#queer poets

• Boko-Maru Dancers (1975) - Tee Corinne Speak earth and bless me with what is richestmake sky flow

• Boko-Maru Dancers (1975) - Tee Corinne 

Speak earth and bless me with what is richest
make sky flow honey out of my hips
rigis mountains
spread over a valley
carved out by the mouth of rain.

And I knew when I entered her I was
high wind in her forests hollow
fingers whispering sound
honey flowed
from the split cup
impaled on a lance of tongues
on the tips of her breasts on her navel
and my breath
howling into her entrances
through lungs of pain.

Greedy as herring-gulls
or a child
I swing out over the earth
over and over
- Audre Lorde

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to celebrate the one year anniversary of my book release, i am so excited to announce that @buttonpoetry is selling signed & personalized copies of my book IF MY BODY COULD SPEAK all weekend! it’s $20 for a signed copy & $25 for a personalized signed copy (where i include your name and a handwritten empowering affirmation) get your copy HERE

my t-shirts are also 30% off when you use the code “SALE30” on my website. i only have large and XL sizes left. get your discounted T-shirt HERE
