rat, and gone back of her own accord to find the rat. Be safe!)

Newdle (Working Title): Is cautiously investigative of the food. Hisses a lot at all things. Once he realizes that food is present, he will gently take the food from the tongs.

Matilda: I used to have to set her food in her enclosure and wait for her to find it, but now she’ll feed from tongs! She’s a very dependable eater.

Shoelace™: Has already become aware that there is food in the area, and is standing at the top of the enclosure waiting for you to open the door and give her the food. INCREDIBLY FOOD MOTIVATED. Not too strikey though, thankfully. Holds her food and waits until you’re done feeding the other snakes before actually eating it, so I often feed her last. When she’s done eating, she cruises around looking for more food no matter HOW big her meal was… please calm down???

Neku: Generally a reliable feeder. Usually drags the food back into his favorite tube to eat in solitude. (Solitube…)

Joshua: Is scared of all food over a certain size………. can be a problem feeder. Often mock-strikes to try and make the food go away. Once he actually bites it and realizes that it is, in fact, food, you’re usually good to go…

Lucy: Is there, waiting for the food from out of a hide, blep blep i’m heckin hunger. Has an insane strike when she takes her food, often prompts calls of “that’s my girl!” 

Worm: Does not feed from tongs. I have to lay her food under a hide and wait for her to find them. I put the food in the same place every time, so she usually does! She’s going to go off food soon, she doesn’t eat during the winter.

Orange Juice: …I often have to unbury her head and tap her with the food for her to know it’s there… she usually finds it on her own when I leave it in there, but other times she just misses a week of food, and I hate that, so I just… present her with the food. She’s doing her best…

i thought of one more benefit to bins over glass enclosures and even custom-built ones- but it mostly applies to larger snakes:

when your lovable linguine destroys her whole entire house during bathroom day, a bin’s light enough for you to haul the goddamn thing out in the yard to spray out with a hose (or at least into the bathroom to spray out in the shower!)

it is the small luxuries that i appreciate most…

Before you bring home a snake that will get substantially sized, really consider how much poop you are willing to deal with.

This post sponsored by Ivo, who decided that the bed was the exact proper place to go to the bathroom today during Cleaning Time. Thank you Ivo for your contributions!

me: takes the big spaghetti out for a walk
ivo: goes back to sleep on the bed

got the laziest retic out there folks

Truly impossible to capture how beautiful her eyes areTruly impossible to capture how beautiful her eyes are

Truly impossible to capture how beautiful her eyes are

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