#ravenclaw things

  • Read a good book. It doesn’t have to be something studious. I suggest poetry or a good fairytale for times that you want to disconnect yourself from your worries. Just sit by a window, allow yourself to sink into a pile of pillows, and immerse yourself into the words on the page. 
  • Go stargazing with someone who will let you point out all the constellations that you know in the sky to them. Engage in delightful conversation about your hopes and fears while making up new constellations that amuse you.
  • Drink something iced, specifically in a glass cup with a straw so you can mix the drink and hear how the ice clinks against the sides of the glass. Try to notice how refreshed you feel after you take your first sip.
  • Have a friendly, or not so friendly if you’re the confrontational type, debate with someone about a topic that you really care about. Afterwards feel impressed with yourself for your witty comebacks and surprisingly wide area of knowledge about the topic, because you’ve naturally picked up information by just living life without even noticing it.
  • Try to create some form of art. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t even have to be remotely beautiful to anyone else. Just allow the pencil or paintbrush or any artistic utensil to move you and create something that speaks to yourself and your emotions.
  • Wear bronze toned jewelry (rings, necklaces, earrings, etc.) and feel powerful and unique. Bronze isn’t exactly the most popular color for jewelry but you stand out with it. It’s strong and stately and hearkens back to ancient ages.
  • Spend an hour learning about a random topic that you’ve always been curious about. Learn for yourself, not a grade, or a teacher, or for any stressful tests in the future. Let yourself learn and soak in as much or as little as you like. 
  • Sit in a public location, preferably with a nice drink and music pouring through headphones if you want to feel more secure instead of exposed to the elements, and people-watch. Notice the look in each person’s face as they walk by or how children still make sure to not step on cracks as their parents lead them by the hand. Feel connected to every other human being while feeling perfectly yourself at the same time. 
  • Surround yourself with people you trust and be as weird or as goofy as you’d like to be. Say the jokes that come to your mind and act as true to yourself as you can. You don’t need to cover up your true personality. 

Dear Ravenclaw,

You are so full of wonder for the world. Your eyes sparkle like the stars you admire. I want to thank you for being you. I want you to know it’s ok to not live up to people’s standards. You don’t have to be perfect. What if stars were designed to be in straight lines across the heavens? What would happen to all the intricate constellations? Don’t force yourself to fit into the lines that society tries to put you in. You and the stars will shine brilliantly wherever you are.

Sincerely, someone who knows you feel a lot of pressure
