#walter peck


Summary: Janine and Egon have been married since 1985, this is their story…from dealing with Walter Peck, the Staypuft Marshmallow man and Gozer to pink mood slime and the march of Lady Liberty in the first years of their marriage. To the clues that there might be a second Gozer resurgance.

The Morning after Gozer’s Vanquishment 1984

Janine waited a little ways away from the bulk of the crowd. She hoped her premonition wouldn’t come true and that her boys would come back to her safely. She fingered the ring under her glove and prayed that they would walk out at any moment. She heard the crowd go wild and looked up relieved tears falling from her eyes. They’re alive! And relatively unscathed, at least she thought so from what little she could see of them through the horde of people. She saw Ray walkout followed by Peter who was helping Dana Barrett then Winston and finally Egon. They were are covered in fluff but she wasn’t thinking of that, or cared, as she made a dash for him.

“Egon!” She called out over the cheering crowd.

He smiled widely and hugged her close.

“Thank God,” she breathed into the collar of his suit.

Egon crowded them into the back of Ecto-1 where she, like Dana, ended up on the lap of her respective ghostbuster after Louis Tully practically jumped in behind them.

Janine felt Egon’s tight grip on her as they made it to what remained of their headquarters.

“Let’s be real here,” Peter said, “There’s nothing.”

“There won’t be anything for a while,” Winston said honestly.

“We’ll need to store Ecto-1 somewhere before anything can really be done,” Ray said looking forlornly at the rubble they called home.

“I can help with that,” said Janine, “My roommate just moved in with her fiance, garage is free for storage if you need it.”

The boys sighed in relief and nodded at this.

“Also, it might be a bit cramped but I can make some room too,” Janine added finally feeling like herself after the rollercoaster that was the last couple of days.

Ray, Egon, Peter, Dana and Louis breath a sigh at that, they had a place to go.

The group piled back into Ecto-1 slimer hanging on to the lights as they drove to Brooklyn.

“Head warning, there is only one bathroom, so for the sake of us girls. And I cannot stress this enough, boys please flush and at least put the seat down after using. I’m your secretary not your mother,” Janine said already sounding tired.

“Well you’re gonna be babying one of us at least,” Peter said with a smirk.

Janine glared at him before snuggling into Egon’s neck. In her mind, now all that took presence was if her boys had any bruises they need looked at, she is no nurse but she can defend herself pretty well.

Once they arrived, Janine breathed a sigh of relief, she’s home.

“Home sweet home,” Peter said helping Dana out.

Janine opened the door making way for her boys, Louis and Dana.

“Dana I’ve some pajamas you can wear till I’ve the time to go and pick more things up. Ray, I think my brother left some things here you can borrow, should fit you ok. Peter, Ray, Mr. Tully you’ll have to leave me your measurements so I can pick things up later,” Janine started off, “Bathroom’s through there, the couch pulls out and the spare bed has clean sheets, we’ll just have to figure out what the sleeping arrangements will be.”

Egon not so subtly pulled Janine to him making it clear where he’d be.

Ray and Peter gave each other a look.

“Take turns?” Ray asked nodding to the guest bedroom.

Peter nodded and no sooner he agreed, Ray ran off calling dibs on the bed for the first couple of nights. Peter rolled his eyes at his friend’s antics but said nothing as he stayed, respectfully, close to Dana.

“The packs can go in the corner,” Janine pointed to an empty corner of the living room, “For the love of God don’t try charging them here please.”

Egon nodded respectfully and left her side to shed his proton pack before making his way back to her.

Peter and Winston did the same the latter going to the bathroom to shed their respective overalls.

“Don’t worry about Louis,” Winston said, “I’ve a pull out for him to crash on.”

Janine sighed in relief at the knowledge she’d not have to shoulder everything. Granted this did not mean that her home wouldn’t be cramped for the next while with all of them going in and out.

A game plan set, Janine made her way to her bedroom Egon in toe.

Egon shed his on overalls on the way tossing them in the laundry hamper as he followed her. He found her shedding her own coat and outerwear, her back to the door. He saw her tense shoulders drop as she removed her coat and realized how tense he himself had been before now. He walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders before pulling her back to his front in a tight intimate hug.

Janine felt his arms around her and she felt the last of her walls drop. In the blink of an eye, she turned in his arms, buried her face in his shirt-covered chest, and sobbed holding onto him for dear life.

Egon pressed his lips to the crown of her head and closed his eyes. All those times he’d snubbed her advances crossed his mind. All the resistance and denial and for what? Granted he’d proposed not too long ago, but the lost time on what he thought he needed had him stumped. Why had he resisted living so much before realizing there was no shame in having something outside of academia? He realized just how pivotal having her in his life had become even before they’d made it official. He vowed to himself he’d never let anyone hurt her…even himself.

