#blythe baird



Blythe Baird,Pocket-sized feminism

One of my dearest held principles that I share with as many actors as possible is actually quite simple: read poetry. This is even more applicable if you’re also a playwright, writer, director, or composer. The overlap between theatre and poetry is huge, and not just with the classics. Music and poetry are inextricably linked. Reading poetry, both casually and out loud, can really help you grow as an actor and give you the skills to better understand text and subtext when it’s presented to you. Below are some of my very favorite poems for actors. Enjoy.

Megan Married Herself– Caroline Bird

Snow and Dirty Rain– Richard Siken

Ode to the Women on Long Island– Olivia Gatwood

The Kindest Thing She Almost Did  Blythe Baird

May We Raise Children Who Love the Unloved Things– Nicolette Sowder

Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide NoteAmiri Baraka

Good Bones – Maggie Smith

14 Lines From Love Letters or Suicide Notes– Doc Luben

I have more, but these are some favorites.

it’s like i’m not allowed to be insecure because I’m the friend that gets phone numbers and dates.

but tell me why no one ever stays.

—I wish I was captivating for more than a first impression


during heartbreak it is easiest to surround myself with douchebags. never once do they ask me how I am, and never once do I want to tell them.

—can everyone else stop asking me if i’m okay


my favorite thing about myself has always been my loyalty.

it wasn’t until recently

I realized my crown might be hurting me.

therapy taught me something.

if I keep living a life for the people around me, then I am just reaching their goals.

but I was put on this planet to be my own

and I need to pave my own roads.

—even though tailgating is so much easier


unknowingly, he dropped me off right next to your car.

she was with you, and I got so mad.

but wasn’t I doing the same thing?

—riding shotgun in boys’ cars to fill some sort of void.



maybe i’m just distracting myself. maybe i’m using them so there’s no room to think of you. maybe having good days gives my brain something else to do.

—maybe I’m healing


maybe i’m just distracting myself. maybe i’m using them so there’s no room to think of you. maybe having good days gives my brain something else to do.

—maybe I’m healing


never let him ruin a song for you that plays on the radio; you will never heal.


“now I know why they compare heartbreak to drowning; it is so damn hard to breathe when I think about you.”


on the nights i’m feeling my best, dancing on stages and running across fields, I’m still doing it for you.

I don’t bury my heartbreak in my bedroom because there is no place for me to show off.


“it is okay if your heart is still shaking,

if it feels like bits of you are breaking off with each day.

God meant for you to feel this way

so he could shape you:

adding wheels and an engine,

making you into something

that can move on.”

—an excerpt from this poem I wrote

anytime someone starts a sentence with, “but you were doing so much better!” I want to tell them the amount of times i’ve cried since tuesday. if it seems like i’m doing better, i’m just holding myself up with duct tape.

-but hey, maybe that is improvement

even on my worst days, if the sun is out I know I’ll be okay.

—spring is a lovely time for heartbreak


for those of you struggling with negative and toxic thoughts:

they are lies. do not let them trick you into thinking you are anything but worthy.


“my shadow has been following me around for far too long. maybe that’s why i’m eating less; as if i’m trying to make it smaller.”



“It’s not you, it’s me” becomes more and more of a lie as I remain the constant each time.



what it looks like to move on

it’s catching your tears as they fall, 
or better yet not having to cry at all until 10 pm.
it’s staying a little longer at the party even though you may see him
(not to be confused with staying for him).
it’s refusing to stay in bed 
as you say no to the toxic thoughts in your head.
it’s still allowing yourself to spend time alone, 
because there were things left unsaid,
that only you know.
but there’s a danger in doing that in your own home.
behind shutters and locked doors,
the unsaid words will become one with the floor boards,
asking to be walked on.

instead be alone on the lawn.
on picnic tables,
humming songs 
on drives with the windows down.
you need to invite the town
into your heartache-
because their love is the only way you will move on.

moving on doesn’t mean you can’t think about him,
it doesn’t mean you’re any less thin
from the meals you didn’t eat.
it doesn’t mean you don’t look for him in every empty seat,
darting your eyes across the room,
where is he.

it is okay if your heart is still shaking,
if it feels like bits of you are breaking off with each day.
God meant for you to feel this way
so he could shape you:
adding wheels and an engine,
making you into something
that can move on


I think about how I love you sometimes. but how I never told you; how I never told anyone.

// this poem and my therapist are the only ones who know I love you



moving on doesn’t mean you can’t look in your rear view mirror. it’s okay to slow down. it’s okay to stop.

—just don’t turn the car around

for once I would like to wake up to the sound of the birds and fall back asleep. I am tired of waking up to the speed of my own heartbeat, making it impossible to fall back asleep.

—anxiety is a brutal alarm clock

I don’t think I ever understood the beauty of gardens until God pruned me.

—to blossom you must have bruises
