#ran haitani x you


–curse of my oblivion

–pairing:devil!ran haitani x f!reader, 17th century new england au, inspired by ‘the witch (2016)’ and the salem witch trials folklore

–content:dark content, corruption, loss of virginity, ritual sex, erotic horror,monster-fucking, breeding, oral (f!receiving), fingering, overstim, mentions of assault/abuse, archaic dialogue

–note:my shot at erotic horror featuring ran haitani for @semisgroupie’sheaven&hell collab bc i watched the witch and thought ran would make a good human!black phillip, dark content ahead so minors can f*ck off! feel free to rb, send me an ask, or leave a comment <3



You fled from the only home you knew since crossing the tempestuous waters of the sea after the demise of your parents, running as fast as your legs would carry. The events that led to your expulsion happened so quickly, you left with only the clothes on your back as your aunt chased you out of her home.

The resounding hammering of your heart was almost loud enough to overpower the cruel clamor of the villagers from behind the settlement’s walls. Their insults were all ones you’d heard before from the lips of the only family you had left–your paternal aunt. She had uttered them in passing as you dutifully worked on your morning chores while your uncle ogled at you, hissed them into your ear as she pulled you away from her husband’s wandering hands, and finally screeched them early that morning when she found the very same man hovering over you as he tore your bodice and pushed up your skirts.

“Whore. Slut. Witch.”

You were none of those things. Your virtue remained intact despite the attack in the barn moments prior. Your fingers had not breached your mound even when the sounds of your aunt and uncle’s couplings snaked into your ears and all of the warmth within your body pooled between your legs. Instead of falling prey to your innate sinful desires, you turned to prayer–to your faith–to dispel those corrupt thoughts. After losing your parents and your homeland, your love of God had been what kept you going. It gave you the courage to board a ship and sail to the New Land to reunite with the only family you had left, gave you the strength to work from sunrise to sunset completing household chores, and it would give you the will to press forward in hopes of finding a village or a family in need of an extra set of hands.

Hopes that wore thin after a day and a half of walking without the smallest sign of civilization. No matter how far you traveled along the edge of the dark, ominous forest, there was only a clearing of grassy rolling hills as far as the eye could see.

Throughout your journey, venturing into the wood had never been an option. Nothing good ever came from places shrouded in darkness where the lord’s light could not shine through. Darkness was what propagated all sorts of sin. That was the reason you fell asleep watching undulating flames dancing in the fireplace.

Night crept upon you, and you woke up to the sound of rustling grass and snapping twigs. Exhausted beyond anything you had ever experienced, you mindlessly followed the noises and collapsed next to a brook near the wood to quench your thirst. You cupped your hands and desperately drank your fill of freshwater until your belly cramped from the sudden intake. You were splashing water over your face when, suddenly, the faint smell of smoke wafted up your nose.

Despite the pulsating ache in your feet and calves, you leapt to your feet and staggered to the source of the scent only to find hot ashes over a bed of dead grass. It was the first sign of human life you had seen since leaving the settlement, and you could not help the breathless laugh that left your lips at the hopeful sign. Just as you wondered where the person behind the fire could have gone, you heard more rustling grass and snapping twigs and looked up to see movement in the tall grass and weeds leading to the wood.

It seemed to almost beckon you to enter it; a ray of light shining down just at the entrance before darkness engulfed the rest of the wood. Weary, hungry, and desperate, you clutched at your soiled skirts and stared at your adversary–the primeval forest–debating whether to enter or not.

In the end, you took the light as a sign from God and entered the wood, knowing that it would either lead to your salvation or perdition.

As you clumsily made your way through the forest, the little daylight that did squeeze through the thick towering treetops waned as another day in the wilderness came to an end, and your renewed hope with it.

Panic bubbled in your chest and your breathing become labored as you struggled onward. The deeper into the wood you traveled, the thicker the foliage became, until you were squeezing through vines, piercing yourself on thorned stems, running into wayward branches, and stumbling on the jutting tree roots that littered your path.

One nasty tumble, in particular, was what pushed you over the edge and had you sobbing, face down on the cold earth as hot tears spilled from your tired eyes. With your faith stripped, you were left vulnerable for sinful thoughts to cross your mind and you pleaded for death to the ground below.

