




Reading Symposium articles is WILD because I had never even heard of elf-fic before but apparently it was huge thing???

hahah whaaaat

this is a tolkein thing, isnt it

The Sentinel fandom was full of elf=fic for a while, usually with Blair as the elf since he was physically smaller.  I am really surprised no one has written Harold-as-an-elf fic yet.  Or a half-elf (we know nothing about his mother!)

Yeah, for those who need some of the context, this was the article I was referring to. No one responded to my dropping it as a reference here, so it does seem like a trope that’s completely fallen by the wayside.

It really is amazing reading this stuff, particularly to see the blindspots, and the social-justicey arguments that have been since deemed their own kind of problematic. In some cases, the writing quality for fandom meta has definitely increased.

It’s also fascinating to see how this was a specific sub-section of fanfic type (the type that has dominated what people think of as fanfic and, of course, permeates AO3 as some of these people went on to found it), which has a blindspot for the types of fanfics I preferred for a while: those SpaceBattles types, the anime fandoms, video game fandoms, etc.
My fandom backstory has all but no overlap with the community that produced the Symposium, which makes some of their assumptions extra fascinating to read.
#Kristina’s RPF article is still one of the best things ever #and it was so awesome to realize she had published further academic stuff about the topic


Formy videoonly:
Ogata - 2
Duu - 2
Daishi - 1
Maachan - 1

And then 1 each for Eripon, Zukki, and Maria in musical chairs.

HOWEVER, I excluded a few of the legit dodgeball hits because they weren’t entertaining enough, which gives Maa another and Duu two more.

So while Ogata is the champ for unintentional Sakura beanings, Duu has the highest total hit count at 4. Forget Daasaku, apparently the true hateships in this janx are Duusaku and OgaOda. :P

As stated in the previous post, there’s another Maria headshot during H!P DM volleyball. Future musical chairs will give Eripon more points. Although, Sakura actually won musical chairs in DM73 lol.

I haven’t kept up much with DMs, though, so there are probably even more.


Being Oda is suffering

(and that’s hilarious)

Yes, I know that the dodgeball and frisbee clips aren’t great. That’s what I get for just skimming the DM. I should have replaced them with Sakura ACTUALLY getting headshotted (via bounce, but still) during dodgeball in that DM, and then the H!P DM clip where she gets headshotted during volleyball. Ah well.

But still, this video brings me great joy.


Do you ever wonder how we got here? How one of the most orthodox idol groups became the amazing pit of Defective Extra we have today? Maybe, you think, it was fuushigi leader getting the new recruits on the weird faces train, or maybe it was born-to-troll Kananan infecting everyone, just as they have with the subsequent generations.

Yeah, turns out it was probably Meimei.

#it’s almost sad to watch dawa go from her amiable chemistry with 1st gen to THESE ARE MY PEEPS with 2nd like immediately
#reblog2017    #smileage    #angerme    #tamura meimi    #category idols    


Oda and DVD Magazines don’t mix.


*insert Yakety Sax here*
This gif brings me inordinate amounts of joy.


Get you a group who knows EXACTLY when the shot starts and dun give a flip outside of it (x)


Reni actually living up to their “idols you can meet right now” moniker Meanwhile, those fans are LIVING THE DREAMMMMM

#lucky lucky bastards #that lady straight up got a full on HUG from her oshi


Confirmed: Momoclo watched and liked NMB Geinin
EDIT: whoops talkin out my ass again. Momoclo are probably referring to comedian group Joyman, given that that was the VTR they were looking for beforehand. The Nana clip above was also such a reference.


Yep, this is still possibly the greatest idol dance of all time.
And DAYUM being able to hold any measure of stability on the long notes while bouncing around at that speed means they must have, like, 8 packs or smth. Definitely quarter-bouncable.
(Here’s another angle)


Pshhh, you’d ain’t watched enough until you can recognize them by staircase. (Hallway is easy mode)


omg yass forget Musumen, Angermen is where it’s at!

#reblog2017    #musumen    #angerme    #category idols    


Country Girls cover of Morning Gyuunyuu when

#I mean they gotta do it at least once before Momochi grad amirite #get that most 90s of 90s faux rap

TIL Morning Gyuunyuu was only ever performed once at some college live in 2000. TRAVESTY

Lil Nas X two decades late to this shit


I feel kind of peeved that apparently my lot in the fandom is to keep pointing at canon and going “YOUR FAVORITE SHOOT FIC TROPES HAVE NO BASIS IN CANON” but… (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

When did Root start “”“"stalking”“”“ Shaw, and was it of her own volition?

Keep reading

#whoops look at me crapping all over shoot week my bad #oh yeah I should expand the line analysis to include the new s5 data #oh man I’m gonna feel sorry for people who try browsing my blog for more Shoot stuff #blacklist the idol tag guys it’ll make your life much easier! #that or only browse the PoI tag! #although I’ve touched on PoI when talking about other shows too so maybe go with the TV tag instead #to be clear there are still plenty of writers who write shoot very true to canon! #and everyone has the right to write shoot however they please #but…naw let’s be honest I’m still drunk on power from people not writing 3-night rule shaw anymore >:D #even though yes sometimes I still get in the mood to read 3-night rule shaw lol
The reason I go “YOUR FAVORITE SHOOT FIC TROPES HAVE NO BASIS IN CANON” in a fan culture that often takes pride in ignoring canon is that for the ships I like, the prevalence of tropes are almost always less interesting than the canon ship I fell in love with. The “Root stalking Shaw” cliche makes both Root and Shaw less complex characters, as well as shortchanging their relationship dynamics.

Sometimes (oftentimes)….[fanons] are worse


We’ve reached the point in the timeline where people join H!P not in admiration of Tsunku, Golden, or Platinum, but Colorful

(also Kishimon was ROBBED of an aisaretai hrmph)

For potential link rot purposes, this is about Tsubaki Factory doing Ai no Joke at Hinafes 2017




get you a girl who can and will build an artificial intelligence out of your playstation 3 

get you a girl who doesn’t blink an eye when you reveal your HOARD of playstations 3.

get you a girl who will will build you out of PS3s?

#or is that power dynamic too uneven :P #get you a girl who will designate you their interface


What if Caroline Turing had been resolved like a regular number?

Keep reading

#I don’t know where I’m going with this #just keep trust-falling #I just had the strong imagery of Root getting sent on her way like a regular number #and internally just screaming about how much her plan has failed #she fumes about it for days #she blames reese of course #it’s always the big lug’s fault



2. Kassa clicks here heels together on the beat when bouncing! That’s super adorable!


4. They do quite well with Buono!

5. Sasuga leader, fitting the gamut of vintage bubblegum pop to the more serious stuff.

For potential link rot purposes, this is a compilation of the unit shuffles from Angerme DM 10, 2016 Fall livehouse tour.
#reblog2017    #angerme    #category idols    