#ray stanz









Since y'all liked the Egon GIFs, I’ve done a few more this time, with RAY

Best boys

My boyfriends……


I just love how he squares himself up in that third one. Just…arright - it’s go time.

Summary: Janine and Egon have been married since 1985, this is their story…from dealing with Walter Peck, the Staypuft Marshmallow man and Gozer to pink mood slime and the march of Lady Liberty in the first years of their marriage. To the clues that there might be a second Gozer resurgance.

The Morning after Gozer’s Vanquishment 1984

Janine waited a little ways away from the bulk of the crowd. She hoped her premonition wouldn’t come true and that her boys would come back to her safely. She fingered the ring under her glove and prayed that they would walk out at any moment. She heard the crowd go wild and looked up relieved tears falling from her eyes. They’re alive! And relatively unscathed, at least she thought so from what little she could see of them through the horde of people. She saw Ray walkout followed by Peter who was helping Dana Barrett then Winston and finally Egon. They were are covered in fluff but she wasn’t thinking of that, or cared, as she made a dash for him.

“Egon!” She called out over the cheering crowd.

He smiled widely and hugged her close.

“Thank God,” she breathed into the collar of his suit.

Egon crowded them into the back of Ecto-1 where she, like Dana, ended up on the lap of her respective ghostbuster after Louis Tully practically jumped in behind them.

Janine felt Egon’s tight grip on her as they made it to what remained of their headquarters.

“Let’s be real here,” Peter said, “There’s nothing.”

“There won’t be anything for a while,” Winston said honestly.

“We’ll need to store Ecto-1 somewhere before anything can really be done,” Ray said looking forlornly at the rubble they called home.

“I can help with that,” said Janine, “My roommate just moved in with her fiance, garage is free for storage if you need it.”

The boys sighed in relief and nodded at this.

“Also, it might be a bit cramped but I can make some room too,” Janine added finally feeling like herself after the rollercoaster that was the last couple of days.

Ray, Egon, Peter, Dana and Louis breath a sigh at that, they had a place to go.

The group piled back into Ecto-1 slimer hanging on to the lights as they drove to Brooklyn.

“Head warning, there is only one bathroom, so for the sake of us girls. And I cannot stress this enough, boys please flush and at least put the seat down after using. I’m your secretary not your mother,” Janine said already sounding tired.

“Well you’re gonna be babying one of us at least,” Peter said with a smirk.

Janine glared at him before snuggling into Egon’s neck. In her mind, now all that took presence was if her boys had any bruises they need looked at, she is no nurse but she can defend herself pretty well.

Once they arrived, Janine breathed a sigh of relief, she’s home.

“Home sweet home,” Peter said helping Dana out.

Janine opened the door making way for her boys, Louis and Dana.

“Dana I’ve some pajamas you can wear till I’ve the time to go and pick more things up. Ray, I think my brother left some things here you can borrow, should fit you ok. Peter, Ray, Mr. Tully you’ll have to leave me your measurements so I can pick things up later,” Janine started off, “Bathroom’s through there, the couch pulls out and the spare bed has clean sheets, we’ll just have to figure out what the sleeping arrangements will be.”

Egon not so subtly pulled Janine to him making it clear where he’d be.

Ray and Peter gave each other a look.

“Take turns?” Ray asked nodding to the guest bedroom.

Peter nodded and no sooner he agreed, Ray ran off calling dibs on the bed for the first couple of nights. Peter rolled his eyes at his friend’s antics but said nothing as he stayed, respectfully, close to Dana.

“The packs can go in the corner,” Janine pointed to an empty corner of the living room, “For the love of God don’t try charging them here please.”

Egon nodded respectfully and left her side to shed his proton pack before making his way back to her.

Peter and Winston did the same the latter going to the bathroom to shed their respective overalls.

“Don’t worry about Louis,” Winston said, “I’ve a pull out for him to crash on.”

Janine sighed in relief at the knowledge she’d not have to shoulder everything. Granted this did not mean that her home wouldn’t be cramped for the next while with all of them going in and out.

A game plan set, Janine made her way to her bedroom Egon in toe.

Egon shed his on overalls on the way tossing them in the laundry hamper as he followed her. He found her shedding her own coat and outerwear, her back to the door. He saw her tense shoulders drop as she removed her coat and realized how tense he himself had been before now. He walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders before pulling her back to his front in a tight intimate hug.

Janine felt his arms around her and she felt the last of her walls drop. In the blink of an eye, she turned in his arms, buried her face in his shirt-covered chest, and sobbed holding onto him for dear life.