But instead of death, you received another sign of life–the smell of chimney smoke–just ahead and only growing stronger. And like the survivor you were, you slowly rose to your feet and wiped your tears with dirty hands before trudging toward the miraculous smoke you weren’t so sure was a blessing from God anymore.

The difficult path eventually gave way to a clearing of dead grass where a cabin stood directly in the middle. It was a striking but strange structure of black wood panels, a steeply pitched roof, and glass-paned windows that emitted a blood orange glow from within. An intricate dwelling that was out of place yet matched the ominousness of the wood.

It wasn’t until the door creaked open that you stopped in your tracks and realized that the wood had been engulfed in uncanny silence except for the grass crackling beneath your feet. A shudder ran down your spine as you watched a tall silhouette appear from behind the door amidst the strangely tinged light.

The figure quirked its head to the side as if considering you, and blood pulsated in your ears as every fiber of your being told you to flee. But before you could take more than a step back, the figure took a step forward, and you found yourself unable to move or speak as the most handsome man you had ever seen approached you.

His appearance was unlike any other and that only added to his allure. His cropped short hair was dyed like a fine, patterned cloth and combed to the sides. His white chemise was without ruffles or puffed sleeves. His black clothing was long and form-fitting with little to no adornments save for golden buttons down the length of his waistcoat and coat and a flat and narrow red silken cravat. His black leather boots were also strange in that they stopped at the hem of his breeches instead of traveling up his calves.

It was not until you caught yourself admiring his pale skin, thin pink lips, high cheekbones, and lidded-lilac eyes that you realized you felt no shame in your libertine actions, and he too was not offended by them. On the contrary, his lips curled upward into a beguiling smile as he towered over you, his eyes catching the light as they too drank their fill of you in a way that made you feel naked.

“Thou art alone.“ It was not a question, but you were too enthralled by the melodic quality of his voice to notice. “Thou art weary, lost, and in need of shelter.”

He reached out for you, his long slender fingers picking out a dry leaf from your hair. Your breath caught in your throat as his warm fingers trailed down the side of your face to gingerly cup your cheek. Deprived of affection for far too long, you readily leaned into the strange man’s touch with a whimper, closing your eyes and pretending it was your father’s hand.

“Come unto me, Little Lamb, and thou shalt have everything thy heart desires.” He murmured, slipping his other hand behind your head and drawing you closer until his warm breath fanned over your face.

You opened your eyes and swirling orbs of lilac peered down at you, haunting and inviting all at once.

“W-what dost thou require of me?” You shivered under the intensity of his gaze, pressing your legs together as heat pooled between them.

“What canst thou give?” His head cocked to the side, and his eyes lowered to your torn bodice and further to your filthy skirt.

“I’ve only myself,” you whispered. A maddening flush spread from your cheeks up to your ears and down to your neck and chest. It pricked your skin and caused that familiar pulsating ache to build until wetness seeped past your quim.

His smile took on a sinister edge, but you had long since gone past the point of no return. “‘Tis all I ask, Little Lamb.”

He pulled you to him and his mouth pressed against yours in a fervent kiss. It was unlike what you had ever expected. It was violent and bruising, hot and wet. It overpowered you and forced you into submission. It tasted of sweet sin and set your skin aflame. It was everything you had been deprived of and you soon returned it with just as much ardor, snaking your arms around his neck and tangling your fingers in his hair.

If there was still any doubt that the stranger before you was the Devil himself, it vanished the moment your surroundings transformed into a bedroom with a crackling fireplace, dim blood orange light, and black luxurious furnishings.

The Devil’s hands slithered behind your back and ripped up your bodice and chemise until they fell onto the ground in ribbons. He did the same with the rest of your clothing until you were trembling and bare. His mouth moved down your neck and sucked on the flesh there, leaving a trail of marks in its wake. You gasped and squirmed but his hands grasped your arse and held you in place. His mouth journeyed further until he took a nipple into his wet warm mouth and suckled on it like a babe before giving the other the same attention.

Jolts of pleasure coursed through you and a throaty whine escaped your lips as the room shifted once more and you found yourself arching off silken sheets with the Devil naked and looming over you, lidded eyes aflame, swollen lips parted, and pale skin covered in a sheen of sweat. He was bewitchingly beautiful and all you could do was watch in awe as he settled between your legs and put his mouth on your dripping quim.

