#racism mention




I don’t think too many people understand just how much queer POC are being pushed out of conversations and not being considered whenever things that are dangerous to the queer community are being brought up. Like for example, talks about trans men and our experiences with being perceived as a threat (whether within queer spaces or outside of them), desperately need to start including more trans men of color.

I can only speak on my experiences as Black trans man but masculinity and embracing it for me, is dangerous. Yes I love being masculine and appearing as such but being perceived as masc, even if I wasn’t a man, is enough to get me targeted simply because I’m Black. And there’s not a whole lot of conversation around that and how being myself and transitioning the way I want, might end up getting me hurt or harassed.

Another thing is that terfs, usually white women, pushing that trans men are scary once they start transitioning to pass more as a man, is inherently racist. Period. Black men are often perceived that way, and it’s a big reason why we get targeted by the police. To reinforce this idea is to ignore the countless lives of Black men lost due to the police seeing us as a threat, whether it was because we simply had a hoodie on or were carrying non lethal objects in our hands.

Things like this are only two examples of how being Black and a man intersect, this isn’t even getting into the deeper side of how being trans would effect that identity as well.

The intersectionality between being a person of color and trans is way too significant to ignore and I really wish more conversations included how harmful statements from terfs effect LGBTQ+ POC ten fold. Such as how transphobia is inherently linked to racism and effects the deep queer history within communities of color who have recognized multiple gendersandmultiple queer identities for centuries. And how the gender binary is a product of colonization.

At the end of the day, I’m barely scratching the surface with this post. I highly encourage folks, especially white people, to think twice before posting something about transphobia or queerphobia because I can guarantee that the microaggression or act of violence you’re talking about, effects LGBTQ+ POC differently or more. 

It’s honestly about time that we broaden discussions about oppression and include POC in them, whether it be within queer spaces or outside of them. Our lives as people of color effect literally every aspect of our life, and to be excluded from conversations surrounding oppression (or anything for that matter) would only harm us more. Even if we’re cishet, or cis, POC are still affected by things like the gender binary and white feminism (which is linked to the gender binary). For example, cis women of color are often excluded from feminism,denied womanhood,and told their features are ugly due to the fact that they don’t align with white women’s.

If more people knew about what we go through and experience, it’ll get more people to open their eyes and realize just how vital we are to discussions as well as get white people to realize what we face because of our race and queerness.

I would REALLY appreciate it if folks would stop tagging this with q slur and discourse. This isn’t fucking discourse. Me addressing racism and how LGBTQ+ POC are being excluded from discussions within the queer community isn’t fucking discourse. Get that in y'all’s heads. Real fucking fast.

Also for those tagging this as q slur, just tag it as q word or q tag. Or don’t bother reblogging this at all tbh.






so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what

The full picture is even more heart breaking after you open the uncropped version. Just a heads-up, it’s rough

Nah let’s post it. Let’s feel it. Don’t look away.

I notice alot of my followers on here skipping these posts just to mess with my lgbt ones, suspiciously the white popular ones.

Heres a not so friendly reminder, as an lgbt metis person, i dont give a single fuck what your blog is themed or if this is too painful for you to look at. Reblog this post. Reblog this post with the sources of the 751 children who were found.

Your compliance and silence as well as the compliance and silence of your ancestors is what allowed these schools to open and kill first nations children. The children of MY people.

Dont follow me if you cant reblog this post or the one with sources to your political blog or your most popular blog. Add trigger warnings if you must but if your political blog is only focused on the harms you personally face like being lgbt then you need to see some bigger pictures and stop being afraid of angering your racist mutural or actually saying some shit about racism. If you can reblog some antifa graphics or add blm to your bio to be a surface level ally, you can reblog some sources on the genocide first nations people faced and still face today.

They were CHILDREN.

They were murdered in cold blood.

Being able to acknowledge and think critically about discomfort is a skill that the world doesn’t want you to learn.

