#queue do you think you are




I genuinely love all those comments on this video


Would like to formally apologize to the animation team behind the OG scooby doo. I thought this shit was just cheap animation, they really did just dance like that back then.

si-ri-miri: Sterek - Mermaid AUThere are stories of people that live beneath the sea, charming men a


Sterek - Mermaid AU

There are stories of people that live beneath the sea, charming men and women with beauty and song only to drag them to a watery grave.

Stiles understands the necessity of such stories. Better to warn off humans with vicious tales and horrors than to invite them with kindness. It’s a mindset held by all merpeople and reinforced by their rules.

One: Do not let a human see you.

Two: Kill any human that does catch sight of a merperson lest they return home to tell the hunters.

There is another rule, though if you follow the first two you needn’t worry about this one. However it is important. Or so they tell Stiles.

Three: Never fall in love with a human. Nothing good ever comes of it. Never has. Not once. Not ever.

Stiles always had a problem with rule breaking. Add in a scowly wolf Prince with judgey eyebrows and it’s a disaster waiting to happen.

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I love going viral on tumblr.com. It’s like if you stood in a field and said some of the stupidest shit a human being is capable of and then like fifty thousand crows attacked you

Don’t do this to me


The best thing about tumblr is how feral we are, honestly.




My fav fans r the ones who are like yeah this show would be so good if it wasn’t for *lists the entire show*

…and again we see the “Teen Wolf post season 3 problem”.


derek and stiles are so fucking lame derek daydreams about putting his jacket over stiles shoulders when he’s cold and stiles is 6 articles deep researching the history of a band derek said he listens to



[cut because this got way out of hand and longer than my usual posts and oops i wrote a ficlet??]


as jaskier makes geralt a household name for his heroics and thus shifts him away from being scary

bolder little kids start trying to hire him for “contracts” for monsters under the bed. their payments vary from a handful of mildly linty sweets pulled from a pocket to a Very Cool Rock to a drawing of what the child claims is roach but really looks more like a table with a saddle and a head to one WHOLE ENTIRE coin saved from allowance (well allowance minus two biscuits)

and geralt just totally FREEZES the first time a little girl walks right up to him and states with very clearly imitated importance and confidence, “sir witcher, i have a contract for you” she fumbles a little bit at the silence she gets in response and loses track of her performance and tacks on a slightly bashful “please” at the end

Keep reading

Geralt taking payment in child-made baked goods and pictures drawn on birch-bark paper is adorable! Jaskier writing a song about it and all of the other Witchers hearing it and going “Of course it was Geralt”is the best

sleepydumpling: godisa5000foottalljellybean: evilbuildingsblog: This German Kindergarten every build




This German Kindergarten

every building built mainly for children should be fucking weird like this i cant even imagine how much happier my memories of early childhood would be if i could look back on having gone to kindergarten in a big ol cat

I want to live in it.

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ninakask: an illistartion to andrianreid ’s awasome fic! read it on AO3


an illistartion to andrianreid ’s awasome fic! 
read it on AO3

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virtualcarrot: (x) When a couple of campers decides to set camp in the area, Derek finds himself hav


(x) When a couple of campers decides to set camp in the area, Derek finds himself having to drag Stiles away before he does something rash and stupid and dangerous, like getting noticed by the humans busy littering the lake’s opposite bank. It’s not that he’s fond of Stiles, really. It’s a little hard to be fond of the person responsible for slashing his small and only fishing net, snapping two of his fishing rods all in the space of one night, and generally handing out his live bait like it’s pet treats.

It’s just that Stiles has proven to be almost okay-ish company when he’s not destroying Derek’s equipment. That’s all.

“Let go of me, assface. And you better not be coping a feel!”

“Don’t flatter yourself and. stop. squirming.”

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okay but the yen waking jaskier up to help scene is what tells me she’s not a morning person because only someone who themselves has a hard time waking up is going to be THAT fucking tactile. she needs to make SURE jaskier is gonna get up. shaking and patting and grabbing his face. she knows that’s how someone would need to wake HER up (no matter how much they’d lose a limb for trying). and she succeeds in waking him up, but jaskier, also not a morning person, STILL doesn’t get up and tries to go back to sleep until he gets yelled for. 

which also means that if there is not a direct threat to be dealt with, yen and jask CANNOT be sent to wake each other up for things. bc they won’t. they will get there, go “oh you look comfy,” and just climb into bed with each other to sleep more. you’ll only end up with TWO people to wake up now. 



Sunken Church of San Vittorino

What’s it like to walk around in a video game water level?

voidsbane: just a bunch of unfinished stiles WIPs that i’ve done in my free time voidsbane: just a bunch of unfinished stiles WIPs that i’ve done in my free time voidsbane: just a bunch of unfinished stiles WIPs that i’ve done in my free time


just a bunch of unfinished stiles WIPs that i’ve done in my free time

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