#draken x reader


“she was at the club…” ; various tokyo revengers

warnings characters are aged up, may be ooc, and yes , this was inspired by a tiktok trend lmao

genre fluff, crack

word count0.2k


synopsis in which the tokyo revengers boys react to you acting like some random chick from the club / bar

FAILED BIG TIME. listen, he’s completely enamored with you— he can’t even look you in the eyes and pretend you’re anyone else. when you get all close and flirty, asking for his name, man’s blushing, his eyes are sparkling with just complete and utter adoration. he’s leaning into a kiss until you put two offended fingers up to stop him.

“really? this is how you react to someone else flirting with you?”

he damn near forgot what y'all were even doing tbh…


REACTS REASONABLY AND RESPONSIBLY. when you come onto him, he’s putting his hands up or pushing you away, affirming that he has someone already. if he has the space, he’s probably walking away from you


DRAMATIC AS HELL. if you step anywhere in his perimeter, he’s screaming. and don’t even try to touch him, he’s swinging. just mean, insulting you before you can even say anything. you have to stop because he’s so into it and lowkey hurting your feelings.

“damn, alright, you got it. calm down.”

“unhand me, you fiend.”


RUN THAT BY HIM AGAIN. confused (pls help him), just blinks. “why would you want to do that? you already know how i’d react.” he doesn’t get it, not one bit. keeps asking who he’s speaking to whenever you make a move.



A MENACE. flirts back just to get a reaction out of you. leans into all your movements and locks eyes with you. has the nerve to ask you why you’re pulling away.


how they initiate sex!

featuring: mitsuya, chifuyu, kakucho, draken and kisaki.

c.w: pussy worship, clit worship(?), pussy drank tr men.

note:it’s a miracle I didn’t go to the bathroom and use the shower head half way through writing this.

—mitsuya takashi

  • he’s normally very sweet about this
  • will walk up to you, stroke your cheek with gentle touches and peck your lips a couple of times before letting it turn into a deeper kiss
  • but on days where he feels a little bold
  • he will tease the absolute living shit out of you
  • backs you against the couch, into a corner, against the wall and then asks in the sweetest tone with such faux sympathy “what’s gotten you all red, darling?”
  • he loves it when you get turned on by him being a little meaner than usual
  • when he’s making you flustered like this, he loves to get down on his knees and kiss your clothed cunt and pretend as if he’s having a whole makeout session with your pussy just to see how dripping you’d be once he actually gets to work
  • yeah, getting you in the mood is so much fun for him
  • he will make you sit on the head rest of the couch, spread your legs wide and take a whiff of your underwear just to make you flustered.
  • the fact that you’re allowing him to see you like this makes him so fucking hard.
  • “that’s a pretty clit you got there baby. can I kiss it? give it a tiny kiss?”

—chifuyu matsuno

  • kind of direct, kind of not
  • you two would be cuddling and his hand starts to slip under your shirt and you kind of think that he wants to fuck but then he just gets up and goes to the kitchen
  • it’s not until like an hour later does he fully admit that he wants to fuck you
  • yeah, verbally.
  • “could feel your nipple with my thumb baby—fuck I want it in my mouth, can I put it in my mouth?” he’s a goner when you let him suck your tits
  • he takes so much time with them that you have to beg him to relieve the ache between your legs
  • he’s in awe when he sees your hard clit through your panties
  • loves LOVES to press your underwear against your cunt because it makes you jolt with the cutest moan
  • “what a wet little cunt—all for me,”

—kakucho hitto

  • he’s normally a very stoic man outside
  • but with you? he’s very touchy, very romantic and loves to be so close to you<3
  • when it comes to initiating sex, he takes the romantic route
  • he will kiss the back of your hand when you’re watching TV together, kiss your knuckles and then pull you to his chest
  • he likes to caress your back, especially your spine because it gets you to purr like a cat against him
  • the sight of you looking so relaxed in his presence makes him instantly harden
  • but he will not say anything until he feels you press your lips against his
  • oncethat happens? it’s game over
  • he will manhandle you so that you’re straddling him and suddenly his touch is much rougher. (even though he hates being rough, you just make him lose his mind)
  • “rub that pretty cunt against me baby, go for it. I bet it’s dripping—can I check? can I see those pussy lips real quick?”
  • lord have mercy

—ryuguji ken

  • with him, he’s very touchy when he wants something so expect a lot of kisses and a lot of random make out sessions
  • you could be walking out of the bathroom and he still manages to find a way to grab your jaw and give you such a deep passionate kiss that you’re left dizzy when he pulls away
  • the worst part is that he will keep doing this for at least two hours before he can finally give in to his temptation and fuck your brains out
  • I mean he will lift you up on the counter, will rub your clothed pussy with his thumb and even press his hard dick against you and have you grind against him but he will absolutely NOT give it to you fully until he sees the little frustrated tears welling up in your eyes
  • “oh baby c'mere,” he coos at you when he sees you standing by the couch, clearly very fucking frustrated with your red cheeks.
  • “want me to fuck you, is that it?” he wants a verbal response. draken will NOT give you anything unless it comes out of your mouth and you’re SURE of it.
  • “want you to eat me out—it’s aching,” “I bet it is,” he thumbs at your clit through your underwear and the way you jolt away from him has him pinning you down on his lap instantly.
  • “you’re not going anywhere. now give me this pussy, want to see it on my face.”

