
This is totally Damian. He is so sweet to Raven and yet so tough. He acts rude and indifferent, but

This is totally Damian. He is so sweet to Raven and yet so tough. He acts rude and indifferent, but inside he is a sweetheart. 

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*This is a story that takes place in a different world but with the same characters. This is kind of a star-crossed lovers story.*

Raven’s POV:

The cold felt like ice hitting my face, and the moon was the only source of light for me. I was never one for cold weather (being raised in the hot desert with my father). Father is a very well-revered assassin and one may argue the best of the best.

I was a mistake and my father had never let me live that down, but as my skills grew, my father has kept me close to his side. He would never admit this, but I am almost as good as him in a fight.

That is why I was sent here. I was sent here on a mission to get into the heart of our rival assassins clan. Father knew that with my skill I would be able to break-in. Once I got there my next mission would come to me.

There was a faint sound from behind me, letting me know that someone was watching me. I smiled but soon composed myself. It was finally time to get to work.

“Hold.” A voice ordered.

I turned around and searched, putting on a scarred face.

“Who… Who is there?” I said, turning frantically to search for the owner of the voice.

“You are trust passing.” A stranger with a black mask came out of the woods, making himself known to me.

“Oh, dear!” I backed up. “I am sorry. I am terrible lost and have no clue where I am.” I fell to the ground and shivered.

“How long have you been in these woods?” He bent down beside me, feeling my forehead.

“I… I don’t know, sir.” I shivered.

“I will bring you back to the city, where the royals will settle your fate.” He then proceeded to pick me up. I shivered for special effect, and as we neared the city I knew my charade was working.

“Who is she.” Another guard stopped us at the gate.

“I found her wandering the woods.” The guard that was carrying me stated. “I am bringing her in and then the Royals can decide their fate.”

“Fair enough.” He said, letting us pass.

He walked is through the streets, guiding our way to the heart of the city. The castle. The “Impenetrable” castle that no one lives to talk about. And here I was, being escorted into it.

“Miss, I have to set you down now.” The guard told me.

“Okay,” I said timidly.

“It will be just a moment while I go to inform the royal guard of you.” He said, and I nodding in understanding. “When someone comes, you must not look them in the eyes.”

“Of course.” I nod rapidly.

Then he leaves me alone. I look around the small entryway where I had been left. The guard was kind enough to set me in front of a fireplace. The room was a calming tan and there was nothing of value in the room. It was smart. It looked intimidating.

There was a bustle of footprints that made me aware of people heading my way. I moved closer to the first place and leaned in, making myself shiver. It needed to look real.

“Miss,” The guard from before said.

I glanced up at him as the door widened for two men to walk into the room. One was in a royal blue robe, and I could only assume by the white in his hair that he was Bruce Wayne, the leader of the assassins and the head of the Royal family. The other wore royal green and was almost as tall as his father.

Though I wasn’t sure which son he was, I knew he was a Wayne because he shared his father’s looks. I remembered to make brief eye contact with the son and then bowed my head, awaiting the next move.

“What is your name, Miss?” The leader addressed me.

“Raven,” I said timidly.

“Raven, what causes do you have to be in my woods,” Bruce said in a stern voice, not letting his emotions showing through.

“I was on a walk. I was in my town of Lumba'r. I had gone into the woods early in the morning to pick flowers, but I heard someone following me. I had gotten frightened and ran. I became lost in the woods.” I looked down at my hands and shook my head, letting tears rolling down my cheeks. “I know I was out there for two days because that is how many moods I saw.”

“You are far from Lumba'r.” The son said.

I nod, not making eye contact.

“Do you know who was following you?” The head of the family asked.

“I didn’t see anyone. I just heard them. I don’t think they followed me into your woods.” I shook my head. “I am sorry.” I let the tears roll down my face in a show of remorse. Father had taught me how to fake cry on demand and it had become useful.

“Fear not, Raven.” I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. “You are welcomed in my house until you can rest and recover.”

I took the chance and looked up at Bruce Wayne. “Thank you, sir.”

“You may call me Bruce.” He nodded. “Now, let’s get you to your room so you may get some rest.” He offered me his hand and I took it.

“Thank you,” I said again.

“Please do not think anything of it.” He said, giving me his arm so I could lace mine through it for support.

He walked me down halls, and I shivered into his, which gained my sympathy. I looked around, making myself seem enchanted by the decor in the castle. When we reached a door, he opened the door for me.