Egon pressed his lips to the crown of her head and closed his eyes. All those times he’d snubbed her advances crossed his mind. All the resistance and denial and for what? Granted he’d proposed not too long ago, but the lost time on what he thought he needed had him stumped. Why had he resisted living so much before realizing there was no shame in having something outside of academia? He realized just how pivotal having her in his life had become even before they’d made it official. He vowed to himself he’d never let anyone hurt her…even himself.

“I’m right here,” he softly said into her pixy hair, “And I’m not going anywhere.”

Janine nodded her sobs slowly subsiding.

The pair stayed like that for a bit longer, Egon making sure his little love is alright and Janine taking a moment to make herself presentable. If only to make a quick dinner for them all before crashing.

Janine felt a warm hand on her cheek and she looked up to Egon’s soft brown eyes and tender smile.

“We’re alive,” she said as laughter bubbled up.

Egon pulled her into a tender kiss filled with promise…and more.

“Knock it off! Brooklyn, we’re hungry what do you have that’s edible in this place?” Peter called out from the kitchen.

Janine rolled her eyes and Egon chuckled.

“Better go out there before he destroys the fridge,” Egon said half serious.

Janine ran out at that knowing very well how bachelors work, especially these ones.

“Rule number one, hands-off until things have been check-over,” Janine said pushing Peter away from the refrigerator.

“What’s rule number two then?” Peter asked cockily.

“Follow my rules till a routine is set or sleep outside with the strays,” Janine said pointing to her back door.

Peter took a seat on the sofa for once listening and sitting quietly.

Meanwhile, Janine looked through her fridge to see what it was she had on hand to feed the people in her home.

“I have a leftover roast, green salad and matzo ball soup from Passover,” she said as she took out the food and called out, “Ray! Come and get food before it’s gone!”

Egon floated in behind her eying the soup like a starving man. If there was anything food-related he’d call his guilty pleasure it would be matzo ball soup. Janine had sung her praises of her grandmother’s recipe and was curious to see how it stood to the praise. Though not attached to his Jewish roots, his grandmother made sure to at least instill in him and his brother the respect held for the varying traditions of each religion…and because her matzo ball soup is unbeatable.

“I don’t think anyone’s gonna get the soup,” Winston said with a chuckle.

“If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll leave enough for at least Dana and Mr. Tully,” Janine said firmly, “It could be the one thing she can eat and actually keep down after such an ordeal.”

Egon pouted, though he’d never admit it, but gave in and let Janine dish out the food and put the soup on the stove to reheat. He looked on in awe at how fluffy the matzo looked, how rich the broth looked and it did not lean on the light side where meat content was concerned.

Janine spared “subtle” glances at him and grinned. Her bubbe always said a way to a man’s heart was with food.

Once the soup was done heating, she gave a good portion each to Dana and Louis before serving the others. Egon sat at the kitchen island and stared at his plate of steaming soup and dug in without much prompting.

Janine looked on in satisfaction as Egon’s face morphed into bliss at the first mouthful of soup. She settled for some broth, not being too hungry herself, and settled for feeling proud that she’d rendered her boys, and guests, speechless.

“You learned with your grandmother right?” Winston asked between mouthfuls of soup.

“Bubbe wanted to make sure at least one of her granddaughters learned to cook before she kicked the bucket,” Janine said with a small smile and nod.

“Oh I’m sorry,” he said sympathetically.

“Oh she’s not dead, believe me, old Bubbe Melnitz will live on outta spite,” Janine said with a laugh, “If only to prove my mom right.”

“Sounds about right,” Dana said a fond smile on her face, “My mom can be a force of nature, got that from my grandmother.”

Janine nodded with a smile and went back to eating her broth.

“I may move in with your grandmother after eating this roast,” Ray said between bites of food.

“She’s planning a move out here believe it or not,” Janine said with a roll of her eyes, “Something about needing a break from my sister, her husband I don’t know.”

“I’m moving,” Ray said boyishly causing the group to laugh.

Janine noticed her silent partner, taking his sweet time eating his soup and approached him.

“You ok?” She asked quietly.

He nodded and kept eating.

“It’s official J’s broken him!” Peter said boisterously.

Dana nudged him.

“What?” Peter said, “She did!”

“Keep going Doc,” Janine warned.

Ray, Winston and Louis focused on their plates as Peter toyed with his comfort.

Egon looked at Peter brow raised wondering if Peter was really going to play this game. He knew they were all coming down from a rather severe adrenaline high, however Peter being Peter needs to stop before he’s sleeping outside. It surprised him how Peter seems to forget that Janine wrangles them and works the business from top to bottom.

Janine glared at Peter and felt she only needed one more push.

“Pete,” Ray said quietly, “Do you really wanna risk sleeping outside?”