—kisaki tetta (surprise)

  • you’d think he’s not the most direct person
  • but he literally grabs you but the crotch when you’re standing next to him and he’s sitting down on the couch that you squeal
  • you’re literally so surprised that you stare at him like ?#!$?2(_
  • “lift up your skirt for me?” the way he’s staring up at you with hooded eyes through his glasses makes you wet instantly. screw him for having such attractive eyes
  • and you do, you stand in front of him and lift up your skirt and he’s smiling the whole time, something that’s making you hot with embarrassment
  • “a little bow, how cute,” he whispers before leaning in and pressing his lips right above your underwear
  • he loves watching you soil your panties just from something as little as a kiss near your pussy
  • “tetta,” you’re embarrassingly horny now and he can’t seem to take a hint either (or that’s what you think)
  • so when his hand grabs your pussy again and his thumb presses against your clit, you’re almost falling on him.
  • “hold yourself right baby, what’d you do if I ate you out like this?”
  • a piece of SHIT

2022 © all works belong to slttygeto. do not repost my work anywhere else.

Takemichi: So, what is Draken to you?

Mikey: The reason I wake up every morning.

Takemichi: …that’s adorable.

Draken, earlier that morning, barging into Mikey’s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!

The“will put their kids on their back and do push ups” kind of men:

Hanma, Taiju, Draken, Mucho, Kakuchou, Benkei + South ;)

you’d never entertained the thought–once he’d left your life, he’d been permanently erased from the frontal lobe of your brain.

but the mind is a fragile, cowardly thing, and when it’s pushed against a wall, its guard falls like weak leaves after the winter, useless, to the floor.

you don’t want to look at him for too long, hoping to hold onto whatever mind peace you’d built for all these years, though peace you begin to wonder if it was ever strong enough to make you forget, or was it the fact he’d disappeared without a trace.

in any other circumstance, you would’ve left. it was a promise you’d made yourself when you turned 21–protecting your mind peace. you wouldn’t entertain people for long, and you wouldn’t threaten your space in places you believed weren’t for you, but tonight it wasn’t about you, and you’d be not only a coward, but a selfish friend too.

it was your friend’s engagement party. she’d said it would be a small celebration with only friends and family. you couldn’t blame her though, it had been your fault, forgetting that he was considered, like you, family. still, you’d hoped he wouldn’t show up. he’d disappeared for a while, that even your friend and her fiance had forgotten, or at least stopped mentioning him. it could’ve been for your wellbeing, if you really think about it.

of course, you arrived a little late. for some reason, the usual train you’d take had decided to run late, and so you had to run over to the restaurant from a different stop. you didn’t get a chance to fix your hair or even check your appearance when you stumbled inside the restaurant, an italian restaurant with little crowd and dim, warm lights and red accents here and there. you didn’t stare for too long, instead, trying to quietly integrate with the rest of the guests into the party. your friend hadn’t noticed you yet, at least not until you had sat down, when she pointed towards you as she was giving her toast.

you smiled, shyly, as she waved her hands towards you, directing the eyes of the guest your way. she was like this, always, and you had never minded it. you only smiled, waving your hands and pouting your lips at the beautiful words your friend was sharing with the rest of the people there, and slowly, your eyes took a look at every single one of the guests in the restaurant.

one of your many mistakes of the night.

you looked twice, confused. it was like you were dreaming–or having a nightmare, to be exact. because the first time your eyes met, he was looking at you, with such grimness, like he’d seen a ghost, and the next time you looked, he’d faced the couple in the front again. like a dagger to your heart, lovingly twisted by his own hands, your chest tightened, and posture stiffened. 

what was he thinking about? that was all you were wondering, as your friend continued her speech.

you had never been good at goodbyes–you had never been able to get past it all, a relationship you held tight, in the back of your mind despite the many efforts of forgetting him.

but it was hard, when draken was half of your life. since you were a teen, you’d shared so many things with him, that it was impossible to forget him. impossible to escape him.

but you had tried, and you had fought against the many questions, every comment and every compassion, unwanted pity and unwanted sympathy.

you couldn’t blame them, either. draken was part of your life, like you’d been his. he was your other half, or maybe, its totality. 

maybe that was it, the realization you had tried to avoid. the reason why it’s so hard to breathe as you walk into the other room, following your friend right behind like a puppy, wishing and hoping no one would notice the change in the tone, the shift in the room. your friend sent a look your way, but she was too busy to truly wait, stop, and talk to you. though you wouldn’t have wanted an apology from her, or any pity, or any comment about it. if anything, you wished you could continue living a lie. living as if he’d never existed, hoping he would disappear again.

but of course, you now know that luck is never on your side.

he approaches you, as quiet as he’s ever been. his fragrance reaches you fast, like a wave, like the clouds, ruining any other sunny day. but you know he has no ill intentions, no, draken was never like that.

but like he changed his hair, you wonder if he’d changed too.

“i wasn’t planning on coming,” he says, as if you both had shared a conversation for a few minutes now. you’re confused, but you only nod your head.

