#radical fem


well, you can call me May and I guess I’m new to radblr?? I’ve never been a feminist or nothing remotely similar, so this is something new for me, so I’m still learning! I started looking into rad feminism after a long time id'ing as a nb agender bi graysexual/romantic - and I’m still trying to accept myself as a gnc lesbian. 

I’ve been stalking rad blogs for months while gathering the courage to make my own, so special thanks to @auntiewandaand @lesbihonest-art for being my first exposure to radfems, as well as some others I discovered along the way as @wombyna-ovaryhaver@violetdioxazine (your comics are just the best!), @terfkirby@girlsfrommars@lilith-apologist and many others that I probably forgot (I had to memorize the usernames as I didn’t have a blog to follow from xD) 

If you’re also a radfem please drop a like or a reblog so I can check out your blog and find other people to follow :3 (also I’m from Spain so sorry if my english isn’t perfect or if I repeat some words often)
