#tokyo revengers shinichiro


imagine being shinichiro’s best friend and he just got rejected by a girl so he texts you asking to hang out and since you knew he was gonna confess today you can already guess how that went. so you go outside in the late evening and let him complain to you about how he can never score a girlfriend. being the supportive friend you are you buy him drinks so he can at least let loose for tonight and get drunk while you look after him so he doesn’t do anything stupid. after a few hours you take him on a walk and sit down on a park bench where he, in his drunk state, eventually falls and lets his head rest in your lap. while shinichiro slurs about how rudely the girl “broke his heart” you just look down at his flushed cheeks, sparkling eyes and the cute pout on his lips and think to yourself how could someone reject someone as sweet as shinichiro?

shinichirois the type of boyfriend who would go to a party with you but not drink any alcohol so you can just let go, have fun and get drunk while he looks out for you and eventually drives you two home. he prefers knowing you’re safe over indulging in himself, besides he’s a social guy, he doesn’t need alcohol to have fun with his friends and embarass himself.


first man

request: [anon] hii !! just wanted to say that i absolutely L O V E your work !! and for the headcanon idea,, since i’ve been experiencing baby fever lately why not do tokrev daddies?

synopsis: put some babies in your life and take away the drama.

featuring: ran haitani, ryuguuji ken, shinichiro sano.


note: can you tell my daddy issues went hard when writing ran lol

—ran haitani

  • babies weren’t part of his plan.
  • yes he’s always been good at the raising part and somehow, babies were never exactly scared of him.
  • he didn’t know if it was because he looked like a doll with his braids when he was younger, but babies immediately liked him.
  • having one of his own when he joined bonten was life changing—same as when he met you and married you.

“careful ran, she just fell asleep.” your soft voice and the way you gently handed your husband your newborn baby girl was something ran would never be able to forget.

his hands were shaking, a lump in his throat that he tried to swallow ever since you went into labor. he tried to fight back the tears when he saw you begging him to stay next to you when you were pushing your precious baby girl, promised to pull himself together when he finally heard her small cry—but this way beyond him.

“hold her ran, she wants to meet you.” she does? a part of him felt like he wasn’t ready to meet her yet. what if she didn’t like him? what if she thought he looked scary with the tattoo on his neck?

all his anxieties disappeared the moment his arms cradled his baby girl to his chest like she was the most fragile and precious thing in the world, his tired eyes staring down at her with so much warmth you felt your own chest tickle at the sight.

ran was finally a dad.

“hey there,” you’ve never heard ran’s voice sound so hesitant, almost as if he was scared of talking to the baby girl he helped creating. the pad of his finger brushed her cheek, admiring the way her eyelashes, her nose that already resembled her fathers and her lips that were definitely yours.

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