“that’d be rude,” you said. draken laughed, kind of. a faint smile and a nod of his head as his hands slid through your back to your waist.

the music was soft, barely there. or perhaps, you couldn’t focus on the atmosphere, or the people around you. his warmth was like a spell, like a cage around you. 

draken was too strong, you thought. how was he able to come here, and hold you like the old days? how was he capable of looking through your eyes as if you two were those lovers from eight years ago? you weren’t strong, brave enough to hold him back. because you knew, if you were to touch his shoulders, nobody would be able to pull him away from you, ever.

the question was on the tip of your tongue, like a sour candy, ready to be swallowed at any moment. you didn’t want to say it out loud, afraid of his answer, but you couldn’t hold the darkness any longer.

“have you been alright?”

draken nods his head, and softly, he guides your hands towards his shoulders. you thank the fabric draped over his shoulders, a black jacket over his white dress shirt and a simple, thin tie wrapped around his neck, falling over his chest like a necklace.

“as good as i can be,” draken replies, and he laughs, again, with that flashing smile, as flashing as subtle. “what about you?”

were you alright?

you’d always thought you were. life had brought you many places, but lately, your life had been more enjoyable than ever. because you had forgotten about him, finally. or that’s what you thought. now, you know that was nothing but a lie. though a lie you’d kept for years after he left, leaving your apartment in the middle of the night with just what he was wearing after one single fight. his clothes, and all his belongings had haunted you for months, as you waited for him to return. not for you–that you knew, that everything had ended, but hoping he’d come back for his things. hoping he’d get rid of these nightmares and the presence of that same cologne that follows you with every swift move around the dance hall.

it was hard to explain what happened, perhaps it’s why till this day you can’t remember. the fight was present, that was for sure. the screaming and shaking of your shared apartment. the look of his face and the fear in your bones, the fear of his departure, of his demise. it was bound to happen, maybe. maybe it had never been ever after, but you’d held onto the hope of a life by his side.

he was your other half, and everybody knew that. when they asked about you, they asked about him. whenever someone would speak to him, they’d speak about you. you were in each other’s presence even if you weren’t in the same room. he was behind you even if he was streets away from you. and at night, you’d hold him tight, so tight as you’d tell him how much you wished he never left your side.

you loved draken so deeply, it hurt you, sometimes. you’d said this once, a night after tangling your limbs around his body and pressing your mouth to his nape, impossibly close. you’d whispered, a silly question, that draken had shut down immediately. 

“would you ever leave me?”

draken had turned around with such abruptness, you almost fell off the bed. leaning over his elbows, those loving eyes held nothing but accusation, and draken was fuming when he assured you he would never, ever leave you.

after that, it’s like everything went downhill.

you were 21 at that time, when draken decided to finally leave you.

you didn’t remember the fight, but you remembered his face, and it haunted you. the proof that love wasn’t eternal, at least not with him.

a subtle tug of your heart brought you back to reality, and you faced him again.

“i’m fine.”

draken nodded, “i heard you’ve been working at that office across the street, that big building with the huge windows. like you had dreamed.”

you didn’t look at him, instead, taking a look around. but everything was blurry, and you weren’t sure if people were looking your way–if anything was witnessing the scene the two of you were playing. 

two strangers that meet again, no longer strangers. perhaps never strangers.

“listen, ken, i don’t think–”

“i didn’t mean to hurt you,” he whispers.


“i didn’t mean to, trust me,” draken sighs, and with his hand he guides your face to his shoulder. that’s when you noticed the tears that now fall with no remorse.

you didn’t cry the night he left. in front of him, nor in the darkness of your empty room. you didn’t cry a single tear for him, and the years of love you’d shared since you were teenagers.

now, it’s like all that pain had struck you with a single blow, expecting you to pour it out. but you didn’t want to, because you didn’t deserve to humiliate yourself in the middle of your friend’s special night, and you didn’t want draken to know just how much you missed him. how much you’d wished that instead of such a tragic night, in which the two of you met again after eight years, you’d spend the night celebrating, and wishing for an evening just like this. hidden in each other’s comfort, against the world.

but it wasn’t like that, and you’d be a fool to accept any of his excuses, or the ones you were trying to come up with.

you didn’t deserve it, and he didn’t deserve it, either.

so, with hurt in your heart and heavy breathing, you took a step back. you smiled, wiping your tears with the sleeve of your dress, and you said, “goodnight.”

tr menmost likely to have a breeding kink

changed a bit my usual format? hope you’ll like it!

warnings: nsfw, minors DNI! fem bodied reader but no specific pronouns used, well duh breeding kink, creampie, mention of lactation kink, boob play, cockwarming

-> the breeders

• is the one who brought up this kink, like you were fucking and he asked you if you’ll let him breed you and well… you didn’t refuse.

• probably has imagined you all cute and pregnant before, like your tits and tummy getting bigger. even just the thought of helping his pregnant partner do daily things turns him on, he’s obsessed with you.

• cums multiple times in you, literally can go multiple rounds just to have the satisfaction of filling you up with his seed and watch it drip down your folds and onto his heavy breeder balls.

• he might also have a lactation kink. just expect him to play around with your boobs and nipples a lot.

• during aftercare, he likes to hold your tummy, imagining how cute it would be with your child. he likes to keep his cock inside you too to make sure not a single drop of his cum is wasted.

• obviously respects your choices if you are not actually ready for a kid yet!!!