“Do not be afraid. There will be a guard at your door all night and if you need anything let them know. A maid will come in the morning and get you ready. Tonight your meal will be brought to you, but you will attend our meals with my family while you stay here with us.” He said, letting me walk into the room alone.

“Thank you, Bruce.” I turned to him. “I do not know how to repay you for your kindness.”

“Just get better.” He said. “Goodnight.”

Then he closed my door and I heard it lock from the outside. I was in the castle, locked in a room. Father had said that it would take a few days for the orders to come and that I must remain in my charade until then. And that was my plan.

I slipped into bed, letting sleep take over.

***The Next Morning***

The door swung open and I fluttered my eyes open to look like I was asleep and had just woken up. The truth was I had been up for an hour, taking note of every nook and cranny of my room. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes.

“Morning, Miss.” A young maid came through the door. “My name is Donna.”

“Morning.” I nod.

“I am told to get you dressed and inform you of your plans for the day.” She informed me. “I would like to start with getting you dressed.”

“Of course.” I slipped out of bed and stood before her. I looked around the room and then went to the chair where I had left my clothes. “I don’t have anything fancy,” I said picking up the blue dress I was wearing yesterday.

“Well, that will not do.” She said looking my dress over. “I will call for dresses.”

“Okay.” I nod. “I just don’t want to be a bother.”

“It is no bother. You are a guest of the Royal family.” She waved my worry off. “How about I draw you a bath while we wait for the clothes to arrive.”

“Oh, that would be wonderful.” I sigh.

She smiled and went into my bath that was attached to my bedroom. The bathroom had gold accents and white marble countertops all around. The tub was huge and the shower was beside it.

“Here, please call if you need anything else.” She said before closing my door.

I slipped into the warm water and washed my hair and scrubbed my body of the dirt and filth that I had accumulated over the past few days. It felt nice to wash it all off and refreshing to no longer smell of dirt.

Once I had felt like I was all clean, I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around me. I peeked through the door and saw that Donna was hanging my cloak and dress in a closet.

“Is the clothes here?” I said, seeming innocent.

“Oh, yes. Your dresses have arrived.” She turned to me. “Would you like me to help you get dressed?”

“No, I can handle it,” I said, walking out in my towel. She handed me a lavender-colored dress and left the room so I can change alone.

I put on my slip and corset, careful to cut it enough to leave me movement while not making it look wrong. Then I put on my lavender dress, and put my hair half up and half down to look innocent. I put my blade in my shoe and then opened the door to my room and looked out.

There stood Donna and a guard, and they were talking. They noticed me and stood up straighter.

“Morning, Miss.” The guard nodded.

“Good morning.” I bow.

“There is no need for that, Miss.” The guard said.

“Oh, sorry.” I fumbled a bit and then looked up. “Donna, did you say there was a schedule?”

“Oh yes, Miss.” She said.

“Please call me Raven. Both of you.” I said to the guard too.

“Raven, we have breakfast starting in ten minutes and then you are to sit in with a few ladies of the courts for the morning. Attend a small lunch with the royal family and then there is a musician coming in for entertainment before supper this evening.”

“Oh, wow,” I said, sounding shocked. “I have never had the privilege of going to a musical performance.”

“It is quite wonderful. The staff is even allowed in the back of the room to watch.” She smiled. “It is going to be the event of the season.”

“Wow.” I smiled.

“Now, we must be on our way for breakfast. We can not have you tardy to meet the Royal family.”

I nodded and followed her down the halls. I was making a mental note of each step I took for a backup plan. I had always been taught to have an escape plan ready in case of something going wrong.

“Here you are, Raven,” Donna said as we neared a door. “Now we will seat you and I will stand behind you for the whole meal so you can tell me if you need anything.”

“Won’t you need to eat?” I asked.

“I have already eaten.” She answered. “Now, please.” She said and lead me through the doors. The table was already full of people and I was seated next to the end of the table, where the seat was empty. The chair across from me was also empty.

“Ah, you must be the fair lady who happened upon our doorstep.” One of the men said, slurring his words together. I found it odd that he was already drunk and it was barely even morning.

“I am.” I nod timidly. Just then the doors opened.

Bruce Wayne came in and sat down at the end of the table. “How did you sleep, Raven.” He asked.

