#q away on vacation



length: twoshot

word count: 3565

rating: T

author’s summary:

Jimin meets his soul mate and learns a valuable lesson about letting go.

read it on ao3

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length: oneshot

word count: 8043

rating: T

part of the series two hundred percent

author’s summary:

Yoongi really hopes the new neighbour doesn’t hate them. It’s not exactly quiet, a household of two twenty-something year old males, but throwing a three year old girl into the equation makes for a whole different level of noise.

Or, basically, kidfic, where Yoongi and his daughter live with Namjoon, and Jimin moves next door.

read it on ao3

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length: oneshot

word count: 2180

rating: PG

author’s summary:

yoongi sometimes thinks about jimin.

read it on ao3

don’t forget to leave kudos & comments on the work!


Title: Love at First Sigh
AO3 Link:http://archiveofourown.org/works/4187631
AFF Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/974273/love-at-first-sigh-yoonmin

Written for and with the help of aebaesandsugainmycoffee

8tracks playlist of songs mentioned: http://8tracks.com/dangnamja/first-sigh