It was a dirty sinful act, but you cared not and reveled in your sin. His long forked tongue parted your folds and lapped at your slick. It traveled up to the throbbing nub atop your mound and flicked at it before drawing it between his lips and sucking until you were writhing underneath his hold. As his mouth and tongue worked your sensitive nub, A finger pushed between your folds, past the ring of tight flesh, and into your most sacred place. It thrust in and out of you with deliberate strokes that pressed against one fleshy spot in particular. One finger became two and then three and before you knew it, waves of molten pleasure built up and bubbled over, a wail ripping from your throat and blinding light clouding your vision.

You halfway expected the flames of hell to engulf you and send you to the deepest depths of Hell, but instead of death by hellfire, you were proven to be very much alive when the Devil pierced you with his cock and claimed your virtue.

He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you up onto his lap. “I have accepted thy gift, Little Lamb. Thou will want for nothing. I shall provide everything thou desires. I shall be thy lord, master, father, and husband.”

The blacks of his eyes expanded until they covered the entirety of his eyeballs and a set of ridged horns protruded from his scalp. He was a monster but you cared not for he had promised everything you had ever wanted.

“Ride my cock,” he growled into your ear before gripping your hips.

“Take my seed into thy womb,” he continued, picking you up and slamming you back down onto his length.

“And seal thy fate with mine!”

You kissed the Devil and did your new master’s bidding. Your hands gripped his horns and you met each thrust of his hips with your own, sobbing out in pleasure every time he hit the nerves near your womb that had you seeing stars.

“Yes, right there!” you cried, throwing your head back in ecstasy, “there, there, there!

He rutted into you like the beast he was, stretching you out and working you toward another peak more intense than the first one. You turned into a babbling mindless mess with each forceful thrust, your walls contracted around the Devil’s pulsating cock. An animalistic growl ripped from his throat, and he bit into your shoulder, his sharp teeth drawing out blood and long tongue lapping it up.

Pain and pleasure–that was what drove you to completion and the Devil shortly afterward. Your spend gushed out of you and coated your conjoined bodies while the Devil’s shot his inside of your womb, filling you up until your belly swelled and cramped.

You squirmed underneath him and whined in pain, but the Devil paid you no mind, pinning you down on what was now the cold rumbling earth.

Back in his human form, he pulled out of your spent quim and pressed a kiss against your sweaty brow.

“‘Tis done,” he declared with a horrifying smile. “You are mine.”

At his declaration, his seed turned molten and burned your insides. You writhed and screamed as the Devil laughed above you, lilac eyes shining, and just when you were sure the mercy of death would befall you, the ground split open beneath you, and you fell to the depths of Hell with the Devil holding you for what would be all eternity.

public dares!

hi everyone! i’m back after a hiatus, hopefully you will like this thing here <3 let me know if you would want a part 2 with other characters

ft. mikey, ran & hanma

warnings: nsfw, minors DNI! public sex obviously, sex toys, fingering, oral sex, public flashing, fem bodied reader, nipple play


your punishment could have been worse, you knew that damn well. it was mikey after all, you knew how he could get. that’s why you didn’t argue when he made you wear the smallest dress on earth with no panties at bonten’s annual party. you thought you would be able to handle it, even though you were struggling to keep your tiny and skin-tight black dress down. honestly, from the back it was noticeable that you had no underwear, you just needed to bend forward a little bit and anyone who looked closely could guess the outline of your pussy.

mikey was now talking to the haitani brothers about business, as you clung onto his arm. from the front, it looked like mikey had his hand on your ass, which would be acceptable, but if anyone saw this from the back, they would be able to see mikey’s fingers dancing on your pussy lips, sometimes rubbing your puffy clit and other times entering your wet cunt. you tried your best to not make a single noise but it was hard, and you had a deathly grip on mikey who pretended like everything was fine. you only made a noise when mikey gave your pussy a small slap that almost sent you over the edge, and you profusely apologized, lying about having a hiccup.

a few minutes later, mikey was fucking you in the nearest bathroom, his cock bullying your walls, punishing you for blowing your cover.


ran and you liked to spice things up in the bedroom with toys and other gadgets, so obviously you ended up buying a toy that could be controlled from someone else’s phone. but the goal here was to use it in public during one of your shopping sprees.