“I’m right here,” he softly said into her pixy hair, “And I’m not going anywhere.”

Janine nodded her sobs slowly subsiding.

The pair stayed like that for a bit longer, Egon making sure his little love is alright and Janine taking a moment to make herself presentable. If only to make a quick dinner for them all before crashing.

Janine felt a warm hand on her cheek and she looked up to Egon’s soft brown eyes and tender smile.

“We’re alive,” she said as laughter bubbled up.

Egon pulled her into a tender kiss filled with promise…and more.

“Knock it off! Brooklyn, we’re hungry what do you have that’s edible in this place?” Peter called out from the kitchen.

Janine rolled her eyes and Egon chuckled.

“Better go out there before he destroys the fridge,” Egon said half serious.

Janine ran out at that knowing very well how bachelors work, especially these ones.

“Rule number one, hands-off until things have been check-over,” Janine said pushing Peter away from the refrigerator.

“What’s rule number two then?” Peter asked cockily.

“Follow my rules till a routine is set or sleep outside with the strays,” Janine said pointing to her back door.

Peter took a seat on the sofa for once listening and sitting quietly.

Meanwhile, Janine looked through her fridge to see what it was she had on hand to feed the people in her home.

“I have a leftover roast, green salad and matzo ball soup from Passover,” she said as she took out the food and called out, “Ray! Come and get food before it’s gone!”

Egon floated in behind her eying the soup like a starving man. If there was anything food-related he’d call his guilty pleasure it would be matzo ball soup. Janine had sung her praises of her grandmother’s recipe and was curious to see how it stood to the praise. Though not attached to his Jewish roots, his grandmother made sure to at least instill in him and his brother the respect held for the varying traditions of each religion…and because her matzo ball soup is unbeatable.

“I don’t think anyone’s gonna get the soup,” Winston said with a chuckle.

“If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll leave enough for at least Dana and Mr. Tully,” Janine said firmly, “It could be the one thing she can eat and actually keep down after such an ordeal.”

Egon pouted, though he’d never admit it, but gave in and let Janine dish out the food and put the soup on the stove to reheat. He looked on in awe at how fluffy the matzo looked, how rich the broth looked and it did not lean on the light side where meat content was concerned.

Janine spared “subtle” glances at him and grinned. Her bubbe always said a way to a man’s heart was with food.

Once the soup was done heating, she gave a good portion each to Dana and Louis before serving the others. Egon sat at the kitchen island and stared at his plate of steaming soup and dug in without much prompting.

Janine looked on in satisfaction as Egon’s face morphed into bliss at the first mouthful of soup. She settled for some broth, not being too hungry herself, and settled for feeling proud that she’d rendered her boys, and guests, speechless.

“You learned with your grandmother right?” Winston asked between mouthfuls of soup.

“Bubbe wanted to make sure at least one of her granddaughters learned to cook before she kicked the bucket,” Janine said with a small smile and nod.

“Oh I’m sorry,” he said sympathetically.

“Oh she’s not dead, believe me, old Bubbe Melnitz will live on outta spite,” Janine said with a laugh, “If only to prove my mom right.”

“Sounds about right,” Dana said a fond smile on her face, “My mom can be a force of nature, got that from my grandmother.”

Janine nodded with a smile and went back to eating her broth.

“I may move in with your grandmother after eating this roast,” Ray said between bites of food.

“She’s planning a move out here believe it or not,” Janine said with a roll of her eyes, “Something about needing a break from my sister, her husband I don’t know.”

“I’m moving,” Ray said boyishly causing the group to laugh.

Janine noticed her silent partner, taking his sweet time eating his soup and approached him.

“You ok?” She asked quietly.

He nodded and kept eating.

“It’s official J’s broken him!” Peter said boisterously.

Dana nudged him.

“What?” Peter said, “She did!”

“Keep going Doc,” Janine warned.

Ray, Winston and Louis focused on their plates as Peter toyed with his comfort.

Egon looked at Peter brow raised wondering if Peter was really going to play this game. He knew they were all coming down from a rather severe adrenaline high, however Peter being Peter needs to stop before he’s sleeping outside. It surprised him how Peter seems to forget that Janine wrangles them and works the business from top to bottom.

Janine glared at Peter and felt she only needed one more push.

“Pete,” Ray said quietly, “Do you really wanna risk sleeping outside?”

Peter scoffed, “She wouldn’t dare.”

“We’ll see about that,” Janine said having had enough.

