#ranna plays dnd


The last maps for my DnD homebrew world Eseria. I’m - happy.^^

The Nephriam Empire is another region of my homebrew world Eseria. Well, I say region.^^I still have a few more to build but it’s going well.

You can find the first part here!

Taralin - one of the regions/locations from a DnD campaign I’m working on. Thirteen Bells - so far i

Taralin - one of the regions/locations from a DnD campaign I’m working on. Thirteen Bells - so far it’s going well and since I’m very happy how this one turned out, I decided to share this with you.

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cdhurricane: Half-Orc Bard from our DnD Campaing


Half-Orc Bard from our DnD Campaing

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cdhurricane: Pirate from our DnD Campaing


Pirate from our DnD Campaing

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cdhurricane:Sariel - half-elf from our DnD CampaingShe is so gorgeous! It’s so easy to imagine the


Sariel - half-elf from our DnD Campaing

She is so gorgeous!

It’s so easy to imagine the characters. <3

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Another few maps I made, though these are for my current campaign - Legend of the Crystal Gates.

The top two maps belong together. The left shows the rather unassuming home of an alchemist researcher. The left map is his more bloody testing chamber below his home.

The map on the bottom shows the party’s current, possibly temporary home. Of course, these maps are not perfect or as elaborate and detailed as I would like them to be. But that’s okay. I’m still learning after all.

All three maps were made with Inkarnate.
