#vee x goth girl


Y’all Owl House Shippers…


I cannot deny that there are times when I dislike being in TOH fandom, but then there are times like this when I absolutely love being a part of this fandom. Y’all really out here shipping a character who was barely shown for a couple minutes with another character who also was barely shown for a few minutes and creating 4k word fanfics about it because it would be cute. ONE EPISODE; these characters were in one episode and this amazing author (if anyone knows this person on tumblr, tag them!) has invested 4k words into their ship. I love that because there’s a potential cute Sapphic pairing, shippers swarm at the chance to create content and I think that’s lovely. 

You can find their wonderful fic here:



Ok y'all I found the author’s Tumblr. Go give @ireallylikegirlsinlove some love! They’re making this one shot into a series!!!!
