#trigger warning self harm


(tw self harm)
could i get a scenario/headcanons about rantaro, who doesn’t know his s/o self harms, walking in on them doing it, and they panic and start sobbing and frantically trying to get as far away as physically possible? like, they just become absolutely terrified? thank you!

A Quick Response: Before this begins, I’m gonna say a few words. I very much hope this was requested for genuine comfort, and not just for the sake of angst. That sounds rude but there’s no better way to phrase it. I’m just going to assume you’re going through some stuff, and I very much hope that you are able to seek medical help if you’ve had thoughts of doing this or have done something such as self harm. I’ve been there, and trust me, the best option is to let an adult know (if you’re not an adult that is) and seek help. I’m not going to romanticize this because that’s not at all healthy, so the actual writing might be relatively short. Under the cut for the sensitive topic. 

  • When he finds you, he’s fucking terrified.
  • He stands in the doorway and doesn’t make any sudden movements.
  • Once he calls an ambulance, he tries to talk to you to calm you down. Won’t move towards you, but tries to convince you to set down whatever you hurt yourself with and, if possible, kick it towards him so you don’t have fast access to it.
  • He stays in the doorway talking to you while the ambulance arrives.
  • He visits you in the hospital the next day once you’ve received the proper physical medical attention.
  • He sits with you during visiting hours and tells you that he cares for you very much, but he is a bit weary around you. He’s afraid of something as drastic as that happening again, and he tells you such because he wants to be as honest as possible.
  • Overall, he’s just glad that you’re getting the help you need through the hospital, and he tries to with you throughout your recovery.
  • He reminds you to take your medication when you’re released, and he makes sure to keep track of any sharp objects you could hurt yourself with for a while.
  • Looking back, he’s glad he found you when he did.