#rare pairs



Zines have been officially ordered!!!!! They will arrive sometime before August 28! Once we quality check them they will be shipped out! Thank you all for your patience!

State of the Zine

Hello, rarepair lovers!

It’s been a few weeks since we’ve posted so we want to give everyone an update on our progress!

We are in the process of finishing the file to be sent to our printer. We cannot thank @xmadamrosexand@creemsicaal enough for all of their help with the design process! This should happen near the end of June/early July. From there, we want to review the proof and then will go ahead with the order.

There have been some changes to our contributor list due to various reasons. We now have an updated contributor list for both participants and their pairings. You can check that out here.

We’d like to make a statement regarding one of our former contributors. Our zine was affected by a participant who traced art from other artists for zines and other projects. We do not condone this type of behavior in any way, shape, or form. We have, in turn, removed their piece from our zine and replaced them with another amazing artist.

PDFs are still up for preorder! We’ve updated our header to provide that link to you. If you are on mobile, you can click here.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this zine so far! It means a lot!

Rare Pair Mods


Did you miss the physical zine preorder but still want a copy of the only YOI zine dedicated to rare pairs?

Now is your chance!

You can now download our zine in three different formats (1 page PDF, 2 page spread PDF, EPUB) for $15 on our itchio website!

Click here for the link and to see previews from our amazing artists!

Did you miss the physical zine preorder but still want a copy of the only YOI zine dedicated to rare pairs?

Now is your chance!

You can now download our zine in three different formats (1 page PDF, 2 page spread PDF, EPUB) for $15 on our itchio website!

Click here for the link and to see previews from our amazing artists!

Y’all Owl House Shippers…


I cannot deny that there are times when I dislike being in TOH fandom, but then there are times like this when I absolutely love being a part of this fandom. Y’all really out here shipping a character who was barely shown for a couple minutes with another character who also was barely shown for a few minutes and creating 4k word fanfics about it because it would be cute. ONE EPISODE; these characters were in one episode and this amazing author (if anyone knows this person on tumblr, tag them!) has invested 4k words into their ship. I love that because there’s a potential cute Sapphic pairing, shippers swarm at the chance to create content and I think that’s lovely. 

You can find their wonderful fic here:



Ok y'all I found the author’s Tumblr. Go give @ireallylikegirlsinlove some love! They’re making this one shot into a series!!!!


when you are on the internet, and you happen upon a ship you did not previously know existed, and you think to yourself “lol why the hell would anyone ship that”, and you go into the ao3 tag for a laugh just to see what the fanfiction ecosystem is like for this absurd new rarepair you have discovered, and you see a fic and think without a trace of irony “hm i kind of wanna read that”. that is your last chance to get out. your make or break moment. you are icarus and your wings are starting to smoulder. you need to make a decision there and then about who you are, what kind of person you’re going to be. because once you click that link there’s no going back for you. and that is a promise.