you were wearing a long flowy dress with the toy attached to your clit thanks to the tight panties you were wearing. at first, ran just played with it on lower mode and both of you were giggling like teenagers. you liked the vibrating sensation, it was enough to make you feel good and still be able to act like nothing was happening. progressively, ran raised the level of vibrations, and you were starting to feel a little dizzy, struggling a bit to walk. ran had to lead you with his arm around your waist to different shops.

you were now in a lingerie shop, looking at different underwear and bras when ran decided to raise the level to the maximum, and your legs almost dropped. you speed-walked to the fitting rooms, not wanting everybody to see you in this state, and ran followed you, a smirk on his face. once in the fitting room, he lifted your dress and immediately buried his face between your trembling legs, licking long stripes up your slit, as the toy buzzed against your clit. it took you only a few minutes before you came all over his face, while the store manager asked if everything was okay in there.


for your anniversary, hanma took you to this fancy restaurant in town. the kind of restaurant that you had to book a month in advance to get a table. your table was in the corner of the restaurant, you had a view on everything and everyone but hanma’s tall body sitting in front of you hid you. which was perfect for him. indeed, as usual, hanma felt a little playful today, and ran his hand up and down your legs, a cocky smile plastered on his face as you asked him to stop.

buthe knew you secretly loved it, doing stuff in public. that’s why you didn’t hesitate to pull your tits out of your bra and play with them when hanma asked you to flash everyone. his long arm reached out for your nipples and pulled on them as you tried to hide your squeals. thankfully, no one noticed what was happening, but hanma wanted to take it a step further. he wanted you to suck him off right here, right now. the table was covered in a long white tablecloth going all the way down to the floor, so he knew you would be completely hidden once on you were on your knees.

you therefore slipped under the table and went down to business, hanma encouraging you by pushing your head up and down his cock, as your tongue danced around his shaft, your hands playing with his heavy balls. you had to control your laugh when hanma told the waiter that you were busy making a phone call and would come back in 5 minutes, just so you would have time to let him cum deep in your throat.


first man

request: [anon] hii !! just wanted to say that i absolutely L O V E your work !! and for the headcanon idea,, since i’ve been experiencing baby fever lately why not do tokrev daddies?

synopsis: put some babies in your life and take away the drama.

featuring: ran haitani, ryuguuji ken, shinichiro sano.


note: can you tell my daddy issues went hard when writing ran lol

—ran haitani

  • babies weren’t part of his plan.
  • yes he’s always been good at the raising part and somehow, babies were never exactly scared of him.
  • he didn’t know if it was because he looked like a doll with his braids when he was younger, but babies immediately liked him.
  • having one of his own when he joined bonten was life changing—same as when he met you and married you.

“careful ran, she just fell asleep.” your soft voice and the way you gently handed your husband your newborn baby girl was something ran would never be able to forget.

his hands were shaking, a lump in his throat that he tried to swallow ever since you went into labor. he tried to fight back the tears when he saw you begging him to stay next to you when you were pushing your precious baby girl, promised to pull himself together when he finally heard her small cry—but this way beyond him.

“hold her ran, she wants to meet you.” she does? a part of him felt like he wasn’t ready to meet her yet. what if she didn’t like him? what if she thought he looked scary with the tattoo on his neck?

all his anxieties disappeared the moment his arms cradled his baby girl to his chest like she was the most fragile and precious thing in the world, his tired eyes staring down at her with so much warmth you felt your own chest tickle at the sight.

ran was finally a dad.

“hey there,” you’ve never heard ran’s voice sound so hesitant, almost as if he was scared of talking to the baby girl he helped creating. the pad of his finger brushed her cheek, admiring the way her eyelashes, her nose that already resembled her fathers and her lips that were definitely yours.

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–curse of my oblivion

–pairing:devil!ran haitani x f!reader, 17th century new england au, inspired by ‘the witch (2016)’ and the salem witch trials folklore

–content:dark content, corruption, loss of virginity, ritual sex, erotic horror,monster-fucking, breeding, oral (f!receiving), fingering, overstim, mentions of assault/abuse, archaic dialogue

–note:my shot at erotic horror featuring ran haitani for @semisgroupie’sheaven&hell collab bc i watched the witch and thought ran would make a good human!black phillip, dark content ahead so minors can f*ck off! feel free to rb, send me an ask, or leave a comment <3



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