“Quite well.” I nod. “Thank you again.”

“Was everything to your liking?” He said motioning for the servers to start.

“Oh yes. It is the most kindness I have been granted in a long time.” I nod. “You have been so generous.”

“So tell us about yourself, Raven.” One of the men at the table asked.

“Oh, I am terribly sorry, I have forgotten to introduce you.” Bruce interrupted. “My sons Dick, Jason, and Tod. Damian, the one you met last night, will be in shortly. Dick’s wife, Kori, and Barbra who is one of my most trusted advisors.” Bruce introduced everyone around the table in order.

“Hello.” I nod to each of them as they are being introduced.

“Everyone, this is Raven. She had the terrible misfortune to be lost in the woods and has ended up across our border. She will be staying here until she has recovered.” Bruce informed them all, giving them a scolding look.

“Nice to meet you,” Kori said to me.

“It will be nice to have another lady in these halls.” Barbra toasted.

“Shall we dig in?” Dick asked his father.

“Yes.” Bruce nodded.

The cover to my plate was lifted to show an arrangement of fruits, eggs, bacon, and sausage. I am actually a vegetarian and could not eat meat, so I decided to eat the eggs. When I had picked up the wrong fork, to through off suspicion, the door opened once again and the other son, named Damian walked in.

He took his seat beside his father and across from me. He briefly nodded in greetings but turned to his father before I could nod back.

“Father, sorry I am late.” He apologies to his father.

“Training again?” His father asked with a scolding tone.

“I had lost track of time.” He apologized again.

“We have a guest, and you were late,” Bruce said. “You will not do this tomorrow, understand?”

“Yes, father.” He bowed his head to his father.

I continued to eat my eggs and fruit and occasionally would be asked a question or two. I caught glances of Damian but when his eyes would meet mine I would look away. His green robe matched the green of his eyes and they were piercing into the soul.

“Raven, do you not like your sausage or bacon?” Bruce asked after I set down my fork when I had finished off the last of the fruit.

“I don’t eat meat.” I looked at him. “But the fruit and eggs were wonderful,” I added.

“Well, you can’t live off of fruit and eggs and especially if you are to recover.” He shook his head. “Alfred.” He beckoned over a servant that was standing behind him.

“Yes, sir.” He held himself with grace and pose.

“Alfred, can you please tell the chef to repair more food without meat for Miss Raven,” Bruce asked.

“Of course, sir.” He nodded and walked into the other room.

“I don’t want to be a bother.” I shook my head.

“You have to eat.” Bruce shook his head. “And it is already done.”

I nod, understanding that there was nothing I could do. In my father’s place, the cooks were kind enough to sneak me meal before breakfast so I didn’t have to eat the meat that my father was always trying to get me to have.

Father believe me to be weak when I didn’t eat meat, but he learned not to push it with me. It came as a shock to me that Bruce would order more food made just for me. He didn’t even yell at me.

The food was in front of me before I knew it. They had made me toast and gave me more fruit and jams. I spread the jam on my toast and talked with Kori and Barbra about a garden on the castle grounds. They insisted on showing me it once we had finished eating. I agreed, playing along.

I had finished my plate, satisfied with the food.

Once everyone had finished the plates were cleared and coffee was brought out to the men and Kori, Barbra and I took our leave.

“Where is it that you are from again?” Barbra asked.

“Lumba'r.” I answered. “It’s a small village.”

“Oh, I have heard it has the most beautiful flowers in bloom in the spring.” Kori smiled. “I have always wanted to go.”

“It is breathtaking,” I said. I had seen the flowers myself two months ago when I was scouting out Lumba'r. I agree that the flowers there were well worth the 6 days it took to get there.

“Oh, maybe sometimes we can visit you. After you return.” Kori smiled. “You could give us a tour.”

“I would love nothing more,” I said, knowing that by the time this is all over they won’t be able to find me again. What harm is a little white lie?

We walked outside and the warm air was amazing. It wasn’t hot but it wasn’t cold, and so we walked to the garden. They were right when they said it was a beautiful place. The fountain was made of marble and the plants were perfectly placed.

“This is beautiful,” I said to them.

“Damian’s mother had it made while she was pregnant. She was given little freeway with her life so she made this and it is the only thing left of her that stands.” Kori explained, receiving a scolding glare from Barbra.

“We don’t talk about Damian’s mother,” Barbra explained.

