#rantaro amami x reader


Hiya! I was wondering if you could do a scenario where Rantaro is dating his s/o who has a threatening shsl talent (ex: mafia boss, mercenary, etc.) And they become nervous that he’ll leave the because of it

Headcanons of Rantaro x the shsl mercenary

  • Rantaro is a very relaxed guy, but he also isn’t a push over. So the first time he meets his s/o, it’s when they were in a scuffle with someone else who didn’t agree with their client. Rantaro tries to mediate the situation, but then the person yells an offensive term and Rantaro just lets go of his s/o and watches for a minute as they kick the persons ass more before stopping it. He later walks his s/o back and helps wrap up any small wounds they received. This is how they started talking, which later lead to dating.
  • Rantaro never minded how his s/o had a threatening talent. He never saw them as unnecessarily violent, if anything, he loved to point out how much of a soft dork they were. They would bake foods together and look at all the pictures of places and cats Rantaro took on his travels. Rantaro never could hold back his laughter when he saw the dazzle in his s/o’s eyes, they were just adorable.
  • While he never cared, his s/o very clearly did. They would apologize for showing any signs of anger or violence, like if they cursed or if they kicked something out of anger. Rantaro never fully understood why, and whenever he confronted them, his s/o would just shrug it off and say it’s nothing. However, one night they were honest about their insecurities, and Rantaro flicked them on the forehead before giving them a forehead kiss and hugging them. He then reassured them that he knew they were so much more than just their talent, and that they were actually very compassionate and fun to be around. They end up talking all night about stuff and agreeing to never judge each other based on any label or title.
  • Rantaro after that decides to flex about his s/o’s strength, threatening to get them to fight anyone who bugs him (all jokes though, even though his s/o agreed with the idea.) he also will playfully lean on them and call them his “super strong and muscular partner of his dreams.” He loves to just compliment their strength in general and it always makes his s/o flustered… which only encourages him more.
  • They both want to travel together around the world to find Rantaro’s sisters, with Rantaro being the adventurer who decides where they go and his s/o being his own personal body guard, there to protect him and assist him any way they can on his journey. They joke about dressing up as pirates after they find his sisters and sailing with them for a bit, and they always love to take pictures of animals and want to have a shared pet one day.

Mod Kaede here ^-^ If this request is okay then yeah- Can you write (can be in headcanon form) any of the guys from DRV3 (you can pick ^-^ your favorite) with a chubby reader who gets self conscious really easy? If not that’s fine! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Headcanons for Rantaro Amami x chubby reader who gets self conscious really easily

  • Rantaro, being decently tall, is used to giving his partners his shirts to wear because A. Relationship goals his partners look adorable in them and B. He loves to spoil his partners in cute ways like that. However, when he found out his most recent partner is self conscious about their weight and how they look in his shirts, he decided to get some shirts a bit baggy. Not only so that his s/o looks adorably tiny in them, but so he can joke about how they don’t fit him either and reassure them it’s okay if they don’t fit them perfectly too (he does allow them to decline if they are still nervous though.)
  • Every time his s/o is self-depreciating about their looks, and if it’s not super serious, Rantaro will find pictures of cats he took from different places and send them to his s/o claiming they are beautiful and just like the fluffy cats. Them being chubby just fits how cute they are as well as their adorable “purr-sonality”…. He’ll then awkwardly laugh and apologize for the bad joke and remind them they are beautiful.
  • He loves cuddling with them. His s/o who happens to be chubby is so soft and huggable, he loves it so much. He isn’t big on PDA, but whenever they are alone he’ll just hug them from behind or rest his chin on them and just playfully pepper kisses on them.
  • Rantaro loves to take selfies, at least one, of wherever he travels to remember it. He decides to bring his s/o along for a lighthearted trip for once to a place he had been before but wish he got to explore more. Along the way they have dinner and he insists on them getting whatever they want and that he would pay. Afterwards he takes some pictures to post but his s/o isn’t comfy with that, so he just simply shares them with his s/o. He was just happy to have a nice evening with his s/o, and he doesn’t want to make them uncomfortable.
  • Rantaro is a very respectful and kind guy, but the second someone makes a comment about his friends or s/o he’ll step in, especially if it’s harassing them. His s/o rarely sees him upset, but one time someone was being a jerk and made them cry, and Rantaro ended not only stepping in and shoving the guy, but he brought back up with Tenko and Maki. It’s safe to say the person never said anything to them again after that run in.
  • Whenever his s/o decides to go out of their comfort zone or treat themself, Rantaro gives them a stuff animal as a gift. Nothing big or anything, it’s just a little positive message to say “I’m proud of you for trying to be happy and love who you are, cause you deserve to be happy and love yourself cause you are beautiful.” He also leaves positive notes and chocolates around the house when they are over.