The other three ghostbusters shared a look and new that Janine had about had it with Peter. Winston for his part knew coming down from an adrenaline high depends on the person, it doesn’t surprise him one bit that Peter’s would be for him to be his ever joyous self time a hundred. And by the dubious look in Janine’s eye, something is bound to happen.

Peter smirked thinking he’d won one over their spunky secretary. Unbeknownst to him, he’d sealed his fate.

After eating, Ray volunteered to get himself and Peter some clothes while Janine looked and hunted down a pair of sweats for the taller woman to wear. Winston, bless him, volunteered to wash the dishes as Egon dried and set them aside to put away later. Louis bid everyone a farewell as he left with Winston and Ray. Winston opted to run, he has no death wish, he also knows his girl will help get Dana some clothes for the next few days.

With them gone, Janine ignored Peter’s quips and focused on keeping her blood pressure down and not letting him get even more under her skin than he was. She prepped her tub for Dana knowing the woman needed some much needed processing time.

“Bath is filling if you want to go ahead and take a long soak,” Janine said with a sympathetic smile, “There’s two scents to choose from and take as long as you need. I’ll drop off the clothes so don’t worry if you hear the door opening and closing.”

Dana nodded and thanked her grateful to have a moment to herself.

Peter went to the guest room and promptly passed out.

After putting the extra clothes on the counter for Dana, Janine made her way to the master bedroom, closed the door and stripped.

Egon saw her go and trailed after her. He made sure to be quiet when entering the room seeing she’d been changing. He locked the door and approached her from behind making sure to put some force under his feet so as to not startle her.

Janine turned to find Egon walking up to her just as she was about to unhook her bra and said, “Not tonight. Especially not with the others here.”

Egon dropped kisses on her left shoulder and up her neck and said, “I know. You’re mine and I don’t share.”

Janine felt that to her core, this was a first for her. To actually witness him be as possessive as he was currently being.

Egon pulled off the bra and took her in.

“You look as beautiful as the night I asked you to marry me,” he said softly pulling her to him in a hug.

Janine sighed into his chest again and yawned feeling exhaustion take hold.

Egon nudged her to get in bed before stripping to his boxers and joining her. He pulled her to him and held her close.

Janine tangled their legs together needing to feel him close.

“Ya know what I forgot to do?” Janine said just before passing out.


“I forgot to shove Peter out the back door,” Janine said lightly exhaustion clear in her voice.

Egon chuckled at this and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

The Following Morning

The couple woke up to the smell of smoke and yelling coming from the kitchen.

Egon and Janine made quick work of putting something on before running out to find a green ghost in her kitchen doing a good job of eating the burnt up…whatever it was that’s in the pan. She looked to find Dana in the corner wide eyed as Peter tried to put the fire out.

“Looks like we may have found ourselves a new pet,” Egon said rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“And an over abundance of ghost slime,” Ray said as he went to help Dana up.

Janine rolled her eyes at their antics and figured this is her new family, she might as well get used to it.

Summary: Sabrina takes over for Janine and comes face to face with Walter Peck. (Thick!Girl x Egon Spengler)


Sabrina has been the night shift secretary for about three or so months now. She, like Janine, has mild psychic abilities her specialty were auras and spirits, much to to one Dr. Spengler’s intrigue. She grinned tenderly at the thought of the taller man. He’d wanted to run some tests and she was curious to quiz him on the things he was creating and improving for the job. 

The week had been slow so Ray and Peter agreed they could make do with one secretary, so Janine opted for the next couple of days off. Leaving Sabrina to handle the phone calls and any cases that might pop up. 

Peter, Ray and Winston had gone out for food leaving Egon and Sabrina alone at the temporary office. Sabrina read her book her head bobbing softly to the song currently playing softly on the radio. The morning had been lovely with Egon coming up more than usual to check up on her, which she thought odd but chalked it up to his usual mannerisms. 

All had been well when the bell of the temporary office rang announcing the arrival of a potential client. Sabrina looked up to find a blonde man in a suit looking around as he leisurely walked around the waiting area. Sabrina kept a subtle eye on as she “read” her book. 

The man reached her desk and looked like he was going to move to the back offices when he finally spotted you.

“Can I help you sir?” Sabrina asked as “cheerfully” as she could muster.

“Bedside manners seem to have improved,” he said to himself as he gave Sabrina a look over. 

Sabrina to her credit did not openly shiver at his slimy once over. 

“I was originally looking for the ghostbusters,” he said in what he thought was a charming manner, “But I’m pretty sure you’ve all the answers I’m looking for.”

