#queen maeve


Last work in progress post I think! This Queen Maeve piece is really coming along! I’m stopping here cause I’m tired( Ren you’d be so proud)



Looking through the Queen Maeve hashtags and realizing that some of you are allowing bi-erasure to perpetuate…

Kiki point them out, I’m about to throw hands with some people

how after season 2 are there still people calling her a lesbian after it got confirmed by Elena her girlfriend that Maeve is bisexual??

The disrespect to this Bi Icon will not be tolerated



Heres your reminder with season 3 out that Queen Maeve is bisexual, not a lesbian. The entire point is that Vought thinks a lesbian relationship is more profitable and marketable than going out of their way to state that one of the girls in the relationship is a bisexual woman. By not acknowledging her bisexuality you’re going along with vought’s bi erasure

Also to add, the point of Homelander thinking of her as a lesbian is because its how he’s coping with his bruised ego. If she’s bisexual and still attracted to men, that means she left him because she had the choice to. If she left him because she wasn’t attracted to him entirely, in his mind, that soothes his ego. That’s why he specifically erases her bisexuality

Here’s some Maeve progress! I’ve honestly missed painting her!



Heres your reminder with season 3 out that Queen Maeve is bisexual, not a lesbian. The entire point is that Vought thinks a lesbian relationship is more profitable and marketable than going out of their way to state that one of the girls in the relationship is a bisexual woman. By not acknowledging her bisexuality you’re going along with vought’s bi erasure

The only characters I’ll watch season 3 for at this point


Legit question. People are so worried about Homelander overhearing them as they plan his death… Why don’t these guys learn sign from Kimiko or speak another language? We all know that asshole can only speak English, they can talk about blowing his head off right in front of him in Spanish and just say they are thinking about lunch.

90% of the problems in The Boys can be solved if Annie, Maeve and the others just download Duolingo

Listened to the Double Toasted season three (non spoiler) review today. I’ve listed out the main points. While there are no spoilers, it does discuss where characters and plot are going. 

Season Three Overall:

  • They do go hard on political aspects. Leaning into the issues in the country today.
  • The violence isn't’ really shocking anymore, but the show still tries to lean into it via gore. The violence is becoming cruel and mean, even when it doesn’t have to be. Lots of causal murder this season, but no one seems upset by it anymore.
  • The show as a whole is moving into the comic storylines. 
  • Things keep getting worse for the characters. 
  • Every episode does end in some kind of cliffhanger. 
  • Lot of nudity and sex. 
  • The writing is great, even though things aren’t always well done.
  • Lots of things felt like a season four setup. 
  • Season four should probably be the last, as everything has piled up so much, that it can’t go much farther.


Soldier Boy:

  • He hates women. 
  • Lots toxic masculinity. 
  • He’s racist. 
  • He’ll leave you alone, though. If you don’t bother him, he’ll probably leave you alone. 
  • Described as a ‘frat boy’ who will insult you/be horrible to you - but doesn’t understand why you’re so mad about it.
  • You’ll probably not like him.


  • Now realizes that he is the most powerful person on the planet. 
  • Becoming more unsure of himself and that has led him to become scarier than he’s ever been. 
  • He’s unhinged and doesn’t care if he hurts people. 
  • Slowly gaining power, because people are underestimating him. Everytime someone thinks they have him under control or have him where they want him - he surprises them.


  • Could do the right thing, but he’s still selfish. 
  • He’s fame hungry. 
  • He does come around for his community, but he messes it up.


She’s leading this season. 


  • She’s lonely and full of trauma. 
  • She’s a wreck and does something this season that is surprising. 
  • Butcher is a bad influence, which is worse. 
  • Butcher knows she has issues, but he hurts and uses her.

The Deep:

  • Goes back to being a horrible character. 
  • Just a pervert in regard to sea creatures. 
  • Kissing Homelander’s ass the whole season.

Black Noir: 

  • More background and story. It’s harsh. 
  • He has more to do this season. 
  • You might feel a bit for him. But he’s still a murder. 
  • He’s one of the scariest characters on the show, but also the saddest.


  • He’s becoming more unlikeable and cruel. 
  • He’s starting to bring people (who shouldn’t be involved) become involved. 
  • He really wishes to kill Supes, and now is in the mind that all Supes should be killed. 
  • The V he takes is basically a drug that may be hurting his judgment. 
  • He’s a bad influence on everyone. And they should run.


  • Is slowly becoming like Butcher. 
  • He treats Annie badly a lot of the time. 


  • He has a great story arc this season and his tramua. 
  • His wife’s new husband (Todd) is taking the daughter to Homelander rallies. That causes an issue, because Toddis taking the daughter to things he shouldn’t; MM is being painted as an absent dad by others. 
  • Todd one inch ofrom being a white surprimist.

Frenchie and Kimiko:

  • They have a story, but the dangerous part isn’t totally needed. 
  • They are the heart of the season. 
  • We get peeks at Frenchie’s backstory, but it really isn’t a lot. We don’t know him any better at the end of the season.
  • It’s a lose subplot, but it really isn’t needed in the season. It does lead to something that deals with the major plot, but not enough to be needed.
  • It seemed like the writers have the two characters in a holding pattern for something down the road,
the-evil-clergyman: Queen Maeve, from The Century Magazine by J. C. Leyendecker (January 1907)


Queen Maeve, from The Century Magazine by J. C. Leyendecker (January 1907)

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“You still think you’re too good for me?”