(tw self harm)
could i get a scenario/headcanons about rantaro, who doesn’t know his s/o self harms, walking in on them doing it, and they panic and start sobbing and frantically trying to get as far away as physically possible? like, they just become absolutely terrified? thank you!

A Quick Response: Before this begins, I’m gonna say a few words. I very much hope this was requested for genuine comfort, and not just for the sake of angst. That sounds rude but there’s no better way to phrase it. I’m just going to assume you’re going through some stuff, and I very much hope that you are able to seek medical help if you’ve had thoughts of doing this or have done something such as self harm. I’ve been there, and trust me, the best option is to let an adult know (if you’re not an adult that is) and seek help. I’m not going to romanticize this because that’s not at all healthy, so the actual writing might be relatively short. Under the cut for the sensitive topic. 

  • When he finds you, he’s fucking terrified.
  • He stands in the doorway and doesn’t make any sudden movements.
  • Once he calls an ambulance, he tries to talk to you to calm you down. Won’t move towards you, but tries to convince you to set down whatever you hurt yourself with and, if possible, kick it towards him so you don’t have fast access to it.
  • He stays in the doorway talking to you while the ambulance arrives.
  • He visits you in the hospital the next day once you’ve received the proper physical medical attention.
  • He sits with you during visiting hours and tells you that he cares for you very much, but he is a bit weary around you. He’s afraid of something as drastic as that happening again, and he tells you such because he wants to be as honest as possible.
  • Overall, he’s just glad that you’re getting the help you need through the hospital, and he tries to with you throughout your recovery.
  • He reminds you to take your medication when you’re released, and he makes sure to keep track of any sharp objects you could hurt yourself with for a while.
  • Looking back, he’s glad he found you when he did.

Prompt: Can you please do a scenario where Shuichi has a twin sister and she’s the V3 boys (sans Shuichi) and something bad happens to Shuichi and the boys comfort her while she cries over Shuichi? (You can decide Shuichi’s fate in each scenario where he’s critically injured, in a coma, or died.)


  • Shuichi was on a ladder to reach a high shelf, but he fell and hit his head.
  • He’s in the hospital and in stable condition, but he’s in a medical coma while they run scans on him.
  • Lets be honest here, he’s as terrified and as worried as you are.
  • That being said, you’re his twin. He’s going to comfort you as much as he can though he might need to be comforted too.
  • Plenty of hugs and reassurances are thrown your way, and his optimism definitely helps you calm down after the initial scare.
  • The two of you try to distract yourselves by watching movies and stargazing.


  • Shuichi was in the hospital with a really bad case of pneumonia. He’s gonna be there for a few weeks, and be bedridden for a while after that.
  • He has twelve sisters; one of them has bound to had pneumonia before. He reassures you by staying level headed and generally being a voice of reason.
  • When he notices you crying, he pulls you in for a hug and just holds you for a while.
  • Once you’ve tried yourself out, he reminds you that it’s better to keep looking foreword, and that your brother will be okay.
  • He asks what you would like to do, and responds in kind. Want to watch movies? Play video games?? Go for a walk??? He’s ready to do whatever you’d like to distract you if you need.


  • Shuichi calls you and begins to speak in a rushed, quiet voice. He explains that he’s being followed by two suspicious looking people, and that he’s calling you in hopes they’ll leave him alone.
  • He tells you his location, which is about 6 blocks from your home. You and Kiibo, who had been watching movies at home, tell him you’ll meet up with him.
  • When you two arrive, he’s found with his phone broken and some broken bones. He’s conscious, but clearly in a lot of pain.
  • Both you and Kiibo rush over to him, and you call the cops and an ambulance while you sit next to him to comfort him.
  • It’s kind of a miracle Kiibo didn’t shut down he was so startled, but he notices you crying and offers his hand to hold since your other hand is being squeezed by Shuichi.
  • Kiibo tries to comfort you as much as he can when the police get statements from the three of you, and he assures you that Shuichi will be alright soon other than a few casts.