Sabrina was not amused, she’d been fooled like that before. And having a man flirt with her because he thinks her dumb is not something she’s fond of experiencing. Granted it didn’t take much for a man like this one to think a woman dumb. 

“You’ll have to come in at another time Mr. Peck,” she said as professionally as she could, “None of my employers are currently available, but if you leave me a message I’ll be sure to get it to them as soon as they come back.”

Her nonna Delia would be proud, her ma not so much, but who cares! Her goal is to get rid of this creep as quickly as humanly possible. 

“I’ll be by later today,” he said with a wink and, finally, left the building.

Sabrina sighed in relief and nearly ran to the back of the office where a makeshift tell her shop was set up.

Egon looked up at the sound of her rapidly approaching heels and concern took over at her clearly agitated state. 

He stood from the stool and approached her heaving form. 

“Are you alright?” He asked concern evident in his voice.

“Yeah,” she said with a shaky nod, “Just some guy left me feeling weird.”

“Another Venkman groupie?” He asked with a smirk.

“Nope, this one was a guy and too well dressed for the likes of Peter Venkman,” Sabrina said with a laugh, “But this guy reeked of false high standard. He came in asking to talk to one of you but I said no one was in.”

Egon looked at her surprised and asked, “Why not call me up?”

Sabrina blushed lightly and said, “You’re busy rebuilding and I wasn’t going to interrupt you over what could have been a covert journalist.”

Egon was touched by her care. He’d been surprised at her consideration of him and his actions/reactions. She never touched him before letting him know, if she touched him, she made sure he ate and made sure to at least sleep a full four hours before going back to work. But what really threw him for a loop are the times she’d come down and just listen to him talk…about anything. And always wondered why. 

“Did he at least leave a name?” He asked giving himself a mental shake.

“Water Peck,” Sabrina said and gave him space as soon as she saw the stony look take over the doctor’s face, “I take it you know him?”

“We’ve met…” Egon said stiffly before turning fully to her and saying, “Did he leave any message?”

Sabrina shook her head telling him that Peck only said he’d be by later in the day. 

“If he comes back don’t hesitate to call me up,” he said seriously. 

“You’re sure?” Sabrina asked. 

Egon nodded, he has business to finish with that…man

Sabrina took a deep breath and relaxed. If Egon was there when the creep showed up she’d be fine. 

“Are you sure ok?” He asked noting how she seemed to be deep in thought.

“I’ll be fine,” she reassured, “It’s not the first time I’ve been face to face with a creep.”

“Did he do or say something you?” Egon was on high alert now scanning you making sure you were untouched.

“I’m fine Spengs,” Sabrina reassured once again, “He just…I…”

Sabrina took a deep breath and started from the top.

“He just gave leered at me like most creeps do,” she said quietly suddenly finding a spot on Egon’s sweater interesting. 

The pair stayed in silence for a while taking in what was just said

As if she needed another reason to feel embarrassed for being a big girl. She knew most men thought of her. She is either too fat to be attractive, or she’s fat enough to be a fuck and dumb and desperate enough to fall for it. She didn’t need to know that Egon though that of her too.

Sabrina cleared her throat and excused herself to the front. She cared for the introverted doctor, has a bit of a crush on him too. But in her mind that is something that needs to be nipped in the bud as soon as possible. Past experiences have taught her that not even the smart ones look beyond what is skin deep. They’re better off as borderline, maybe, friends and that is as far as things would go.

Sabrina had made herself comfortable enough to doodle in on a spare piece of paper. All she longed for now was the day to end so she could go home and lick her wounds with the two men that have never let her down, Ben and Jerry. To her surprise, Egon walked in a thick tome in one hand and a clip board in the other. He didn’t say anything as he pulled a rolling chair to the other, computer less, side of the desk and made himself at home. Which was out of character for him. 

She kept her gaze on her doodle missing the tender looks he was sending her way. 

They did their own thing in a fairly comfortable silence, each engrossed in their own work just taking in the presence of another human. The peace was broken when said creep walked back into the office. 

Sabrina put away her drawing, drew as much strength as she could muster and prayed it was enough to keep her head straight. 

Egon on the other hand stayed seated, albeit stiffer then when he was before Peck walked in. Letting Sabrina complete the pleasantries. 

“I see one of your bosses has come back,” Peck noted with false interest. 

Egon noticed Peck eyeing Sabrina and felt a hot stripe of anger shot through at the incredulity of this ape to look upon a woman as a bare object. Least of all the sweet young woman that took care of hi–them when they insisted on take out. 

“He’d just arrived from lunch, we were going over the books,” she lied easily. 

Peck gave a cocky nod and kept his distance seeing who it was that was sitting at the desk.

‘Smart man,’ Egon thought fighting a smirk.