MIKEY, KAZUTORA, benkei, takemichi, TAIJU, shin, chifuyu

-> into it if you’re into it

• it’s not necessarily a kink he loves but he does think it’s kind of hot. so if you’re into it, he’ll be into it too.

• he likes the general idea of both of you giving yourselves to each other. cumming inside is very intimate since it requires a lot of trust with your partner first, so he would like that aspect of the breeding kink. he definitely likes creampies and doing it raw, so a little bit of dirty talking on how he’s going to knock you up is in his cords.

• wouldn’t want kids right now though, he would prefer to wait until you’re both older and stable. but he can still imagine a future with you and your kid(s).

MITSUYA, kakucho, DRAKEN, inupi, nahoya, hakkai, naoto, wakasa

-> absolutely no

• that man does NOT want kids. at least not until a very long time.

• would like to do it raw because it feels better but only if you’re both safe and if there’s no risk of you getting pregnant.

• dirty talk about him filling you up and giving you his seed is fine, but if you mention anything about making him a daddy or knocking you up, it’s an instant turn-off and he won’t even be able to finish.

• that’s how BAD he doesn’t want kids rip.

• probably isn’t the type to settle down and marry someone too.

• but if you are long-term partners, he might warm up to the idea, at least warm up to the kink itself since it can be just a fantasy.

RAN, hanma, KOKO, rindou, TAKEOMI, izana, south, SHION, sanzu


competition // ryuuguji k.

Pairing: Draken | Ryuuguji Ken x Reader, mentions of Hanma Shuuji x Reader

Rating:Mfor Mature

Warnings: infidelity, not poly, Draken stealing Hanma’s girl (but it’s consensual and she is very into it), no smut but it’s implied.

A/N: pls this is the first thing i’ve written in ages and i’m not that proud of it lmao. i love draken so much but writing him is so, SO difficult for me; it makes me want to cry. this started out as a bday present for him but morphed into some ugly “leave hanma for the good guy” piece lmao. i still love you shuuji, but draken— come on. (side note: draken is the only man i would leave hanma for. it’s just… draken, yk?)

You’ve always had a knack for getting in trouble. 

It’s never really made sense. You’re a nice girl with good grades and a career that you’ve been working for since you graduated high school on the horizon, your name and trouble shouldn’t even be in the same sentence. However, mischief seems to lurk around every corner as far as you’re concerned; how else would you have wound up here? 

Here, stumbling through the door to your home with someone who doesn’t belong there. 

Keep reading


competition // ryuuguji k.

Pairing: Draken | Ryuuguji Ken x Reader, mentions of Hanma Shuuji x Reader

Rating:Mfor Mature

Warnings: infidelity, not poly, Draken stealing Hanma’s girl (but it’s consensual and she is very into it), no smut but it’s implied.

A/N: pls this is the first thing i’ve written in ages and i’m not that proud of it lmao. i love draken so much but writing him is so, SO difficult for me; it makes me want to cry. this started out as a bday present for him but morphed into some ugly “leave hanma for the good guy” piece lmao. i still love you shuuji, but draken— come on. (side note: draken is the only man i would leave hanma for. it’s just… draken, yk?)

You’ve always had a knack for getting in trouble. 

It’s never really made sense. You’re a nice girl with good grades and a career that you’ve been working for since you graduated high school on the horizon, your name and trouble shouldn’t even be in the same sentence. However, mischief seems to lurk around every corner as far as you’re concerned; how else would you have wound up here? 

Here, stumbling through the door to your home with someone who doesn’t belong there. 

Keep reading


“Stop that.” You said while tapping the back of his head with the beer you brought him to replace the one in his hand.

“What?” Draken questioned as he took the bottle from you.

You’re clenching your jaw. Stop that you’ll cause yourself to get a headache. Why are you stressing about anyway?” You question while massaging his jaw with your now free hand.

“Have you not been paying attention to the news? The crime rate is sky rocketing and fucking Bonten is behind most of it.” He said pointing his bottle at the tv. Eww Sanzu has been going overboard with the guys on the docks lately. Why does he never get fussed at for not cleaning his messes like you and Rin do?

“So what does that have to do with you? You’re acting like you could have stopped it.” Playing it off like you don’t know exactly what happened.


“No! How?” You screamed while eating your popcorn. Did you know this yes. Were you still nosy enough to want to hear it from another source, yes.

“Me and the leader; the dude with the neck tattoo we were friends when we were kids. We grew a part after his sister died.” Sitting the now empty bottle down he looked out the patio door almost not really wanting you to see his face.

“How did she die, if you don’t mind me asking?” It was the one part no one told you almost as if it was against the law to bring it up.

“Gang violence. We were the head of this gang and this dude that we kicked out got into his adopted brother’s head and she ended up getting caught in the middle of a gang fight.” He got up going to the kitchen, he came back with two glasses and the strongest bourbon from the bar. This was serious enough for him the drink.

“Sounds like you took the blame for her death.” You said taking a sip out of the glass he poured you. “That is not of God and I don’t appreciate you trying to kill me.”

“I couldn’t protect her. I loved her and I couldn’t protect her. I didn’t even get to tell her.”