  • The two of you were returning back to your home after a date. It’s raining pretty heavily, so Kokichi is gonna stay at your place for the night.
  • When the two of you walk in, the place is trashed. Everything is knocked over, and there’s glass shards everywhere by a broken window. Most concerningly, there’s blood trailing to the kitchen.
  • You two rush in only to find Shuichi on the floor. No visible wounds, but he’s clearly the one bleeding.
  • You run over to him while Kokichi calls an ambulance and the police. Shuchi doesn’t respond, and you’re too afraid to do anything more than grab his hand and kneel next to him.
  • Kokichi hugs you from behind while you wait for the authorities to arrive.
  • Later, when Shuchi is taken to the hospital, Kokichi is too shaken to really say anything, but he knows you’re hurting more than he is, so he holds himself together
  • He holds you for as long as you need, and is attentive to any requests you make. The way he acts during this time is such a stark contrast to his usual self, it almost gives you whiplash tbh. He goes back to minor pranks to make you laugh once you learn that Shuichi is in stable condition.


  • The whole class was hanging out at the beach for the day since it was the middle of the summer.
  • It was so hot in fact, that Shuichi had a heat stroke and had to go to the ER. He’d be fine in time, but it was terrifying to see him blackout.
  • Needless to say, everyone is pretty nervous about what just happened, and everyone disperses for the day. Kaede asks you to give her any updates to his condition, and everyone gives you their reassurances and a lot of hugs before they leave.
  • You and Ryouma decide to sit at the beach under an umbrella while you calm down and process what just happened.
  • He notices that you’re quietly crying, and he asks if you’d like a hug.
  • He lets you know that he’s confident in your brother’s condition, and that hell be okay in no time. Usually he doesn’t like to be held due to his height, but he’ll make an exception if it brings comfort to you.


  • Shuichi had been tracked down by a past convict he had found guilty.
  • He was found passed out with serious stab wounds, and was subsequently rushed to the hospital.
  • You two call the authorities, and once Shuichi is in the ER you both just break down with each other.
  • You have to comfort him just as much as he comforts you. It actually kind of distracts you from the state your twin is in, so its not necessarily a bad thing.
  • Once he’s calmed down a bit, he suggests going outside to sit and just talk about nothing for a while since fresh air might help, but he’s willing to do whatever makes you happy.


  • Shuichi had been punched and knocked out cold. No terrible injuries, but he is laid down on a couch for a few hours.
  • Luckily Kirumi put a cold washcloth on his forehead and got everyone to leave you alone with him since you were, reasonably, freaked out.
  • He’s not at all nervous until he sees you crying.
  • He remains calm and gives you the blunt facts: your brother is breathing, with minor injury, and he’ll wake up soon.
  • Might not be the best comfort, but he believes that hearing the truth outright is reassurance to you.
  • He’ll sit and hug you if you request it. Need a distraction? He’s all too willing to tell you a story and pet your hair till you’re calm.

Prompt: NDRV3 boys realizing they’re in love with their best friend

Edit: Half of these were written by me, half were written by a past mod, so they sound kinda different partway through.


  • Oh. Oh no.
  • His instant reaction to figuring out his feelings is fear. He’s very afraid of ruining your friendship, as he doesn’t believe he’s good enough for you. He’s also very afraid that you’ll be hurt if you date him, just as his last girlfriend was hurt.
  • He begins to isolate himself away from you, since there’s no way he’ll willingly tell you about his feelings without intervention.
  • You’d notice the difference in behavior and attempt to confront him. If you express worry or concern and ask what’s wrong, he’d finally tell you.
  • He just accepts, in that moment, that whatever happens happens. If you reciprocate his feelings, he gets to be happy and in love. If you don’t reciprocate his feelings, then you’re safe and he’ll just go back to being friends with you. Though he might be a little quieter than before if you’re just friends.
  • Then again, he appreciates having someone like you in his life, regardless of if you’re best friends or lovers.


