

My man Quackity :) he’s underrated and needs more love

Happy New Years! Have a DSMP Doodle Dump :)

Also, bbh quotes are criminally underrated

DSMP doodles from last week (ft. Selectively Mute Ghostbur :) )

I posted these on Insta like 5 days ago and didn’t even realize I didn’t put them here

“Couples Therapy”

Quackity streams are consistently unhinged and I am 100% on board.


Summary:Little bullet points on life with Quackity while sick! (I will be using his real name in this).

TW: mentions of illnesses and not eating during them

A/N: this is also up on my Wattpad :)

- Alex is the biggest softie when it comes to taking care of you

- He mainly prides himself on his cooking abilities and understanding of what you need in your state

- His chicken noodle soup and fideo are delicious

- (yes his mom taught him how to make some basics)

- His go to nickname for you when under his care is princess/princesa

- “Si princesa I got your favorites like the responsible caregiver I am.”

- most of the time his main job is keeping you in bed

- if you sound like you’re dying he might keep his distance

- but if it’s more mild he will stay close and hold you if he’s not busy

- combing his fingers through your hair as he mindlessly hums a tune

- he likes to feel useful, and these moments when you fall asleep on his chest put that feeling on display

- if you don’t have a raging headache he will play a few songs for you

- lulling you to sleep with a song is one of his favorite things in the world

- if you are apart when sick he stays on call with you whenever you’re awake to make sure you eat and stay hydrated

- he does go a bit overboard and tries to baby you sometimes

- you explain to him that you’re perfectly capable of handling yourself and he does eventually chill out

- when HE is sick he doesn’t like to be a burden or he’s a whiny child

- no in between

- he either clings to you like his life depends on it or he’s worried about getting you sick and wants you to leave him

- when he acts distant you do your best to disobey his orders and help him out as much as you can

- cooking his favorite meals normally is a huge comfort to him, and he appreciates it greatly because he knows how much you despise doing chores

- when you are apart and he is sick he doesn’t want to get on call with people, but you will check in with him via text every now and then and he responds
