#re8 fanfiction

Alex Wesker has spared neither trouble nor expense for her guests on Sein Island. Alcina, unimpres

Alex Wesker has spared neither trouble nor expense for her guests on Sein Island. Alcina, unimpressed by Alex’ charade, wants to know the truth about why she had to accompany Miranda.

Chapter 7/10 “The Truth” of “Song to the Moon” is up on AO3:https://archiveofourown.org/works/37091170/chapters/95889094

For more follow me here or on Twitter (@ZerOneSplashArt) and/or follow the author Lady Valentine:

Tumblr (1ady-valentine)
Twitter (@1ady_valentine)
AO3 (lady_valentine)
Post link
What does Alcina have to discuss with Donna? Angie doesn’t seem to be very excited about her v

What does Alcina have to discuss with Donna? Angie doesn’t seem to be very excited about her visit to House Beneviento …

Chapter 5/10 of “Song to the Moon” is up on AO3:https://archiveofourown.org/works/37091170/chapters/95073859

For more follow me here or on Twitter (@ZerOneSplashArt) and/or follow the author Lady Valentine:

Tumblr (1ady-valentine)
Twitter (@1ady_valentine)
AO3 (lady_valentine)
Post link

Behold! Self-indulgent fanfic.

I’m doing a sort of “Nobody has to die” (Except Mother Miranda) thing, so if she’s your fave, this might not be your rusty bucket of bog water. Anyway, enjoy! I’ll be actively updating it every time I finish a chapter.

Off The Beaten Path - a Resident Evil 8 Fanfiction

So, I saw a image on Pinterest of this kind of pose and situation and I was writting a Winterberg fic with a kind of cyberpunk!AU where they were doing their stuff on a public bathroom. One thing lend me to another and I wanted to try Clip Studio Paint for the first time, this was my excuse!