  • This lovable idiot had one of those moments where you two were hanging out, and you did one thing, one tiny little miniscule thing, and he just thinks ‘…I love them. Huh.”
  • You’re his best friend. He trusts you so much, he probably doesn’t even hesitate in saying that to you then and there.
  • Because honestly, what’s the worst that can happen? He’s such an optimist that he doesn’t think of any terrifying outcomes.
  • If you love him back, wonderful!! He gets to have his best friend as the one he loves most and they feel the same way!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!
  • If you dont, he still has you as his amazing sidekick and partner in crime! Sweet!!!!
  • That plus he has no filter and just kinda admitted his feelings before realizing it. Whoops.


  • He doesn’t really realize he’s in love with you romantically. Because yeah! He loves having you in hislife!! He appreciates everything you do for him!!! Isn’t that what friends do??
  • He only realizes that he likes you as more than a friend when he begins to notices the smaller details he  loves about you. Your cute mannerisms, the way you speak, the way you brighten up when talking about a subject you love.
  • He kinda realizes that he doesn’t focus so much on those things with his other friends, so he knows something is different about you.
  • He figures it out a few days later. You hug him while youre saying goodbye to him and he just,,, tells you that he loves you.
  • You probably take that platonically since Gonta is just generally a complete sweetheart, but he corrects you that, no, he loves loves you.
  • He immediately gets really embarrassed about admitting that, rip Gonta.


  • Hmmmmmmmm. Interesting.
  • He realizes it over a period of time, and you begin to notice that he tries to get your attention more and more.
  • You were talking to literally anyone other than him???? Not anymore. He just jumped on your back and demands attention from you. It’s getting frustrating.
  • He takes a surprisingly long time to figure out how to tell you. He honestly probably gets a lot of opinions on what to do from his D.I.C.E. members, before he finally works up the courage to tell you.
  • He confronts you alone, and looks,,,, kinda scared?????
  • He beats around the bush and stalls before blurting it out. He just stares at you while you form your response.
  • If you reject his feelings, he tries to play it off as one of his lies, but he acts differently around you afterwards.


  • He would initially assume that his sudden realization is just a spur-of-the-moment ordeal. He’d assume he was caught up in a weak place, and you kindness towards him set off a response of affection.
  • He’ll ignore it for a while, but after a month or two and he’s still overanalyzing everything you say and do, he starts to think that maybe he actually does like you.
  • His first thought of action was to do nothing, and just ignore it and continue staying friends, because he’d rather have your relationship be stable and not as fragile like a couple, but he starts coming up with weird ideas to start being with you more, which can either come off as very forward, or like he doesn’t care.
  • His composer will always stay calm and collected, but he’ll act a lot more clingy than he use to act, following you around and making sure you’re okay and safe wherever, and I mean wherever you go.
  • He himself will never confess, but when confronted he’ll gush out a monologue about his feelings.
  • If he’s rejected, he’ll act normal the next day and pretend everything that happened didn’t, in hopes that things will be normal
  • If he’s accepted, he just kinda stands there in awe and confusion cause he didn’t actually expect you to say you liked him too. He’s happy though


  • Definitely the calmest out of all of them. He kinda just goes with the flow with life, so if he catches feels for you, he’ll just straight up say it.
  • For him, trust is the most valuable part of a relationship, and the main part of your relationship is trust, so naturally, he’s confident that even if you don’t like him, it’s cool! No big deal.
  • However despite this, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get flustered easily.
  • He wants a good time to actually tell you, instead of just blurting it out, and between the time when he develops feelings, and when he tells you, he acts very on edge and very flustered.
  • He gets the worst case of butterflies, and he can’t help it! And because you guys are friends he can’t just say no to hanging out, especially when he likes you!!
  • Eventually after some thinking, and teasing from his sisters, he’ll just tell you and ask you on a date.
  • If you reject him, he’ll be surprisingly sad. He’ll wander aimlessly around where you guys live and might not return for a few days, but when he comes back, he’ll say that he understands your choice, and that you’re still his best friend.
  • If you accept his offer, he’ll pick you up and wing you around!! happiest boi around
  • he’ll buy you gucci on the first date

