#fic link


Y’all Owl House Shippers…


I cannot deny that there are times when I dislike being in TOH fandom, but then there are times like this when I absolutely love being a part of this fandom. Y’all really out here shipping a character who was barely shown for a couple minutes with another character who also was barely shown for a few minutes and creating 4k word fanfics about it because it would be cute. ONE EPISODE; these characters were in one episode and this amazing author (if anyone knows this person on tumblr, tag them!) has invested 4k words into their ship. I love that because there’s a potential cute Sapphic pairing, shippers swarm at the chance to create content and I think that’s lovely. 

You can find their wonderful fic here:



Ok y'all I found the author’s Tumblr. Go give @ireallylikegirlsinlove some love! They’re making this one shot into a series!!!!

“In a moment of panic, Bucky turned the knife, pressing it against his own throat. He braced for pain; for the bite of the metal.” - All these things that I’ve doneby@not-withoutyou(Full artwork here)

Do not repost on other social media, please.

For the longest time, I’ve wanted to draw something from this stunningly written story. I read it again recently and couldn’t get this heartwrenching scene out of my head. I originally didn’t plan to post it, but I thought about it for a while and here it is. There are so many things I could say about this fic’s universe and how much it has meant for me personally, but I don’t have the ability to put it into words, so I’ll just thank Rach for sharing pure talent with us. If any of you haven’t read it, please go do so. It’s incredible.
