#snakes of tumblr

LOOKING FOR REPTILE OWNERS To provide photo references for models, will be credited for helping withLOOKING FOR REPTILE OWNERS To provide photo references for models, will be credited for helping with

LOOKING FOR REPTILE OWNERS To provide photo references for models, will be credited for helping with the base model as well as paid, either in money or with a discount/free commission on the base you help with.

After the pain that was trying to sculpt the Corn Snake without proper refs I’m going to treat this more like a business deal. With the help of my S/O I got some example pictures of Brood, my ball python, to use as a guide for any snake references. I will also need geckos and lizards but unfortunately don’t have my own to take example photos.


I am only looking for people who can provide clear, crisp and close up photos with good lighting and ideally with out much noise in the background. I wont be using your photos outside of referencing, I also wont be copying exactly, they will be guides, but I WILL credit you for your help with the base model. For anyone interested I would ask you to contact me with an example of the quality of photo you would provide and if it meets my needs we can discuss further terms of the deal i.e. payment/free commission etc.

If you have any questions please ask! Also here is a photo of my 3D modeled Corn Snake that I just finished, and this was without proper references (was a complete nightmare >.<) Any reblogs are super appreciated <3 

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 Finally, the first model in my ‘High Realism’ series is finished! Learned a lot, especi Finally, the first model in my ‘High Realism’ series is finished! Learned a lot, especi Finally, the first model in my ‘High Realism’ series is finished! Learned a lot, especi Finally, the first model in my ‘High Realism’ series is finished! Learned a lot, especi

Finally, the first model in my ‘High Realism’ series is finished! Learned a lot, especially since it was only my second ever Zbrush sculpt x.x. Test print will be on Tuesday, if it passes I’ll paint up a few for examples. Next models are Blood Python and Carpet Python.

Pictured in both Jelly Bean Material and the Standard MatGrey. Model is posable.

Polypaint on eyes, nostrils, mouth only.

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Space Snake Sale Tomorrow!

Listing go live for these cuties TOMORROW at 1pm EST. They will be $80usd each, shipping to Canada and USA is included.

Do you have a favorite?

*Sales go to paying off vet bills and for a taxidermist.*
I’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I cI’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I cI’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I cI’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I cI’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I cI’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I cI’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I cI’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I cI’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I cI’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I c

I’m having a sale on Wednesday of everything pictured above to offset $1300 in vet bills so that I can afford any further testing going forward. Any and all support, whether purchasing or sharing is greatly appreciated.

I unfortunately CANNOT guarantee arrival by Christmas so please note that before purchasing. 

Prices will be listed below. I will be posting a countdown to my stories on Instagram and most likely Twitter so I will link those below as well if you are interested in being notified the moment my shop goes live.

Prices are in USD. Shipping within Canada and to the USA is included in the price. If you are outside of CAD/USA please message me prior to Wednesday for a shipping quote. 

Axanthic Pieds (Bottom Row, Right) - $70USD each
Normal Pieds (Top Row, Left) - $70USD each
Banana Pieds (Second and Fourth rows, Left) - $70 USD each
Banana Paradox Pied (Fourth Row, Right) - $80 USD
Scarecrow (Banana Batman, Second Row, Right) - $75USD
 GHI Mojave YB Wookie Clown Poss Spotnose (Top row, Right) - $85USD
OD GHI Freeway (Third Row, Right) - $90USD
Banana Mardigras (Third Row, Left) - $75USD
Galaxy Ball Python (Bottom row Left) - $80USD



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Are you a Pied fan or do you prefer solid patterned animals?

Still painting stuff up for the upcoming sale.

More noodles cause you can never have enough!

Working on some premades for a little sale to offset some vet bills. Any in particular catch your eye? Lots of Pieds and a few neat combos!

Ember the Champagne Mojave!

Slowly working through some of the backlog. This is Ember who also belongs to Nattflix_ on IG

Sunny the Sulfur Ball Python

Owned by Nattflix_ on IG

Nothing major, I don’t think, but we’re going to the vet today (several hours away but that’s the closest one in rural hell) to get him checked out and do a fecal float. The nature of his illness pertains to the contents of his stool, but trust me friends, you do not want details. 

I’ll post an update when I get home.

i thought of one more benefit to bins over glass enclosures and even custom-built ones- but it mostly applies to larger snakes:

when your lovable linguine destroys her whole entire house during bathroom day, a bin’s light enough for you to haul the goddamn thing out in the yard to spray out with a hose (or at least into the bathroom to spray out in the shower!)

it is the small luxuries that i appreciate most…

I’ve not posted one of my quarantine bins before I don’t think! This is where the Newdle currently l

I’ve not posted one of my quarantine bins before I don’t think! This is where the Newdle currently lives – it’s austere, but it serves his needs while allowing me to monitor his health. As far as quarantine goes, my goals are to suit the inhabitant first, and to do it in such a way that can be sterilized clean and easily monitored for things like mites second. If you’re crafty, you can do both without compromising either goal. Prettiness can come later – quarantine’s a time for pure function!