Peter scoffed, “She wouldn’t dare.”

“We’ll see about that,” Janine said having had enough.

The other three ghostbusters shared a look and new that Janine had about had it with Peter. Winston for his part knew coming down from an adrenaline high depends on the person, it doesn’t surprise him one bit that Peter’s would be for him to be his ever joyous self time a hundred. And by the dubious look in Janine’s eye, something is bound to happen.

Peter smirked thinking he’d won one over their spunky secretary. Unbeknownst to him, he’d sealed his fate.

After eating, Ray volunteered to get himself and Peter some clothes while Janine looked and hunted down a pair of sweats for the taller woman to wear. Winston, bless him, volunteered to wash the dishes as Egon dried and set them aside to put away later. Louis bid everyone a farewell as he left with Winston and Ray. Winston opted to run, he has no death wish, he also knows his girl will help get Dana some clothes for the next few days.

With them gone, Janine ignored Peter’s quips and focused on keeping her blood pressure down and not letting him get even more under her skin than he was. She prepped her tub for Dana knowing the woman needed some much needed processing time.

“Bath is filling if you want to go ahead and take a long soak,” Janine said with a sympathetic smile, “There’s two scents to choose from and take as long as you need. I’ll drop off the clothes so don’t worry if you hear the door opening and closing.”

Dana nodded and thanked her grateful to have a moment to herself.

Peter went to the guest room and promptly passed out.

After putting the extra clothes on the counter for Dana, Janine made her way to the master bedroom, closed the door and stripped.

Egon saw her go and trailed after her. He made sure to be quiet when entering the room seeing she’d been changing. He locked the door and approached her from behind making sure to put some force under his feet so as to not startle her.

Janine turned to find Egon walking up to her just as she was about to unhook her bra and said, “Not tonight. Especially not with the others here.”

Egon dropped kisses on her left shoulder and up her neck and said, “I know. You’re mine and I don’t share.”

Janine felt that to her core, this was a first for her. To actually witness him be as possessive as he was currently being.

Egon pulled off the bra and took her in.

“You look as beautiful as the night I asked you to marry me,” he said softly pulling her to him in a hug.

Janine sighed into his chest again and yawned feeling exhaustion take hold.

Egon nudged her to get in bed before stripping to his boxers and joining her. He pulled her to him and held her close.

Janine tangled their legs together needing to feel him close.

“Ya know what I forgot to do?” Janine said just before passing out.


“I forgot to shove Peter out the back door,” Janine said lightly exhaustion clear in her voice.

Egon chuckled at this and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

The Following Morning

The couple woke up to the smell of smoke and yelling coming from the kitchen.

Egon and Janine made quick work of putting something on before running out to find a green ghost in her kitchen doing a good job of eating the burnt up…whatever it was that’s in the pan. She looked to find Dana in the corner wide eyed as Peter tried to put the fire out.

“Looks like we may have found ourselves a new pet,” Egon said rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“And an over abundance of ghost slime,” Ray said as he went to help Dana up.

Janine rolled her eyes at their antics and figured this is her new family, she might as well get used to it.

Summary: Trevor is gifted a “junker” by his newfound uncle Ray. He’s finally passed his driver’s test and his mom has agreed for him to build his ride…and grandpa is all to eager to see what his boy does.

“Trevor! Uncle Ray’s here!” Phoebe yelled from her place in the living room.

Trevor stumbled out of his room sleep still sticking to his eyes as he walked to the front of the house.

When Trevor opened the door Ray paused with a start at the similarities in behavior between Trevor and Egon. They both looked like they could murder when looking tired, and if anything…Trevor looks like he could sleep for a week.

“Morning,” the teen said moving aside to welcome Ray into the house.

Phoebe made her way into the kitchen and helped set up the table for late breakfast.

“Mom said she’d be in by lunchtime,” she said giving Ray a small smile before getting the PKE and what looked like its twin.

Ray saw the old PKE and felt the familiar stab of guilt and regret that had made themselves home since the truth behind Egon’s departure came to light. That thing held so many memories and now its legacy, their legacy, would live on in the new generation.

“You ok?” Trevor asked helping Phoebe out the small coffee-filled teapot on the table.

Ray snapped out of his stupor and turned to Trevor with a sad nod, “Somethings need to be worked through on my end still.”

Phoebe poured coffee out for Ray and Trevor dished up some leftovers for breakfast.

“Want some?” Trevor asked with his mouth full.

Phoebe gave her brother a grossed-out look and rolled her eyes before getting her own plate.

Ray kindly declined, opting to stick to the coffee claiming to have had something to eat before showing up when in reality he doesn’t think he’d be able to stomach anything.

