#red hood x reader imagines


This was totally written very quickly so there are definitely a lot of mistakes! Didn’t have the time to proof-read because I had to go visit a shrine to pay respects to the Gods (or something like that). Since it’s already 2019 (from where I am), happy new year! May 2019 be better than 2018 for all of you!

requested by anon: His i was wondering if i can request a dick grayson x reader imagine? Where the reader is in love with dick but dick is head over heels for kori ir si he thinks. The reader walk in on them having some private time and feels heart broken. The reader tries to get over dick so jason takes the reader out on a date to make them feel better which makes dick jealous its kind of lame im sorry the plot sucks have a nice day ❤

Jason had been a little bit too late in stopping you – if only he had been faster, he would have been able to save you from seeing such a sight. It wasn’t like Jason was not aware of your feelings about his older brother, Dick, because everyone but the actual object of your affections knew about your feelings.

A part of Jason wanted to go inside the room and throw a few punches for causing such a heart wrenching expression to appear on your face, but Jason remembers clearly how you were frozen stiff, standing by the doorway. All Jason could have done right at that time was to grip your wrist lightly and gently pulling you away from the room.

(The room where the love of your life was currently kissing the love of his life, probably).

The rest of that night went by a blur, mostly because Jason had been busy taking care of you. He had decided against bringing you back to your own apartment – knowing very well how you would just drown yourself with countless of alcohol and cry your eyes out the entire night and then some – and brought you over to his instead. He did give you some alcohol and you definitely consumed more than he thought you should have but you had relented when he told you to stop and that was when you had begun crying your eyes out.

But that had been two weeks ago. Jason thinks that is enough time for you to grieve – or at the very least, get over your initial hurt – over your unreciprocated love. Dick had been none the wiser, simply wondering where you had gone – Jason both likes and dislikes how you are able to avoid almost everyone for a good two weeks now, him included. But enough is enough and Jason was never known for being extremely patient, especially when it comes to something that he wants and, in this case, he wants you.

If someone had asked Jason when he had started liking you, Jason would not have been able to give you. Solid answer. Maybe it had been that one time where you had slapped him for his crude comment or maybe that one time, he had saved you from getting shot or it could have been that time when you had handed him his own ass. Jason can’t decide when he began having feelings for you at all.

So here he is now.

Jason clears his throat, catching you by surprise and you almost drop the book you had been browsing. Out of all the places, Jason definitely did not imagine finding you here in this bookstore. It should have been the first place he had looked at – considering how much you loved reading books – and the sheepish smile you gave him is almost enough to melt the annoyance within him.

“You are really hard to track when you don’t want to be found.” Jason points out as he steps toward you. You give him a sheepish chuckle, placing the book back at its place. He leans slightly against the bookshelf, making sure not to put all of his weight into it lest he wants it to fall. “I’d like to ask how you are, but you obviously look physically fine to me so how are you feeling?” But before you could even answer, Jason quickly adds, “And you better not tell me you are fine.”

You sigh, copying Jason’s pose and leaning against the bookshelf as well. “I’m healing, I guess. It doesn’t hurt as much because I think, deep down inside, I knew he had feelings for Kori. I was just deluding myself in thinking that I have a choice when I obviously didn’t.” You shrug your shoulders: the first few days had been rough for you. There was a lot of self-loathing and blaming but after a while, you had slowly come to your senses. Although deciding to avoid all of them had purely been a selfish thing.

Jason nods his head. “Do you want to have lunch with me?” He pushes himself off the bookshelf and turn to look at you. You obviously hadn’t been expecting that question from him because your elbow slipped and hit one of the shelves as you startled. He clears his throat, feeling a blush starting to rise and he curse the day he had decide to ask you without the cover of his mask. At the very least, you wouldn’t see him if he blushes – and Jason hopes he doesn’t.

It takes your brain a while to process what Jason had just said and you cannot help the blush that appears on your cheeks. Blinking a couple of times, you wet your lips before slowly nodding your head. Jason’s eyes widen the slightest bit before he schools his expression and gives you a stern look.

“You do understand that I am asking you out on a date right and not just lunch between two friends?”

The blush on your cheeks deepen the slightest bit and you nod your head, curling your hair behind your ear. “Yeah, I know.” You tell him weakly – your heart is starting to race, and you honestly don’t understand yourself right at this moment. You have always thought Jason to be really handsome and a really good friend too, considering how close in age the two of you are. “But I don’t want you to think I am doing this because I am settling, or you are my rebound…”

Jason shakes his head. “I have waited this long. I can wait a couple more to have you fall in love with me.” He smirks, draping his arm on your shoulders and you squeak the slightest bit when he pulls you to him. “Making you fall for me would not be that hard,” Jason tells you smugly, causing you to chuckle and roll your eyes. “Is Pho alright for you?”

You nod your head. Pho was not something you would normally eat but since you are already doing things you never thought you would be doing, might as well continue the streak. “I just so happen to be starving. You have impeccable timing, Todd.”

Jason snorts, rolling his eyes at your light jab and pulls you out of the bookstore. What he hadn’t count on was seeing Dick and Kori right as the two of you step outside. He feels you tensing up and Jason almost cursed out loud when Kori sees the two of you and that meant Dick’s attention was on the two of you as well.

Dick calls out your name in surprise and he is even more surprised to see Jason acting so affectionately with you. “I haven’t seen you around in a while! What are you doing here with Jason?” He pulls Kori towards the two of you and before you could even open your mouth to answer, Jason drops his arm from your shoulder to your waist – something that doesn’t miss Dick’s attention.

“We’re going out for lunch.” Jason tells him tersely. He really wished the two of you had stayed inside longer now, until Dick and Kori had gone. Dick shares a look with Kori before he turns back to Jason and you.

“Kori and I are about to go for lunch too. Maybe we can join?” Dick offers and before Jason could even open his mouth to reply, you spoke up, surprising everyone.

“Jason and I are going on a date.” You piped in, relaxing your body against Jason. You can feel all of their eyes on you and this causes you to blush slightly. But you clear your throat to continue talking. “Maybe some other day, sorry.” You tell them hurriedly and Jason nods his head.

“Oh.” Dick frowns but nods his head. “Yeah, maybe next time, right?” He turns to look at Kori who slowly nods his head. “It was nice seeing you, Y/N.” You give him a curt smile, nodding your head.