“Is that what has you so hung up? If we’re half as annoying with her as you are with me she knew. Also from what you’ve shown me you aren’t a real thug so I’m sure you weren’t the one who killed her or knew she was targeted. If you feel this way about a lost love, think about how he feels, that was his sister it’s technically his job to protect her and he let a stupid fight with some loser made him lose sight of it. Not just him think of how his brother must feel to be used in such a way that cost him his family.” Coming over to the couch he was sitting on you realized how much he’s been keeping to hisself, out of all the times you’ve watched him at his job, with his friends, or just alone he always had a wall up and always made sure others were okay even if was inconvenient for him.

“When it comes to his brother he also died that same day, he got shot saving his best friend. All I know is he started pulling away from all of us a year after it all happened and then he got with all those yes men around him that he never hears no.” Taking the remaining liquid in your glass and adding it to his own he downed it stating the last part angrily. Yes you all were slightly scared of Mikey but yes men was a little overboard you told him no three times this week.

“He’s alone? I know it’s stupid but I can see how pulling him away might be he way of healing. I did it with my family when my mom died.How do you know who he has around him?” So rude of him to assume they were your idiots to protect. “You also ran away from your family and now live half way around the world from your family. You’re not the best example.You work for two of them. You can’t tell me you don’t know that those idiots are part Bonten. They literally have the gang’s tattoo on their necks.”he laughed finally releasing the tension in his back.

“Exactly I came here and made a new family, coping level 100. My bosses are idiots who get matching tattoos what they mean has nothing to do with me. Off the record I am sure 60% of the money they make is not legal but that is none of my business.”it was more like 95% but that’s neither here nor there.

“You are probably right the less you know the better. Have you seen that guy at the club?”

“Who the short guy with the bad ass bob? Probably, the Haitanis block off parts of the hallway in the vip rooms some days so I don’t know who’s all there. Why?” You asked again trying to catch up with Draken you were in dire need of a chaser that bourbon was not as sweet as you liked and you were slowly dying inside. Although Mikey’s bob was fabulous now that Koko talked him into getting layers cut in.

“Nothing, just watch out around those guys.” He whispered as he kissed the top of your head.

“Sure and you stop feeling like it’s your fault your friend’s sister died. You are not at fault, who ever brainwashed his brother is the one at fault. It can affect your relationship with women down the road.” You replied while getting up to head to your room.“You know you’re very good at this Why don’t you use your degree again?” He asked while staring up at you. “Client/doctor confidentiality mostly, I wouldn’t be able to tell you any of the things I would hear then how would I entertain you?”you mused.

“I can think of a few ways.”


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3


competition // ryuuguji k.

Pairing: Draken | Ryuuguji Ken x Reader, mentions of Hanma Shuuji x Reader

Rating:Mfor Mature

Warnings: infidelity, not poly, Draken stealing Hanma’s girl (but it’s consensual and she is very into it), no smut but it’s implied.

A/N: pls this is the first thing i’ve written in ages and i’m not that proud of it lmao. i love draken so much but writing him is so, SO difficult for me; it makes me want to cry. this started out as a bday present for him but morphed into some ugly “leave hanma for the good guy” piece lmao. i still love you shuuji, but draken— come on. (side note: draken is the only man i would leave hanma for. it’s just… draken, yk?)

You’ve always had a knack for getting in trouble. 

It’s never really made sense. You’re a nice girl with good grades and a career that you’ve been working for since you graduated high school on the horizon, your name and trouble shouldn’t even be in the same sentence. However, mischief seems to lurk around every corner as far as you’re concerned; how else would you have wound up here? 

Here, stumbling through the door to your home with someone who doesn’t belong there. 

Keep reading

I’m gonna reblog all clover ish!!!!


first man

request: [anon] hii !! just wanted to say that i absolutely L O V E your work !! and for the headcanon idea,, since i’ve been experiencing baby fever lately why not do tokrev daddies?

synopsis: put some babies in your life and take away the drama.

featuring: ran haitani, ryuguuji ken, shinichiro sano.


note: can you tell my daddy issues went hard when writing ran lol

—ran haitani

  • babies weren’t part of his plan.
  • yes he’s always been good at the raising part and somehow, babies were never exactly scared of him.
  • he didn’t know if it was because he looked like a doll with his braids when he was younger, but babies immediately liked him.
  • having one of his own when he joined bonten was life changing—same as when he met you and married you.

“careful ran, she just fell asleep.” your soft voice and the way you gently handed your husband your newborn baby girl was something ran would never be able to forget.

his hands were shaking, a lump in his throat that he tried to swallow ever since you went into labor. he tried to fight back the tears when he saw you begging him to stay next to you when you were pushing your precious baby girl, promised to pull himself together when he finally heard her small cry—but this way beyond him.

“hold her ran, she wants to meet you.” she does? a part of him felt like he wasn’t ready to meet her yet. what if she didn’t like him? what if she thought he looked scary with the tattoo on his neck?

all his anxieties disappeared the moment his arms cradled his baby girl to his chest like she was the most fragile and precious thing in the world, his tired eyes staring down at her with so much warmth you felt your own chest tickle at the sight.

ran was finally a dad.

“hey there,” you’ve never heard ran’s voice sound so hesitant, almost as if he was scared of talking to the baby girl he helped creating. the pad of his finger brushed her cheek, admiring the way her eyelashes, her nose that already resembled her fathers and her lips that were definitely yours.