Sabrina stood and made to ‘work’ on other things and give the men space to talk. She was used to being dismissed, its the 80s, not much consideration was given to women even if their stations were of value. 

“You’re leaving?” Peck asked lightly.

“I’ve files to organize and you did come here looking for one of my employers,” Sabrina said directly yet respectfully, “Excuse me.”

Sabrina fought the urge to bolt but was stopped. 

“Wait,” Peck called out, “What time to you get off? Take you out for a drink?”

“She’s not interested,” Egon said seriously finally standing. 

“She can answer for herself,” Peck said eyeing Egon warily. 

Sheis right here and not interested,” Sabrina said loudly, annoyed at both men. 

“Oh come on a girl like you clearly has nothing better to do,” Peck said arrogantly.”

“A girl like me?” Sabrina asked rhetorically.

He waved his hand about nonchalantly, “Well you know…big girls.”

“Are you insinuating that because I’m fat, I’d be desperate enough to go out with you?” Sabrina asked flatly. 

Egon’s blood froze. 

“Well, you’re not unattractive and seem smart,” Peck said cocky grin on his face as if he thought he was getting somewhere.

“Seem smart?” Egon asked lowly. 

“Well she’s a woman,” Peck said, “Come on even a genius like yourself must admit that girls like her can’t seem to go far.”

Sabrina had heard this since high school. Her well meaning aunties proclaiming she has the perfect child bearing body, nonna lucia’s passive aggressive comments on how she must loose weight to find a successful man but then shaming her for not eating enough, the mocking of her peers and pitying looks of her teachers.

“Clearly stated she’s a woman yes,” Egon said, “And yet so far the only one whose proven that an individual can’t go far is you.”

Peck sputtered at that.

“And to be specific she is not interested because she already has a partner,” Egon said cold, calculating, grin on his face, “And I guarantee you she holds her own.”

Peck’s eyes widened and went from Egon to her and back to Egon.

“Are you so desperate for something that you’d sink so low as to fuck your boss?!” Peck yelled at her, “I see now that you’re nothing but the office slut.”

Sabrina ran from the room in tears, shame and embarrassment coursing through her as she heard the ghosts of the mocking and taunting all around her. 

Peck looked satisfied at his job which set Egon off.

“You really are full of yourself,” Egon said and without warning approached the man and knocked him out cold. He nodded in satisfaction and went in search of his girl.

He found Sabrina in the makeshift lab, sitting on the couch hugging a pillow. He knelt by her side and placed a hand on her shoulder startling her.

Sabrina jumped slightly at the feel of a hand on her shoulder. She looked to find Egon and a kind smile.

“You didn’t need to do that,” Sabrina said wiping away the tears,

“Not my best moment, nor how I wanted to ask you to dinner, but I thought it would be enough to shut him up,” Egon said honestly. 

When he mentioned asking her out she was floored, “Asking me out?”

He blushed and nodded.

“But I’m–”

“Absolutely gorgeous,” he said honestly, “And smart, and patient. Not many people can deal with my weird ticks and quirks. But you are patient and make sure I’m alright and sleeping and eating. You make sure to have extra blankets for the nights I stay here. And you let me ramble on about what I do.”

Sabrina looked at him in wonder.

“Don’t you see?” He asked borderline hysterical in his anxiety to let her know just how special she is to him.

“But I like listening to you,” Sabrina said quietly, “Daddy’s a mechanic and my brother is a bio chem major.”

This floored Egon, and he finally realized why it was that when he went on tangents she seemed to meet him halfway. 

The pair shared warm grins.

“How does Italian sound?” Egon asked.

“I’ll cook then,” Sabrina replied, “Come by mine at around 6?”

Egon nodded sitting next to her and pulling her into a warm hug.

Both sighed in relief as unnecessary walls crumbled. The last thing Egon thought of was a promise to make her see how lovely she is to him before they heard…

“Someone left me a present!” 

The Ghostbusters reacting to seeing a bug/spider in their house, more than likely:

Ray: knows the exact species and thinks it’s cool

Egon: straight up about to experiment on this innocent insect

Peter: screams like a little bitch and probably makes Dana kill it

Winston: puts it in a cup and takes it outside


Janine: knows it kills flies, and she hates flies so she leaves it alone cause lord knows baby girl has bigger problems

Dana: waits for Peter to stop freaking out and lets the spider out a window

Walter Peck: also freaks out but manages to keep from screaming like a little girl, probably gets that neurotic look on his face like we saw in the mayor’s office

No one:

Walter Peck watching the Ghostbusters get the key to the city and actually getting appreciation at the end of GB2, probably:
