#reading aesthetic


If your dark academia friend goes missing here is how to find them!

1. Make a small shrine of books, perhaps Shakespeare or the Picture of Dorian Gray, leave some tea or coffee, maybe a few jumpers if it’s cold and of course leave a copy of Dead Poets Society

2. Leave it near your local library/forrest/curiosity shop/aesthetic cafe /old building or anywhere that seems fitting to yearn

3. Wait until nightfall as they are most likely an insomniac and will most likely becone productive anywhere between 11 pm and 3 am

Hopefully your friend will emerge from their hideaway and you can safely take them home

Dark academia is the aesthetic for people who:

Had a tense emo phase that matured into dark academia

Had an unhealthy Harry Potter obsession and now hates J. K. Rowling

Played games revolving around mythical creature as a child

Was able to read at an adult level at age 8 and spent their childhood reading

I think the thing I love the most about reading is imagining what each character looks like because no matter what the description is, everyone will imagine the characters differently


Books have a unique way of stopping time in a particular moment.