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Hello! I’m asking for asks / submissions ideas for a series I’m working on. It’s a love letter series. I plan on writing yearning, agnsty, and fluffy letters addressed to (y/n)- all with a handwritten appearance.

Suggestions are highly appreciated!


pairing : ryūguji (draken) ken x gn!reader

genre : fluff

word count : 1.1k

tw : mention of drinkingandalcohol

affiliated with :@hanayanetwork@planetonet

[a/n] : i just love how i mention in my event that the drabbles would be max 500 words, but i end up writing mini length fics instead lol. anywayy,,, this one is for you bby sum sum @suyaboo-ya !! i hope you like it and that draken isn’t ooc


When your best friend Draken asked you to come join him to Toman’s reunion at Takemichi’s place, you didn’t expect the mass of drunk people to be there as well. In all honesty, even Draken thought it would only be the founding members and their vice captain’s, but it seems like Mikey had other plans.

Speaking of Mikey, it’s him who you spot first. He is playing beer pong against Baji. You tap Draken on his shoulder and point at Mikey, who by the looks of it, is ready to fight Baji for presumably winning the beer pong match. Draken sighs as he excuses himself and walks over to prevent the two menaces from breaking anything.

“Mikey and Baji have always been lightweights,” you jump a bit, not expecting someone to talk to you out of nowhere. When you turn around you’re met with Mitsuya who is casually sipping from his own red cup.

“You shouldn’t be talking,” you tease as you grab Mitsuya’s cup and down the liquid in one go, before giving it back to him. Mitsuya merely chuckles, ruffling your hair a bit as he walks off into the crowd. You, however, didn’t follow him but made your way over to the drinking table, contemplating what concoction to make for yourself.

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᯽⸱៰ ͘ ࣭⸰ ͙ࣳ Who’s Little Sister? ; Pt. 2

Warning:NFSW 18+ MONIRS DNI, age gap (Draken is in his late 20’s and owns the bike shop, reader is in their early 20’s in university), fem reader (takemichi’s little sister), crybaby/bimbo reader, angsty in the middle, Draken is very insecure of his ability to be in a relationship, slight exhibitionism (Draken fucks you while on call), multiple cream pies, messy make-outs, oral (m!receiving), mating press, squirting, lots of praise, aftercare, lots of pet names, it gets soft and passionate at the end, 

Word count: 9k ish

Authors note:The long-awaited part 2 of “Who’s Little Sister.” I put my heart, soul, and pussy into this piece. I think it’s my favourite thing I’ve ever written in all honesty, it very much encaptures how I think Draken’s and I’s relationship would start. God, I love him so much. It’s also the first time I’ve written anything remotely angsty though, and I can’t tell if it’s lame or not LMFAO. Please, let me know what you think. This piece was also due for a collab, Messy Messy collab hosted by @keililythat is weelllll overdue, so I truly do apologize for the wait, Im a perfectionist at heart, especially for this piece. Constructive feedback, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated. 

extra note:Listen to “Nothings gunna hurt you baby.” By Cigarettes After Sex during the last scene. It’s Kenny’s and I’s selfship song and help inspired me for the ending <3

“Draken-Kun, are you coming tonight?” 

There was silence on Draken’s end of the phone as all the other males on-call waited for a response. Mikey was the first one to say something back, annoyance clear in his tone as he spoke directly into the receiver, making his voice sound much louder than necessary. 

Oi, Ken-Chin, get off the phone if you’re just gonna ignore us.” 

“Sorry–” Draken finally responded, his voice seeming just a bit more… strained than usual. Not enough for the boys to notice until he grunted softly, what seemed to be creaking or something muffled in the background of his audio call. 

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pairing : ryūguji (draken) ken x gn!reader

genre : fluff

word count : 1.1k

tw : mention of drinkingandalcohol

affiliated with :@hanayanetwork@planetonet

[a/n] : i just love how i mention in my event that the drabbles would be max 500 words, but i end up writing mini length fics instead lol. anywayy,,, this one is for you bby sum sum @suyaboo-ya !! i hope you like it and that draken isn’t ooc


When your best friend Draken asked you to come join him to Toman’s reunion at Takemichi’s place, you didn’t expect the mass of drunk people to be there as well. In all honesty, even Draken thought it would only be the founding members and their vice captain’s, but it seems like Mikey had other plans.

Speaking of Mikey, it’s him who you spot first. He is playing beer pong against Baji. You tap Draken on his shoulder and point at Mikey, who by the looks of it, is ready to fight Baji for presumably winning the beer pong match. Draken sighs as he excuses himself and walks over to prevent the two menaces from breaking anything.

“Mikey and Baji have always been lightweights,” you jump a bit, not expecting someone to talk to you out of nowhere. When you turn around you’re met with Mitsuya who is casually sipping from his own red cup.

“You shouldn’t be talking,” you tease as you grab Mitsuya’s cup and down the liquid in one go, before giving it back to him. Mitsuya merely chuckles, ruffling your hair a bit as he walks off into the crowd. You, however, didn’t follow him but made your way over to the drinking table, contemplating what concoction to make for yourself.