Shuichi Saihara

  • Shuichi is already in the checkout lane of Bath and Bodyworks and Lush buying himself literally every stress-relief themed item he can find.
  • He suddenly has like 40 good luck charms on his bag, even after he showers, he still reeks of eucalyptus and spearmint oils.
  • He gets a text from you?? You’re left on read. You see him in the halls??? He’s fucking RUNNING. You try to talk to him??? Sorry uh,, Ranstoner is calling
  • He panics, he doesn’t process anything that’s happening. Every surviving brain cell in his head just dies on the spot, like he just doesn’t know what to do.
  • He’ll immediately distance himself from you, but if you looked over at him, you’d see him staring at you with a look of both awe and seriousness. You’re just, so perfect!!!!!!
  • He asks The Friends for advice, Kaito and Rantarou are NOT helpful, considering they’d just tell you on the spot, Kaede gives him good advice, but does Shuchi have the heart to carry it through? nah
  • And even though he never asked, Kokichi would run and tell you for Shuichi, and Miu would totally start planning y’all’s “activities”.
  • It’s incredibly obvious that he likes you, so confronting him about the issue isn’t hard… for you. For him, he’d probably just gush out a string of words saying his feelings and how he wants to do dirty things to you like hold your hand and love you unconditionally.
  • if he’s rejected, he’ll apologize for the inconvenience and not speak to you for a few days. However he’ll reassure to you prior that you didn’t do anything wrong, and that he needs time to recompose himself.
  • if you accept the boy, he’ll faint. Everybody is proud of Shuichi, but Shuichi is now left of “what now”. But despite his shaky demeanor, he’s a lot happier and less stressed as he was before.


  • he knows what love is, but he’s yet to have experience it, so when his circuits start heating up too much, and he suddenly loses his train of thought, he instantly runs to Miu in fear of a bug with his programming.
  • when Miu states everything’s fine, with a mocking comment about how he’s “getting way to worked up over you ;)”, he goes back like everything’s normal
  • and naturally he’s like totally in love with you, but he doesn’t actually realize it?? So when his circuits get even hotter and he starts sweating and his motors start running on overdrive he goes back to Miu for another check, which she explains to him that the feelings he’s experiencing mean he’s in love with you.
  • after what she said, he’d think about it for a while. Loving somebody as a friend is different than loving somebody as a partner, and he grew to feel embarrassed thinking about the fact that he loves you as a partner, he wants to be with you.
  • after some thinking, he decides to go and tell you straight up, because you deserve to know.
  • if he’s rejected, he’ll be pretty bummed, he’ll mope around for a day or two, but he’ll slowly learn to accept it and move on. He’ll tell you it’s okay that you don’t like him back, but he’ll still be on edge for a while
  • If you accept him he’ll smile wider than ever before, and straight after ask “okay what now”. He will proudly hold your hand in public!!! He is so prideful, it’s unbelievable, but he’s a soft boy so everybody is happy for you two.

YIKES, sorry I’ve been pretty missing in action recently. I’ve been having trouble with my laptop, but I’ve got it working again!


-Mod Ibuki <3

❈ Korekiyo Shinguji ❈

  • “…s/o, are you listening?”
  • “Huh? Oh, um…no.”
  • “That’s alright, I don’t mind starting over.”
  • Korekiyo is a great storyteller, constantly telling you tales of a ritual gone wrong in some far away land.
  • But due to your short attention span, you always somehow just zone out while Kiyo’s talking.
  • He tries keeping ramblings brief, but that doesn’t usually work out.
  • You think it’s kind of cute, though.

❈ Rantaro Amami ❈

  • Rantaro has a pretty long attention span, unlike you.
  • He’ll sometimes tease you about it, but he never does it maliciously. And he’ll stop if it makes you feel bad.
  • Rantaro will read up on ways to help you lengthen your attention span. Now, he carries gum with him everywhere for you.
  • “I heard that chewing gum can help with your attention span, so you may want to keep some around you.”
  • “What if it doesn’t work?” You tilted your head.
  • “Hey, it can’t hurt, can it?” He gave you a peck on the forehead. “Remember to drink water, too. I love you.”

❈ Nagito Komaeda ❈

  • Nagito wants to help you, really.
  • But to be frank, Nagito kinda needs more help than you.
  • “Someone told me drinking water would help you. Here.”
  • He handed you a glass, but you handed it back to him.
  • “You drink it, Nagito. I can’t remember the last time you drank some water.”
  • You lose focus pretty quickly, and conversation topics can change at the drop of a hat.
  • But Nagito’s along for the ride! <3