This is a long ramble, so I’m putting this under a read-more!

To start this off,  since I know a lot of people dislike bins, I’ll go into why I personally am using one in this specific scenario. For most snakes (as I can only speak from a snake perspective here,) I generally prefer them to the big glass enclosures you see at most pet stores; nice as they are, they’re expensive, fragile, and have to be modified to hold humidity and heat – and because of their weight and the aforementioned fragility, cleaning them is like punching yourself in the face. Mites can hide in the crevices of the glass that are incredibly hard to get into, as well, which is far from ideal for quarantine in my opinion! While they have their uses, and I do own a fair few of them, overall I’m gonna go for a bin in most cases for my snakes – but especially if humidity is a concern, as bins hold humidity overwhelmingly better than unmodified glass aquariums. (It’s also worth mentioning that there are also custom-made enclosures that are the best of both worlds, and generally those are the best option to go with overall – but the cost can be prohibitive, especially if you gotta ship freight.)

That was The Bin Manifesto. Now to the actual enclosure!

First things first, he’s being housed on kitchen roll. Mites show up great on white paper, and it’s a cheap and easily replaced medium for lining the bottom of the bin. (It’s not great for humidity purposes, however, so I mist as needed to make sure it doesn’t dry out too much.) Cleaning is a breeze, just replace it all, clean out the bin, put it all together again, and you’re golden! After quarantine, I’ll move this fellow onto a humidity-friendly substrate, probably orchid bark with pillow moss.

(Unseen but important! Underneath the kitchen roll is a temperature probe that regulates how hot the undertank heater is allowed to get! This makes sure that the heater I’m using is safe for my friend here! Never skimp on the thermostat/rheostat folks!)

Next, the green hide is on the warm side. The hide itself is uhh, this plastic bit made for guinea pigs and other large rodents… it’s huge and cheap and I LOVE THEM because I can spray them down no matter WHAT happens to them. Ivo has one too! She wedges herself up in there and feels nice and tight and secure. They’re only like 9 dollars, and I literally have not found anything better not named “PVC pipe” for large snake hides. It’s not the most decorative, but it does the job fantastically.

Further on, there’s a shelf for climbing since this is a semi-arboreal species. It’s sturdy and very cheap and you can get them in the Big Lots for about 3 dollars, and I use them for anything that likes to climb in quarantine because they can be sprayed down and sterilized – which, again, is the goal here. Sanitation! They’re not the comfiest thing, admittedly, but they’ll do the job until I clear this fellow for some of my driftwood.

(Speaking of: enclosure wood is expensive. Terribly so. But it’s because it takes such a ton of work to prepare the wood – me sitting on my back porch at the picnic table with a power sander, a saw, and a lot of profanity for several hours = one (1) appropriate piece of wood for an enclosure. It’s worth the money for someone else to save you the labor if you can afford it, trust me. I would kill a man for a sandblaster.)

On top of that shelf, we have the second hide. It’s a moist hide full of damp sphagnum moss that he likes to wedge himself into. Moist hides help raise the ambient humidity in an enclosure, and he can curl up in there whenever he likes – but I also mist a time or two to help keep the humidity up, if I need to.The way I drilled the holes into the bin ensures that humidity doesn’t escape too fast (and that the air won’t stagnate, either,) so I usually don’t have to mist too often!

But… yes, that’s a bit on the setup that the Newdle’s currently living in. It’s clean, efficient, adequate, and roomy – and for this fellow, it’s a good fit. At the end of the day the best enclosure is the one that meets in the center of the Venn Diagram between cleanliness and husbandry, and that can vary wildly from animal to animal – so I don’t endorse this as a one-size-fits-all solution, it’s simply how I’m doing things over here!

Thank you for reading!

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That face! My child! Lucy’s getting so big! A precious daughter! A sweet loop! A baby!Bonus under th

That face! My child! Lucy’s getting so big! A precious daughter! A sweet loop! A baby!

Bonus under the cut!

God she’s even funnier out of focus.

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This is the Newdle (working title) and he likes to wedge himself into containers. He’s a Dominican R

This is the Newdle (working title) and he likes to wedge himself into containers. He’s a Dominican Red Mountain Boa, and I’ll do a writeup of what that means…eventually. He’s got a huge personality and I love him with my whole heart. friend!!!!

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i love taking matilda out. she’s very much a shoulder snake and i always feel like i’ve had a massage by the time she’s back in her home.

Before you bring home a snake that will get substantially sized, really consider how much poop you are willing to deal with.

This post sponsored by Ivo, who decided that the bed was the exact proper place to go to the bathroom today during Cleaning Time. Thank you Ivo for your contributions!

With tumblr imploding, I have no idea where to move to now. Anyone have any suggestions for where to move this blog?
