

dear dommes/doms/dominants who are any or all of these:

  • shy
  • anxious
  • gentle
  • disabled
  • neurodivergent
  • just learning and starting out
  • just coming to terms w your sadism
  • not an archetype of your sexuality 
  • not always an unshakable pillar of confidence and strength

you’re all babes, don’t worry about making yourself into someone your not, there will be subs who think you are the most glorious being in the world and want to fill all of your wildest desires, don’t compromise your comfort or boundaries, communicate always, don’t compare yourself to other people, there’s so much to learn but your work is your work and despite all the traditions of bdsm everyone does kink in their own way, stay true to yourself as best you can 

#dommes    #dominants    #shy sadist solidarity    #queersex    

(CN: quick mention of sexual violence/unethical fetishism)

Sad to hear about the NSFW policies change, especially for sex workers who rely on this platform. Especially considering the damage of FOSTA in the states, I do think this move on this website’s behalf is violence.

I wish that tumblr would remove it’s ‘neutrality’ towards unethical kinds porn and so called kinks and ban more specific content instead like assault, racist fetishism and pedophilia. If they did that they would be loosing a lot less content and saving a huge demographic of people who use tumblr for sexy stuff. 
It isn’t the same but does remind me of when Okcupid made a bad move on changing how the website works and lost it’s appeal. 
I guess a bright side is that it is kinda fun to watch big names flush themselves down the toilet in internet world because they are essentially modern day corporations (maybe they are corporations? idfk)

Um; so in saying goodbye I want to mention that I am a visual artist with hope in the future to eventually put out smut comics. Right now I primarily do tattoos and illustration. But I’m hoping to save up for a laptop that can run a tablet in the next few years and put lots of my freaky queer genderwhatever sexuality into that outlet. 

You can follow my art blog at @bugcru
My instagrams are @softworlds for illustration and @bugtattoos for tattoos
And I have a website, www.bugcru.com 


Much love,


PS: If you are a SW and have suggestions on other ways we can support you please feel free to get in touch 

#tumblr guidelines    #nsfw ban    #queer nsfw    #queersex    