No, this is not a conspiracy theory.

Discomfort is your body and mind’s way of telling you, “Hey! Something’s different! Something’s off! Something’s changing!” It’s a useful tool, evolutionarily. The primordial ape that responded to being cold by bundling up in a pile of leaves was more likely to survive than the one that did nothing. As a result, humans are generally quick to feel uncomfortable.

Sometimes, discomfort is a sign that something is truly wrong, and you need to get away from the source of the discomfort right away. Other times, discomfort is a sign that this is an opportunity for growth, for improvement, for making the world a better place.

However, we are not encouraged to think critically about discomfort and figure out which of these two circumstances it is. In fact, we are actively discouraged from doing this.

If you’re in a position of power, you are encouraged to think about any discomfort at all as the most terrible thing ever. This is why white people often behave as though being called racist is worse than actually being racist.

If you’re not in a position of power, then you’re not supposed to think about your discomfort as important at all. This is why people with chronic illness are so often told that they’re faking it or making a big deal out of nothing.

Being willing and able to think about our discomfort – to consider it instead of simply avoiding it – is not an easy thing to do, but it is a revolutionary act. Thinking critically about discomfort opens doors and is a vital skill for changing the world.

(I talked about this first on TikTok – watch it here!)

So apparently Tumblr @staff is taking Trump ad money now. Not only is this a pro-Trump ad, but it’s

So apparently Tumblr @staff is taking Trump ad money now. Not only is this a pro-Trump ad, but it’s a pro-Trump ad with a specific focus on a racist policy that directly harms a substantial minority of Tumblr’s users.


Post link



Actually I’m not waiting till I have the whole post- block Horseclaw. He purposely is going by my name after FIVE YEARS of racially abusing me and using my trauma to keep me emotionally submissive to him. This is intentionally mimicking my Literal fucking RAPIST AND ATTEMPTED MURDERER who started going by my dead name after I escaped her. I, as host of the system that collectively goes by “pepper”, have been going by Ariel for a lil shy of two years and he is going by it after using my grandmother’s death as an opportunity to recreate and abusive situation I was in and “get his clean cut”

Here’s proof of him knowing I go by Ariel also “Realsies name” referring to what I go by at work

And here’s proof I still literally go by it (screenshot taken a few months ago of friends dm group I am in)

Here is proof of his Bestie also knowing my fucking name is Ariel

I am not waiting or making a “solid dig at him”, I think mimicking my fucking rapist should be enough of a judge of character of him. Please he treated me like a dog and literally ingrained and flat out called me scary, horrifying, and a monster all the time I was friends with him solely because I am Native. This is on top of him trying several times to convince me to “not be Jewish” because I was also native. This is more than just a name to me. This is a weird display of “ownership” or something after I finally got away only on HIS terms after 6 attempts and 5 years of trying. Here’s the first time I tried to run away from him but this one ended in me being guilt tripped by him and others in order to “see how he changed”:

He never changed. He never stopped hurting me. He never stopped abusing me. From using my dead family and pets as an abuse tactic to mimicking my past Abuser, he has shown he will never change.

Horseclaw is a racist and abusive person for the love of all things stop giving him a platform

I want it to be known he changed URLs to Virtua and refuses to stop going by my name, and by extension refuses to stop furthering abuse and mimicking my past Abuser. Claiming it’s “his favorite”

This isn’t asking him to return a toy or something this is asking for my racist abuser, of whom I am one of now 6 people who have come forward, to stop mimicking my rapist to stop displaying a weird disgusting ownership and robbing of selfhood. If you can please RB this version of which shows how he refuses to stop mimicking my rapist and attempted murderer- he has made his choice and I am making mine to state his actions are unforgivable. There was no “good bye” there was a Purposely arranged and evil “confrontation” where I was told to just “think harder” and “not about you or your panic” on the anniversary of my grandmother’s death.

Please stop giving him a platform.