The kids shrugged and went back to their breakfast, and in Phoebe’s case building a PKE from scratch between bites of food.

Ray noticed Egon’s PKE light up and watched as some wires on Phoebe’s mending caused the poor kid to wince when hit with mild shocks.

“I’m eating ok, I’m eating,” she says finally putting down the make-shift PKE and focusing on her food.

Ray hid a knowing grin behind his coffee mug.

“So, I got a call from your mom about you passing your driver’s test,” Ray said knowingly, “I had a junker in my garage that needs a new home.”

Trevor’s eyes lit up at this.

“It’s in the driveway if you want to check it out,” Ray said.

Trevor ran to the driveway and cheered.

“I hope you know you’ve pretty much guaranteed his disappearance for the next three or so weeks,” Phoebe said with a small smile.

Before Ray could say anything the PKE lit up again and he felt something, or someone, zap him on the side.

“What the hell!” He exclaimed.

“Grandpa thinks you did something,” Phoebe said knowingly.

“Probably getting me back over calling his old car a junker,” Ray said in a daze, he’d not interacted with his old friend since the night Gozer was officially trapped.

Phoebe excused herself after eating and cleaning up and said, “I’m going to change, I’ll be right back.”

No sooner had Phoebe left that Egon made his appearance.

Ray’s eyes misted again prompting him to clear his throat roughly.

“If its any consolation…I forgave you a long time ago,” Egon stated quietly.

This only made Ray feel worse. In the years they’d known each other, shared a dorm and profession, Egon had not been wrong especially when he’s had research to back up his theories. Ray should have known that something as big as Gozer came with a disclaimer…a routinely disclaimer. Instead they got comfortable in that they vanquished the thing, and moved on without further study to make sure that said thing stayed dead. Maybe then his brother would still be alive…

“Don’t do that,” Egon said shaking his head kindly, “The what ifs will kill you.”

Ray chuckled weakly and had to agree, however, “That doesn’t mean I don’t have shit to work through, I should have at least given you the benefit of the doubt and somewhat understood where you were coming from.”

“I shouldn’t have gotten the way I did over it,” Egon said with a shrug, “I shouldn’t have left either, I missed out on so much.”

Ray could hear the swearing from out side as Trevor began to fiddle with the car.

“They’ll both go far,” Egon said fondly, “Phoebe’s trying to figure out the PKE, she wants to add a recorder to it to capture voices.”

Ray chuckled at this gaze fixing on the mug.

The pair sat in silence, each absorbing the other’s presence for much needed closure on both parts. Phoebe took her seat again being mindful to let them have their moment before she looked up when a hand reached for the old PKE.

“Your grandpa went to help your brother with the car,” he said, “I know its not the same but why don’t we figure this thing out together?”

Phoebe’s eyes lit up and she nodded scooting over closer to the older man feeling more than a little thankful that there’s someone who understands her.

Summary: Egon decides to hang around.

About a week after the dubbed ‘Gozer the Return’ incident, the Spengler family along with the remaining ghostbusters and Janine all worked to fix up the house. The main rooms were given a wall peel, then sanded and painted and plans were being made as to how the kitchen, dining and living room would be fixed up. Callie opted to keep some parts of Egon’s planning present if only as a reminder that things are definitely not all that they seem. 

The barn needed to be fixed as well, Ray swore he’d make it a running shop for Trevor to work in on cars and the like. The area that lead to the lab would be made invisible to the naked eye, to keep unwanted visitors from snooping, and the main lab was being set to rights by Phoebe. She’d been working nearly nonstop for the past three days as she processed all that had happened, primarily the fact that she isn’t as alone as she thought she would. She swore she’d feel someone tapping her shoulder at times, as if to remind her that she did need rest, but she chalked it up to her exhausted brain. 

That is until one night the chess board that lives in her room found it self on her bed. All the pieces where set, whites facing the room and blacks her pillows, as if someone had done so on purpose.

“Trevor, were you in my room?” Phoebe called out.

“Nope, and I think mom’s been out with Gary all day so neither of them could have been,” Trevor yelled back.

The Ray, Peter and Winston had opted to stay in town to check out the place so it couldn’t have been them. 

Phoebe closed the door and when she faced her bed, a wide smile lit up her face as the spectral form of her grandfather took shape. 

Egon gave her a wink and satisfied half grin before moving a peon. 

Phoebe approached him slowly, curiously. And took a chance a closer look in a more light space. 

He admired her curiosity and let her maneuver his arm as she pleased. Further study could continue later, right now, she needed to decompress. Lord knows she has more than her fair share of questions to ask. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and motioned for the board. 

Phoebe took her place at the head of the bed and proceeded to start what she hoped would be the second of many games to come. 
