#the process




Would be great if past me had written a more clear outline for this scene.

no i dont



I’m a knitter. I sometimes knit socks.

I have recently got back into doing some writing. This writing has been multi-chaptered.

So, here is a trick I am going to share that I learned from knitting socks. There is a thing called “second sock syndrome” which is when you finish one sock but can’t seem to get around to starting the second. So, when I finish a sock I IMMEDIATELY cast on the second sock and just knit a few rows.

So, when you finish that chapter, IMMEDIATELY just write one sentence of the next chapter. Trust me.

I have, and do, do this!

Not even, always, the end of a chapter. If I reach a place where there should be a scene break, I write the next few sentences so I have a launching off point the next time I sit down to write.

It helps me *so much!*

“Oh, yeah, roommate, I should have time to walk down to the farmer’s market in the morning with you and then get my chores and writing done in the afternoon, it’s only an hour away!”

I am a fool.

We were out all day.

It’s 5:30.

I am so tired.



@ fic authors what do you personally consider a successful fic? What’s the bar?

actually writing the fic down

…just the outline for this fic is 1350 words, and considering I will be traveling next week for work and I have a certification exam the weekend of the 18th, meaning I have us STUDY in my free time the week leading up to that, I really have to finish it this weekend if I want it done by [redacted redacted redacted]

…Okay well. Wish me luck!
