#ramadhan quran



I don’t remember a lot of ramadans, but in my 22 years of living, this past ramadan was probably the best. There was something extra special about it. Before ramadan I wrote down some goals that I wished to achieve throughout the month and the things I wanted to accomplish by the time ramadan is over. I didn’t want to be too ambitious setting unreasonable goals that I know I’m not going to keep up to. I also didn’t want to share them with you guys, not until ramadan is over. 

  1. Blog daily for 30 days - This was probably the hardest & I really doubted myself in the beginning, but alhamdulillah I managed (alright to be fair i skipped 4/5 days due to travelling etc). Of course to share something, one must first be equipped with knowledge. So I tried to study the Quran and listen to islamic lectures for the whole month, and took notes while I was at it. When I was done, I would share them all here on my blog. Although ramadan is up, i’m just gonna leave all the posts here, hopefully it would continue to benefit us all

  2. Remember a surah - I challenged myself to memorize at least one surah from the quran. After going through the quran, I picked Surah Al-Jumu’ah. Since it has been such a long time since I actually got myself to memorize a full surah, starting over was very tricky. But praise be to Allah, it got easier in time and by His mercy, i eventually managed to have the surah by heart

  3. Give up music and movies - Ok this has nothing to do with some fatwas saying music is haraam or anything. Refraining from it was a personal choice. I gave myself an alternative though, say I really wanted to listen to music- they should remind me of Allah. It felt nice taking a break from my depressingly satisfying playlist for a while. I learnt a thing or two from this as well, inshaAllah will share them here soon.

These resolutions might seem small to some of you, I mean, bet you guys had bigger aims. However this helped me a lot to improve myself. I learnt so so much this ramadan i wish it never ended, at least not that quickly. Also, for those who has been supporting me from the start, thank you so much. I have been getting so much love in my Tumblr inbox, mashaAllah. Hope you guys had a wonderful ramadan. May Allah be pleased with our ibadahs inshaAllah.

Anywhooo, if it’s not too late. Happy Eid Mubarak

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