#qorbyn branwen



Qorbyn being so overwhelmed with everything that’s happened once the gang gets to Vacuo and everything even before Atlas, since she’s had absolutely no time to cope or process everything and has essentially been playing feeling fixer and problem solver for everyone, that she loses her cool at Oz.

She finally remembers what happened at beacon after going a long time with amnesia, and Oz scolds her for going down into the vault after he asked her not to. He starts on his self deprecating thing about how he’s not worth Qorbyn’s life and she just, loses her cool.

Gives him a swift slap across the face and tells him that just because he doesn’t care about himself, that doesn’t mean that the people around him feel the same, and it’s so unbelievably unreasonable for him to ask her to not care or love her own father. The man who had been there for her through everything.

Because Ozpin will always be her dad before he is ever another incarnation of Ozma.

Ofc, she gets mad at herself for slapping Oz since she hurt him and soon after runs off into the Vacuo desert by herself to go think and to possibly get herself killed because that’s just how she’s feeling at that point. She does get found by someone eventually and they help her out but for now she just needs some time alone

Still thinking about this.

Specifically about how Qorbyn views Ozpin.

Qorbyn gets so fucking offended when people don’t see Ozpin as, well, Ozpin.

And they just see him as Ozma and only Ozma.

To Qorbyn, Ozma and Ozpin are two separate people. Some days her dad acts more like Ozma, but sometimes he acts like Ozpin. And she’s completely used to and okay with it.

Ozpin is her dad, and will alwaysbeher dad before he is EVER anything else. Headmaster, councilman, teacher, Ozma incarnation, anything.

Qorbyn loves all of the incarnations, but Ozpin is still her dad, merged or not. And to see not just other people, but himself, perceive him as the same person as all the other incarnations, upsets her.

It’s dehumanizing him to her, making him out to be, not a person whose flawed, but some higher being that’s supposed to have all the answers.

That’s why Qorbyn gets upset with l Oz when he goes on his self hatred rant to her because she wanted to help him down in the vault. Because it’s exactly what the world did to her but to a more extreme degree.

The expectation to be perfect, to prove everyone wrong, to be strong.

The world going out of its way to fuck up not just Oz’s, but also Qorbyn, Qrow, and Olivia’s lives.

But it’s also all of Qorbyn’s personal repressed feelings and trauma that come out in that moment. Because for once Qorbyn isn’t passive about what happened to her. She’s angry, she wants justice, justice for her dads, justice for her sister, justice for the childhood that was so selfishly ripped from her all because of something she couldn’t even help.

And she’s even angrier at herself when she smacks Oz and runs off, because she knows Oz didn’t deserve that, didn’t deserve to be hurt, but she was just caught up in the moment. And here she is, running away, playing victim again when she fucked up. Leaving the people who need her the most right now.

But she also needs someone to be there for her, and she needs someone outside of her family to help, someone who she isn’t afraid of failing. And she gets that, out in the Vacuan desert.


Vendetta of the Empty: Tales of The Remnant Heirs

Chapter 7: I Can’t Be A…


Qorbyn was fine with attending beacon, with being on a team.

But will she be fine when she’s appointed to team leader by her own father?

Hello! I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 7 (Technically 8) of Vendetta of The Empty!

Life has been pretty wild recently, and I found out I’ve got some nasty extended family and some nasty health problems. So things might be a bit more slow for the time being.

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Make sure to leave a comment and some kudos!

(Banner is made by the lovely @did-i-do-this-write)


Qorbyn doing some before training stretches.

So fun fact about Qorbyn, she’s actually an Acrobatic and body contortionist. So she’s able to flex herself into these painful looking positions without actually hurting herself.

Qorbyn’s fighting style involves, dodging, disabling, disorienting, disarming, diverting, acrobatics, agility, and resourcefulness. Being able to use her surroundings to her advantage and confusing the enemy while ensuring her safety is how Qorbyn fights.


Ozqrow week, Day 4: Beach Episode/Hot Springs

Just a silly little doodle of Ozpin and Qrow’s different types of parenting with Olivia and Qorbyn, my Cloqwork fankids



Vendetta of the Empty, Tales of the Remnant Heirs, Chapter 8: First Semester


Qorbyn’s first semester was the happiest she’s ever been, but what will happen when second semester starts with a bleak arrival?

Hey all! Don’t worry, I’m not forgetting about Vendetta as I work on Ozqrow week!

I hope you all enjoy chapter 8 (technically 9) of Vendetta of the Empty! Make sure to leave a kudos and comment if you haven’t already

I hope you all have a lovely day and do something that makes you happy!

(Banner is made by the incredible and lovely @did-i-do-this-write)


Vendetta of the Empty, Tales of the Remnant Heirs, Chapter 8: First Semester


Qorbyn’s first semester was the happiest she’s ever been, but what will happen when second semester starts with a bleak arrival?

Hey all! Don’t worry, I’m not forgetting about Vendetta as I work on Ozqrow week!

I hope you all enjoy chapter 8 (technically 9) of Vendetta of the Empty! Make sure to leave a kudos and comment if you haven’t already

I hope you all have a lovely day and do something that makes you happy!

(Banner is made by the incredible and lovely @did-i-do-this-write)


Timeline of Qorbyn’s outfits and appearances

I have yet to design her adult outfit but it’s alright :)