Keep reading

tr babies crying


baby baji crying: clinging weeping, snot running down, messy, loud enough for the neighbors to hear, keeps saying it’s not his fault! keisuke didn’t know! (but it is), calms down only when nursing

baby draken crying: whimpers, sullen, sulky until dragged into mommy’s arms where he’ll wail and cry and be just as babie as the rest of them, will only cry if it’s just the two of them, likes to be curled up and have her envelop him so he feels small and safe.

baby mikey crying: will make a fuss at any little thing when mommy can’t attend to him, crocodile tears, when he’s frustrated he’ll just pout and sulk and kick at the nearest thing, when he’s actually really sad he’ll just want to cuddle and whimper so quietly, death grip on mommy’s shirts, he’s stretched out a number of them already

baby mitsuya: actually just as dramatic as baji, and sulks as much as draken, gives the most devastating pouts, will hide his face when he doesn’t want to hear mommy’s excuses anymore, just coo and fuss over him already! he needs the attention!

baby kazutora: the most heartbreaking cries, takes forever to calm him down and he won’t want to leave mommy’s lap (although that’s true for everyone else too), gets very very shy afterwards, follows mommy around everywhere after, needs to hold onto his tiger plushie too if he’s feeling really bad


— Ken Ryuguji, Manjiro Sano, Shuji Hanma, Haruchiyo Akashi, Taiju Shiba x f!reader

cw. size kink, pet name, dirty talk, praise, riding, public, oral, choking, doggy, degradation, daddy kink

an. i can’t even remember the last time i wrote for this fandom but i miss draken so <3 rbs are appreciated | m.list


His lips curl in a smirk as you dig your nails into his pecs and lower yourself a little more onto his length.

You’re such a good girl,” Draken coos grabbing your hips to support you.

You can’t help it and moan breathlessly as you work your hips to meet his, “yo-you’re too big ..aha..” you meow trapping your lip between your teeth to cover your lewd moans.

He chuckles. “I know, baby, but you’re doing it so well.” He rises to meet your face and presses sloppy kisses into the crook of your neck as you sob and try to bounce on half of his shaft.

His fingers slide between your sweaty bodies and when he presses on your clit your jaw falls open. “Come on baby, you can cum like that too,” he hums meeting your teary eyes.

Cum on me, make a mess.” Your fingers wrap in his hair as your walls spasm and clench around his fat girth.

When you gush around him, Draken smiles.

He keeps grinding your bud and you slowly lower yourself onto his cock, squealing his name as you end up sitting in his lap.

That’s my good girl, now you can ride me good” he coos enjoying your throbbing pussy around his cock and your cum sliding onto his balls.


Stop squirming,” he blows in your ear as you slide onto his thick length and begin to stretch around him.

You frown and try to adjust to his size but every time you take a slow breath your walls flutter painfully around him.

It’ s too big,” you sob, gripping the edge of the table in front of you.

His thick tip drools pre-cum as your cunt squeezes him sporadically. Your clit swells as you squeeze your thighs together to seek friction and let out a lewd moan.

Mikey snorts as he lifts himself up from the chair with his cock buried inside you, “Sorry guys, looks like my pretty slut can’t stay put,” he coos to his subordinates before bending you over the desk and beginning to fuck his cock into your soggy slit.

Your juices gush out of your pussy sliding between your thighs and the lewd noises of his balls slamming into your wet nub make the other men in the room giggle, but you don’t care, not when his massive cock presses down on your spots and makes you cream so good and hard.


You press your palms on his thighs as Hanma holds you pressed against his groin, his cock spasming in your throat making you gag.

Fuck,” he gasps, eyes rolling back in his head as he grabs a handful of your hair and pulls you off his cock, your drool mixed with his pre-cum holding your lips connected to his thick tip, “you’re sucking me so well princess, go ahead.

You wrap your lips around his head once more slurping hard before swallowing and working him slowly.

He squirms and moans. His cock throbs from your attention. Your tongue swirls so well over his tight slit that he might cum on the spot.

Just … fucking take it,” he says throwing his head back and pressing a hand behind your head, “your cheeks full of my cock, you’re driving me fucking crazy.”

His pre-cum dribbles sliding over your tongue and as you choke on his girth you can feel him throbbing heavy.

His hot semen fills your mouth and as you swallow it you finish working him greedily, bobbing your head back and forth until the last drop has left his fat balls and he pushes you away.


His big hand holds your face pressed into the pillow as the fat tip of his cock pokes at your folds.

You can’t see him but you know he has a smirk on his lips as he sinks into you. Your walls squeeze and suck him in as if your tight hole was made for his girth.

Please, too big …” you sob into the pillow.

You’re so cute when you cry,” he chuckles, fucking deeper and rougher. His heavy balls slap your clit making you sob and squeal his name.

Sanzu giggles as your cream begins to cover his shaft and a white ring forms around the base of his cock.

He licks his lips beginning with a steady rhythm to drill your slit, “fuck, you like being filled by a big cock mh” he spits out the words as you arch under him and twitch on his cock. "You like it when this big cock spreads your slutty cunt, don’t you? You like it when it hurts, you dirty little girl.“

A bunch of thrusts later you cum on him, your walls fluttering and clenching making Sanzu swear about how you are a little slut for his cock.


His hand wrapped around your throat keeps you pinned down as he bullies his big cock into your tight hole.

