#rachel is so good at writing it hurts



More than Alive: Chapter 9

VLD zombie apocalypse by @maireepand@somethingmorecreative1

Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 /Part 7 / Part 8 / || AO3

keith and lance band together, as the only two mildly sane people they’ve met so far and slowly create a strong bond that leaves all of their plans with loose ends as they try to survive and thrive together.

pairing: klance
rating: unrated

ix. let’s be alone together

Before the world ended and the dead took it for themselves, Keith didn’t have much to look forward to anyway. The ranch was less than ideal. He had Shiro for a while, until he left. He got kicked out of school, isolated from pretty much everyone except for his alcoholic father. The only thing that Keith really had was Artax and the wide open Texan ranch, and even that eventually ran out of charm.

Honestly, it only did so much to help him get through it. For so long, he just struggled to make it through life. It was like he was waiting for something. He was always looking to the horizon, wondering what was next, what life would throw at him and if he’d make it through it or not.

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