#qpr shippining



oh!! this is a bit of a random post, but I’m seeing qp shipping take off a bit more, so just a little note for anyone new to the terminology!

qp - stands for queerplatonic/quasiplatonic!

qpr(s) - queerplatonic relationship/relationships!

qpp(s) - queerplatonic partner/partners!

squish - sort of like a crush, but platonic instead! the terms exact meaning has fluctuated over time, so sometimes this might refer to platonic feelings in a non qp way (friends and not a qp relationship) but sometimes this might be how someone refers to the attraction they feel that makes them want to pursue a qpr!

for example, I have a squish on someone! I’d like to be in a qpr with them, and then we would be qpps!

qprs are a lot more subjective in definition than romantic relationships tend to be! as long as the relationship isn’t romantic/isn’t fully romantic, you can call it a qpr, so play around with your qp dynamics in shipping! have fun and I’m so glad this is starting to take off more!!!

Wanna just add a little more vocab!

Plush - Like a squish, but instead of it being platonic feelings in general, it’s specifically a desire for a qpr with someone. Not as widely circulated as squish and a much newer term, but more specific if you wanna go for that.

Zucchini - A relatively outdated term for a QPP, but you’ll still hear some aros (especially older aros) use it to refer to their QPP, and tbh I think we should bring it back. It was cute af.

I’m also not entireeely sure squish’s meaning has fluctuated? As far back as I can remember it’s always been used in a general way, I think the only real change is that some people use squish to not refer to qp attraction/desire now that plush exists as a term? But even then I think that’s a minority as it’s not as widely circulated. Don’t quote me on that though, because I’m too tired to go digging up on history at the moment.