Your eyes water and your mouth snaps open as Taiju angles his hips and fucks his cock roughly against your cervix.

It’s too deep, daddy“ you blurt, sobbing.

He chuckles as he continues his rhythm, capturing your bud with his crotch, ”you’re creaming so .. it’s not so bad mh“ he teases you pulling out half of his thick cock before thrusting his length more precisely back inside your slit.

Your folds tighten and when you finally relax he grabs you below the knees locking your thighs to your chest, his eyes fixed on your hole filled with his cock and the way your belly bulges under his thrusts.

Mh shit, take daddy like this“ he moans licking his lips, ”so good, take it all.

You throw your head back into the pillow as your pussy begins to gush and lewd sounds fill the room, ”yes, that’s it, fucking cum for daddy“ he taunts you as he feels you begin to squeeze his veiny cock, ”like a slut, my little slut.“

You arch so well for him and cum desperately, coating his shaft making a mess on him and on the sheets, ”fuck, you like being spread by a big cock uhu filthy girl“ he coo with a smirk on his lips.



“Stop that.” You said while tapping the back of his head with the beer you brought him to replace the one in his hand.

“What?” Draken questioned as he took the bottle from you.

You’re clenching your jaw. Stop that you’ll cause yourself to get a headache. Why are you stressing about anyway?” You question while massaging his jaw with your now free hand.

“Have you not been paying attention to the news? The crime rate is sky rocketing and fucking Bonten is behind most of it.” He said pointing his bottle at the tv. Eww Sanzu has been going overboard with the guys on the docks lately. Why does he never get fussed at for not cleaning his messes like you and Rin do?

“So what does that have to do with you? You’re acting like you could have stopped it.” Playing it off like you don’t know exactly what happened.


“No! How?” You screamed while eating your popcorn. Did you know this yes. Were you still nosy enough to want to hear it from another source, yes.

“Me and the leader; the dude with the neck tattoo we were friends when we were kids. We grew a part after his sister died.” Sitting the now empty bottle down he looked out the patio door almost not really wanting you to see his face.

“How did she die, if you don’t mind me asking?” It was the one part no one told you almost as if it was against the law to bring it up.

“Gang violence. We were the head of this gang and this dude that we kicked out got into his adopted brother’s head and she ended up getting caught in the middle of a gang fight.” He got up going to the kitchen, he came back with two glasses and the strongest bourbon from the bar. This was serious enough for him the drink.

“Sounds like you took the blame for her death.” You said taking a sip out of the glass he poured you. “That is not of God and I don’t appreciate you trying to kill me.”

“I couldn’t protect her. I loved her and I couldn’t protect her. I didn’t even get to tell her.”

“Is that what has you so hung up? If we’re half as annoying with her as you are with me she knew. Also from what you’ve shown me you aren’t a real thug so I’m sure you weren’t the one who killed her or knew she was targeted. If you feel this way about a lost love, think about how he feels, that was his sister it’s technically his job to protect her and he let a stupid fight with some loser made him lose sight of it. Not just him think of how his brother must feel to be used in such a way that cost him his family.” Coming over to the couch he was sitting on you realized how much he’s been keeping to hisself, out of all the times you’ve watched him at his job, with his friends, or just alone he always had a wall up and always made sure others were okay even if was inconvenient for him.

“When it comes to his brother he also died that same day, he got shot saving his best friend. All I know is he started pulling away from all of us a year after it all happened and then he got with all those yes men around him that he never hears no.” Taking the remaining liquid in your glass and adding it to his own he downed it stating the last part angrily. Yes you all were slightly scared of Mikey but yes men was a little overboard you told him no three times this week.

“He’s alone? I know it’s stupid but I can see how pulling him away might be he way of healing. I did it with my family when my mom died.How do you know who he has around him?” So rude of him to assume they were your idiots to protect. “You also ran away from your family and now live half way around the world from your family. You’re not the best example.You work for two of them. You can’t tell me you don’t know that those idiots are part Bonten. They literally have the gang’s tattoo on their necks.”he laughed finally releasing the tension in his back.

“Exactly I came here and made a new family, coping level 100. My bosses are idiots who get matching tattoos what they mean has nothing to do with me. Off the record I am sure 60% of the money they make is not legal but that is none of my business.”it was more like 95% but that’s neither here nor there.

“You are probably right the less you know the better. Have you seen that guy at the club?”

“Who the short guy with the bad ass bob? Probably, the Haitanis block off parts of the hallway in the vip rooms some days so I don’t know who’s all there. Why?” You asked again trying to catch up with Draken you were in dire need of a chaser that bourbon was not as sweet as you liked and you were slowly dying inside. Although Mikey’s bob was fabulous now that Koko talked him into getting layers cut in.

“Nothing, just watch out around those guys.” He whispered as he kissed the top of your head.

“Sure and you stop feeling like it’s your fault your friend’s sister died. You are not at fault, who ever brainwashed his brother is the one at fault. It can affect your relationship with women down the road.” You replied while getting up to head to your room.“You know you’re very good at this Why don’t you use your degree again?” He asked while staring up at you. “Client/doctor confidentiality mostly, I wouldn’t be able to tell you any of the things I would hear then how would I entertain you?”you mused.

“I can think of a few ways.”


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
