#queer sci fi


Can love stop a deranged genius bent on galactic domination?
Can a dire warning keep a curious alien from the temptations of those dangerous Earthlings?
Can an engineer be lured away from his top-of-the-line android by a clunky and obsolete metal robot?
You will find answers to these questions and more in…
Mad Scientists Need Love Too

@berlynn-wohl​ brings you a third collection of steamy stories, and this one might be her best yet!

Mad Scientists Need Love Tooby Berlynn Wohl is available on Amazon as a paperback, ebook, or for FREE on Kindle Unlimited!

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BUY THE BOOK! http://getbook.at/madscientists


One more excerpt from my new Amazon novella. If you purchase it please leave a review so more people can find it. If you have a Kindle Select membership it will be available there for free for the next ninety days. I hope you enjoy!

The Boy Who Couldn’t Win

A guard appeared at the cell door, looking a little awkward. A man in black robes and a white collar was standing next to him. The guard gestured helplessly. “The priest is here.”

Mateo rolled his eyes. “I told you I didn’t want one.”

“You’ll forgive me for coming anyway, I hope,” the priest said. “In my experience, many who initially reject religion come to crave it in their final hours.”

“Well, my final hours are here, and I remain apathetic.”

The priest maintained a stubbornly sympathetic smile. “I perfectly understand. But before I go, if you would just indulge me to reflect for a moment on how much you might gain, if an afterlife exists, and how little you would lose, if it does not. God is always ready to forgive.”

“So long as I sincerely confess, of course.”

“Yes. I am happy to wait until your friend leaves, so we may conduct our business privately.”

“No, we can get this out of the way right now. Let’s see, sins. I’m sure I’ve lied thousands of times, because who doesn’t, but none are really standing out. Usually I get in trouble for being too honest, and while that’s socially looked down on, I’ve never heard someone say it counts on the celestial ledger. I’ve never stolen, not because I’m a good person, but because so long as I can eat I can get by without much else. Where I live, food grows on trees. Well, it grows on trees everywhere, but there’s more trees where I come from. Violence… well, that’s a tricky one. I’ve certainly enabled it. I have tricky feelings about that. I believe court records are available to the public, so if God wants to know how sorry I feel, he can always send an angel to the registrars. Blasphemy, frequently. Send the man on high my apologies for that one. I’m sure creating the world is terribly complicated and as a creative type myself I shouldn’t be too harsh on him for his little hiccups. Happens to the best of us. Sexual immorality, ooh, that’s the one that really gets me. Because according to every pastor I’ve ever met, impure thoughts count, and I’ve hardly ever had a pure one. I’m not sure it’s even worth confessing to them. As soon as that slate is wiped clean, I’m sure I’ll have another one. I wouldn’t be surprised if my last thought is impure. I imagine I’ll be sitting in a dark, quiet box, trying not to think about what drowning will feel like, and I think one would need a nice fantasy to take one’s mind off that. As for impure actions, unfortunately there’s not much to report there. Or from your perspective, fortunately. On three separate occasions I was offered a bed in exchange for fellatio, and although none of the men were particularly appealing I took it, because they were miserable nights for sleeping outdoors and frankly I was curious to have some kind of experience. My options have always been a bit limited, you understand.”

“…And you repent of these sins?”

Mateo took a deep, thoughtful breath, and blew it out with an audible huff. “No. No, not particularly.”

*******Available in Kindle and Paperback


Holy shit, I just sold two copies! I am officially a person who has sold a book! Books!

Thank you to whoever it was, because you just made an anxious nerd very, very, very happy. 

Just thought I’d give anyone who’s out there and wondering a status update on me. Yes, I AM writing right now. For the most part. (It can be difficult for me to concentrate with everything that’s happening, even though my normal day job is closed down for now.)

I’ve mostly been working on the first novel of my YA series, Raiken Student. I’ve also been working somewhat on the first novella of my new Dreamers series, but not nearly as much. I had a kick of visual creativity a while ago and worked on a bunch of book covers for Dreamers (there will eventually be several books in this series) as well as Raiken and that was quite fun.

I know some of you are anxious for Arenacea Book Two and I am still working on it a bit (I’m over halfway finished), but I’m much closer to finishing Raiken Student, so my brain has been more focused on just getting that done so I can get it out there. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Hopefully soon I’ll have at least something out that you guys can enjoy!


I did a thing. And I’m proud of it.

The Dreamers Series will be a series of novellas, roughly 70-120 pages each, following the adventures of Chase, a queer woman who begins to learn that dreams are much more than we know them to be. And that the ability to lucid dream allows her to explore and affect change in alternate universes all from the safety of her bed.

No, I don’t know yet how many novellas there will be in total yet. But I have a rough estimate that is very much subject to change.