“Forgive me,” Kori said.

“I won’t mention it,” I said. “It is a wonderful location, and the sun just hits it perfectly.” I try and change the conversation. I was told not to dig too deep into Damian’s mother, because it would be a dead end. I had no reason to doubt my father on this.

“Indeed.” Barbra nods.

We walked around the garden and they explained each plant to me and told me the stories behind getting the invasive species of plants here. It was quite the story for each plant, but I must admit that this is one thing I would like to do when I get back to my father’s palace. It would be so peaceful.

However, my father would never allow this sort of thing in his kingdom.

“So, are your mother and father worried about you?” Kori asked.

“My mother died a few winters ago and I never knew my father.” I lied.

“Oh, I am sorry.” Kori put her hand on mine. “My parents died a long time ago in the war.” She said referring to the war of the assassins that happened over 24 years ago.

“I am sorry,” I said.

“So, who do you live with?” Barbra asked. Of course, it was obvious from the beginning that this whole gardening idea was just so they could get information about me and bring it back to Bruce, so I played along as if I didn’t know.

“I live with my Aunt and Uncle, but they have left for the season and won’t return until spring so I am staying with my cousin,” I answered. “He probably knows that I am gone, but I fear he does not like me so much so he won’t come looking for me.”

“Why doesn’t he like you?” Kori asked.

“He believes that I stole the attention away from him when I moved in with their family.” I shook my head. “I wish that we could mend that, be he has no interest in me.”

“I am sorry about that,” Barbra says.

We spend the rest of the time in the garden talking about the flowers and then we head inside for tea on a patio. It was nice and my maid Donna was with me. When I had the chance, I ask Donna how she had been.

“I am fine, Raven.” She smiled. “I think I am the one who is supposed to ask about you.”

“Well, you have been so kind to me that I want to see how you have been.” I smile.

“I am good.”


We drink tea and Kori fills me in on gossip that she had heard about some farmer’s boy who fell in love with a peddler’s daughter and had run away together. Barbra seemed uninterested in this news but I followed along, though I was bored out of my mind.

“Forgive us Raven, but Kori and I have pressing matters that we must attend to.” Barbra stood up after a while.

“Oh, of course.” I stood up and bowed to them.

“We will see you at lunch,” Kori said to me.

They left the room and I went over to Donna. She said we had about an hour before we had to go for lunch and suggested that I go and rest.

“I don’t want you to get too tired.” She explained.

“Yes, I think that is a good idea.” I agreed.

After she left me in my room I opened up a book that was on my self. I began to read it, laying in bed. A while passed as I became lost in the story of the book. I was brought back to earth when I heard a knock at my door.

I know I wasn’t paying too much attention to the time, but I didn’t think and hour had already passed.

“Come in,” I said continuing to read my book. When I looked up I saw that it was Damian Wayne standing at the foot of my bed. I stood up quickly and hid the book behind my back and bowed.

“I am sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I said, still bowing.

“You can rise.” He said in a cold tone.

I stood back up and he started to walk around my room. He brushed his fingers across the spines of the books on my bookshelf.

“What book is it that you’re reading?” He asked without looking at me.

“Diamonds and Pearls,” I said, bring the book in front of me again. “I am sorry. I had just seen it on the shelf and thought that I would read because sleep did not come to me.” I explained in a very good lie might I say so myself.

“It is fine. I haven’t read the book myself. Is it any good?” He glanced up at me.

“It is. If you like romance and danger.” I nod.

“How are you finding your stay?” He asked.

“It is more than I could have asked for. Your family has been so kind.” I say politely.

“Good. Good.” He nodded.

There was a brief pause where I waited for him to speak. It seemed as if he wasn’t but then he turned to me once again. “Shall I escort you to lunch?”

“That would be most kind.” I nod. “But I should tell my maid so she doesn’t worry.” I pause.

“I will have my guard find her.” Damian gave me his arm and I took it. I slipped my small hand through him and he walked me down the hall. He was taller than me and he smelled of pine needles and fresh air.

I walked beside him and took long graceful steps to keep up with his pace. When we walked into the lunchroom everyone was already seated at the table. Damian pulled out my chair for me and moved it back in when I had sat. Then he took his seat across from me.

“Alright, let us begin,” Bruce said, waving for the food to come out.

I glance up to see those mesmerizing green eyes looking at me.

What had I gotten myself into?
