#reblog to support your content creators



Part 10

Summary: You and Bucky spend the day, and night, together.

Warnings: 18+, language, sexual content (if you’ve been waiting for smut, it’s now), p in v, unprotected sex, kind of rough, pussy slapping, pet names, dirty talk, cum marking.

This is rated P for Porn.

Credits: Dividers by @firefly-graphics . Beta read by @christywantspizza

A/N: massive apology to Christy because i rewrote this about 3 or 4 times and spent ages not being able to write it

Posting a bit early because I’m away this weekend, hope you guys enjoy it! ❤

Series Masterlist|Masterlist|Soundtrack

7 Weeks and 2 days Since the Snap

After breakfast you had to go for a medical and psych evaluation, leaving Bucky alone in the apartment. 

He kissed your cheek as you left, promising to still be there when you got back. He was worried about you, you’d complained that your head was still full of wool, confused and fuzzy, but both doctors said it was very normal. The painkillers would clear and then your normal therapy sessions would have you feeling better soon. 

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Reset - Masterlist

Pairing: The Winter Soldier x f!Reader, Steve Rogers x f! Reader (previous relationship)

Summary: The government has fallen, Hydra has taken over. You were an agent of SHIELD long before the reign of terror began, and became a member of the resistance when they needed you most. Everything changes when the Winter Soldier captures you from your safe house.

Status: ongoing - posting once a week on Tuesdays!

Warnings:DARK, hydra victory au, canon-typical violence, descriptions of violence, character death, swearing, blood, brainwashing, pet names, masturbation (male), eventual smut(consensual!! this fic will not contain non-con) enemies to lovers

AN: This fic is dark so please keep that in mind! if you’re not comfortable with anything listed in the tags PLEASE DO NOT READ IT!! I will update the tags as I post so keep checking that and I will include warnings before each chapter. I’m so excited for this series so I’d love to hear your thoughts<3

this au takes place after the events of CA: TWS

my masterlist|ao3|@hydravictrix|fic playlist

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if you can read one thing this weekend: READ THIS

it is incredibly written, brilliantly imaginative,” (yet still completely in character for the soldat), and it’s soooo suspenseful

i am absolutely enthralled with this incredible fic

go read it. shoo. do it now


That’s Not What This Is

Part 2: Ours

Part 1: Bruise

Rating: Mature (18+ only)

Pairing: Backstage Pass!Bucky x Backstage Pass!Steve x f!reader


Warnings: Very brief mention of Bucky’s past abuse, as well as mama Sarah’s past abuse, other than that, this is pure, comforting, fluff. You guys earned it. Enjoy <3

Beta read by my sister from another mister @samantha-lefay

The National Domestic Violence Hotline has resources for those who need help safely escaping their abuser.

If you like it, please give it a reblog! Your friendly neighborhood smut peddler loves that shit!

Backstage Pass Masterlist|Main Masterlist|Ko-fi

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That’s Not What This Is

Part 2: Ours

Part 1: Bruise

Rating: Mature (18+ only)

Pairing: Backstage Pass!Bucky x Backstage Pass!Steve x f!reader


Warnings: Very brief mention of Bucky’s past abuse, as well as mama Sarah’s past abuse, other than that, this is pure, comforting, fluff. You guys earned it. Enjoy <3

Beta read by my sister from another mister @samantha-lefay

The National Domestic Violence Hotline has resources for those who need help safely escaping their abuser.

If you like it, please give it a reblog! Your friendly neighborhood smut peddler loves that shit!

Backstage Pass Masterlist|Main Masterlist|Ko-fi

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That’s Not What This Is

Part 2: Ours

Part 1: Bruise

Rating: Mature (18+ only)

Pairing: Backstage Pass!Bucky x Backstage Pass!Steve x f!reader


Warnings: Very brief mention of Bucky’s past abuse, as well as mama Sarah’s past abuse, other than that, this is pure, comforting, fluff. You guys earned it. Enjoy <3

Beta read by my sister from another mister @samantha-lefay

The National Domestic Violence Hotline has resources for those who need help safely escaping their abuser.

If you like it, please give it a reblog! Your friendly neighborhood smut peddler loves that shit!

Backstage Pass Masterlist|Main Masterlist|Ko-fi

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That’s Not What This Is

Part 2: Ours

Part 1: Bruise

Rating: Mature (18+ only)

Pairing: Backstage Pass!Bucky x Backstage Pass!Steve x f!reader


Warnings: Very brief mention of Bucky’s past abuse, as well as mama Sarah’s past abuse, other than that, this is pure, comforting, fluff. You guys earned it. Enjoy <3

Beta read by my sister from another mister @samantha-lefay

The National Domestic Violence Hotline has resources for those who need help safely escaping their abuser.

If you like it, please give it a reblog! Your friendly neighborhood smut peddler loves that shit!

Backstage Pass Masterlist|Main Masterlist|Ko-fi

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The more I speak to writer friends, the more I realize that fandom is about to legitimately lose some amazingly talented people because the fandom doesn’t care anymore. There’s almost zero support for artists, writers, giffers, creators. 

Three years ago, I would post a fic and within an hour have over 200 notes. I don’t say this to brag, because now- I am HAPPY to get 10 notes on anything I post. Legit excited that I hit 10. 

Did the quality of my work go down? I don’t think so. Those who read and give me feedback don’t think so. I think we agree that it’s gotten better. Has it gotten stale? Sure, sometimes, you write something familiar just because you’ve written so much. But it’s not as stale as anyone else’s. 

Is our fandom dying? Yes. Why? Because fans have stopped interacting with the one thing that keeps fandoms alive: CONTENT. If you want to keep your fandom alive, YOU have to keep it alive. 

We create because we love it, we share because we love it, you ignore it because… ? Maybe you don’t love it. Maybe you don’t want work from someone anymore. But then don’t complain when your favorite writers, your beloved artists, your dash-filling gif makers are gone. 

If you want the fandom to thrive, YOU need to help keep it alive. 

Reblog. Comment. Interact. Damn the man, Save the Fandom.

if you don’t reblog, the content dies with you


That’s Not What This Is

Part 2: Ours

Part 1: Bruise

Rating: Mature (18+ only)

Pairing: Backstage Pass!Bucky x Backstage Pass!Steve x f!reader


Warnings: Very brief mention of Bucky’s past abuse, as well as mama Sarah’s past abuse, other than that, this is pure, comforting, fluff. You guys earned it. Enjoy <3

Beta read by my sister from another mister @samantha-lefay

The National Domestic Violence Hotline has resources for those who need help safely escaping their abuser.

If you like it, please give it a reblog! Your friendly neighborhood smut peddler loves that shit!

Backstage Pass Masterlist|Main Masterlist|Ko-fi

Keep reading

It’s been a while, but I finally got a new chapter out! I hope you all enjoy!

Chapter Summary: Wolffe tries to build his lightsaber, “tries” being the operative word. Rex tries to figure out how to deal with Anakin after their startling conversation a few days prior.

Work Summary: The 501st suffered a devastating blow on Umbara with the loss of Captain Rex at the hands of Pong Krell.

Rex doesn’t understand why he’s still around after having died, but he realizes that he might be able to use this to the advantage of all of his brothers.

Or: Rex is a ghost, and he’s just as confused about it as everyone else is.
