#reblogs and replies


@ultimatenoona Ahhh I’m so glad to hear from you! Thank you for reading along with me! I can’t tag you for some reason so I really hope this finds you!! 

OK so after Bongseon x Jihu, Sad Girl is the character that gets the most love haha! So, in addition to the AMOMK Starter Pack for anyone who wants to jump in and learn more about the project backstory, I’ll be sharing some other supplemental materials in the next few mins! 

Hope you find these fun little treats to be interesting and sweet, but also, I hope they show just how collaborative this project is! It’s been nearly a YEAR in the making, and you all have contributed so much. At this point, I’m really just trying to capture, connect, and share the awesomeness! I haven’t really done this with a fic before, and I hope you enjoy!

Alrighty, back to our dear Sad Girl! There is so much, but here are some selected drabbles to give context!

Sad Girl Starter Pack lol

What..is… a Sad Girl? (excuse my entire dissertation lol BUT DON’T BC I ACTUALLY REALLY LOVE WRITING THESE)

@parkblooming​‘s ask that started it all!

Anon ask about more on Sad Girl!

Anon seeing a tweet that made them think of Sad Girl, i.e., the Pizza story

Sad Girl Pinkie Promise story, also prompted by anon

Fake Student story, also prompted by an anon

Sad Girl period headcanon from anon

Ask response that captures how people feel about Sad Girl lol

Another drabble about shipping Sad Girl x Namjoon

Ahhhh I hope you enjoy!
