#reblogs are okay


Introducing one of my first villain f/os!!! St.Jimmy from the American idiot musical!!!





(Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ln61a6RlDw6z6pR8281t04-5xeazxf2L/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108954517697348092155&rtpof=true&sd=true)


(Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-qLozR0ezRUwkzAS-3ojbgV9A-LckMnn/view?usp=sharing)

Hello everyone, as you’re all probably well aware, I have been continuously harassed on tumblr since September 2021. Through a stroke of luck and a pile of coincidences that were too big to ignore, I have the fortunate and also very unhappy luck of knowing who has been harassing not only myself, but other writers on this platform.

Before you write this off as conjecture, please know that I once considered these two people two of my friends and they knew this and capitalized off of my trust in order to find more information to harass me with. You might know these people in question as Asellus(meiansmistress/meianswife on tumblr, and asellus#9565 on discord) and Meesh(jiaxiin/tsukeshima on tumblr, and meesh#6619 on discord). Please note that there is a third person named in the authorship screenshots; the percentage was too high to discount in my analysis and I kept their percentage in although the rest of the proof points to Meesh and Asellus. 

Please note that if you are in any servers with them on discord, I highly suggest going through your DMs and the servers themselves now to delete any personal information that you have shared.

I want to make it abundantly clear that this is not a baseless accusation. I have a significant amount of proof and if you find it too coincidental, please consider how many coincidences you need to occur before you accept it as truth. 

  1. Both people are in the closed, private servers where a significant number of people were harassed.
  2. The doxxer does not write rude, pointed things about Asellus despite having had access to their public social media for six hours min. uninterrupted.
  3. The doxxer has only shared two photos of Asellus on tumblr, one of which was willingly shared by her as a face reveal, and the other which was a posed photo with Meesh. This was posted after I cast doubt on Meesh as if to draw suspicion away from her, and the photo was posted on a blog that stayed empty, didn’t post anything more (again, despite having access to Asellus’s personal info for six hours), and didn’t tag anybody. All drastically different from previous incidents.
  4. Meesh is located in the PST time zone; Asellus is located in KST. Between the two of them, they would be able to monitor blogs and send asks around the clock. I’ve included time stamps where I remembered too (the first handful of asks don’t have them as I was not aware of how to do this) and you are more than welcome to do the time conversion - I’m in EST.
  5. The doxxer has a habit of harassing other people through me (i.e., sending me photos, personal info, social media handles). Despite having Asellus’s twitter handle, they didn’t send it to me.
  6. If you find point 5 weak, please note that this person has also had Asellus’s full name since March 17, 2022 as well as a personal project she published. A quick Google search of a combination of these things pulled up personal info for Asellus as well as a photo, neither of which were posted. Take this in consideration again with the actions that were taken when they found personal information of other people. 
  7. The most damning piece of evidence is that as I was harassed consistently since September 2021, I’ve saved a number of asks. I have a contact in cyber security who was able to run an authorship analysis comparing the asks I received to the messages sent by people in the Church of Meian server and these were the results:

Asellus sits at 99%, Meesh at 82%, and another user at 76%.

To be 100% sure, I also had it run comparing the asks I received and server messages with the hate asks that Wing (formerly samuslut on tumblr) received, and these are the results:


Asellus is at 81%, Meesh at 58%. Received by Ven is comparing Wing’s asks to mine. Received by Ven (weird) is comparing Wing’s asks to a series of disturbing asks/messages/comments that I received during my hiatus from tumblr. The similarity between my asks and Wing’s is 94%. 

I also had it run comparing all asks to Jin’s hate anons.


The authorship scores are much lower, but the most telling thing is that there is a 69% overlap with the hate anons I was receiving, and Meesh’s overlap is almost 100% of that overlap as well.

Here are the authorship results for A (mentioned in the following post).


81% overlap with the hate I received. The authorship scores are very telling as well.

The accuracy of stylometry as well as a timeline and additional evidence can be found at the following links (the post is way too long for tumblr):




(Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-qLozR0ezRUwkzAS-3ojbgV9A-LckMnn/view?usp=sharing)

IF YOU ARE GOING TO COMMISSION SOMEONE,please be ready and able to pay.  i’ve encountered a user (@/fluidpunk) who has commissioned me, sent in and agreed to my commission form and terms, and upon me sending the preview over i was told that they didn’t want the carrd anymore, did not care about being blacklisted, and refused to pay me. 

THIS IS MY JOB. i have to stress that this job allows me to eat, allows me to pay my bills, and when you not only lead me to believe that i will be able to do those things but waste my time, energy, and resources, it is incredibly disrespectful. if you are another roleplay help blog or someone who is accepting commissions, please be wary of this person. 

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP, i now have a bullseye (from marvel) template up for sale for a discounted price and my donations are open as per usual. thank you. 
