#dc comics imagines


Requested by Anon -  A story about the justice league employing new recruits in the young justice. Kaldur is both annoyed and in love with one new girl.

Requested by Anon -  Can I get a fic where Kaldur falls in love with some badass girl after she rides on his moto to trash some criminal?

Requested by blackafricanqueen -  Can I get a fix where Kaldur is both annoyed and in love with a justice league new recruit?

Slight spoilers for season four ahead…


Kaldur crossed his arms, eyeing the new recruits standing in the main area of the Watchtower. He and Artemis stood together to one side as Black Lightning addressed the new members. “Black Lightning believes these are the key for the league to stay current with the times?” he asked, glancing at Artemis.

Artemis shrugged. “Yeah, he says we need more diversity.” She snorted. “Diversity in abilities and training anyway.” 

Kaldur hummed as Black Lightning finished and gestured for Kaldur to join him. Artemis gave him a supportive look as Kaldur left her side. “This is Aquaman. He’ll be in charge of getting you settled and trained on the League’s methods.” Kaldur barely hid his wince. Why did he become the League’s trainer? Couldn’t Batman do it?

Suddenly, one girl, maybe slightly younger than Kaldur, raised her hand. Black Lightning chuckled at the sight before nodding to her. “Is he Aquaman number one, two, or three? Isn’t there three Aquamans now?” 

Kaldur narrowed his eyes at her. She just smiled back cheekily. “He’s the second Aquaman,” Black Lightning said, a smirk on his face. “Now I’ll leave you to him.” Black Lightning turned and walked out of the room. 

“What now, sir?” the militant-looking recruit asked, relaxing slightly. He must be ex-military, Kaldur guessed. Jefferson never did give Kaldur the files on any of the new recruits. He’ll have to find them later.

“Now we will train.” Kaldur gestured for them to follow him as he turned to lead them deeper into the Watchtower.

“Yes, Aqua Two.” Kaldur looked over his shoulder at the girl. Annoying girl. 

“Aquaman is fine,” Kaldur said shortly.

“But what if all the Aquamans are in the same place, then I’d have to call you Aqua Two, so might as well start now.” The girl grinned. Kaldur sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking away. The other two recruits were wonderfully silent. Kaldur led them toward the training room, planning to put the annoying girl through more rounds with higher difficulty as a result.  


“Is that it?” You panted, grinning at Aqua Two as he frowned deeply. You knew you pushed him too far and he was punishing you. It was very enjoyable to see him become more and more dissatisfied as you met every one of his challenges. Every part of your body ached. You were slowing down. Hopefully, Aqua Two will give up before you do. 

“No.” Aqua Two gestured for the other two recruits to leave. “You are done for the day. See you tomorrow.” They quickly left. “I will run another simulation.” 

You sighed, taking a moment to catch your breath. However, the simulation started immediately and you barely ducked to avoid a giant ax flying at your head. A huge Viking man formed out of thin air. You smirked and grabbed the ax as he took another swing. Riding the ax up in the air as he attempted to throw you off, you flipped over him to land a kick to his lower back. He stumbled allowing you to flip around him and perform a nerve strike to his neck. The Viking fell hard and disappeared. Two Vikings appeared the moment the other disappeared. You took a deep breath before standing your ground. 


“Kaldur, aren’t you taking this a bit far? You had her in there for hours,” Raquel said, appearing at Kaldur’s side. Kaldur flinched. He should have heard her come in.

“This new recruit has an attitude problem.” Kaldur crossed his arms. He noticed you were slowing down. You took a hit to the face, toppling over. However, you recovered quickly, rolling back to your feet and taking down the Viking.

Raquel hummed. “You have to stop. This is Wonder Woman’s program. It will kill her.” She reached around and turned it off. You froze as the Vikings disappeared. Kaldur clicked his tongue. Raquel rolled her eyes and turned to you. “Go to the med bay. That last hit must have really hurt.”

“I’m good.” You grinned despite the blood dripping from your mouth. “Ready to keep going, Aqua Two? If you are still up for it?”

Kaldur blushed as Raquel glanced back at him with a smirk. “You’re done. Go home, (Y/N). We’ll see you here tomorrow.” Raquel waved you off and eyed Kaldur. You waved cheerfully and limped out of the room. “So you’re punishing her for teasing you?”

“It is improper.” Kaldur pursed his lips, realizing he was taking out his frustrations on you. Truth was, he didn’t like having to share the Aquaman name. It was the way it had to be, but it certainly led to several situations he didn’t appreciate. For example, being called in when they actually wanted Orin. Very irritating.

“She is just teasing you, Kaldur. No different than how I would.” Raquel shook her head. “I’ll have a word with her to lay off, but don’t take your frustrations out on the newbie because she annoys you.” She crossed her arms. 

Kaldur sighed, dropping his shoulders. “I…You are right.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Check on her for me.” He met Raquel’s eye. “I will apologize to her once I have time to…calm down.”

Raquel nodded, patting Kaldur’s shoulder. “Don’t take what she does personally. I’m the one who recruited her. She’s sassy, but her heart is in the right place.” Raquel walked out of the room. Kaldur watched her go before heading toward the zeta tubes to go back to Atlantis. 


You couldn’t believe you had survived this long in the League. After the first day, you assumed you would be pushed out, but here you were on your first official Justice League mission. You brushed off your brand new suit even though you received it only a hour before. 

“(Y/N), are you paying attention?” Aqua Two snapped, nudging your arm as he passed. You jerked back into reality. He waved for you to follow him. You hurried along, smiling brightly at the thought of being partnered with Aqua Two. This is a chance to proof yourself to him.

“I am. Ready to join you on guard duty.” You nudged him back. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he led you toward the zeta tube. You knew you were annoying him again with just your eagerness, but you didn’t care. Today was the day.


“It’s not every day you get to see the president in person,” you said as you sat on the edge of the roof next to Aqua Two. “He looks taller on TV.”

Aqua Two hummed in response, standing next to you as he scanned the crowd below. The Justice League was asked to provide extra security for the president when intel about an assassination attempt was revealed. An assassination attempt by a super villain nevertheless. 

“No sign of any suspicious activity over here,” Plastic Man reported through the comlink. 

“Nothing here,” you said before Aqua Two could speak. He narrowed his eyes at you. You shrugged. “What? I can speak too. Otherwise, why give me a comm?” 

“Quiet.” He turned away from you, studying the crowd below. You looked too. Several minutes of silence passed. The crowd grew as the president began his speech. You listened, smiling when the president cracked a joke to lighten the mood. Aqua Two’s eyes were on you. You glanced at him. He blushed when you caught him looking. 

You gave him a smile before examining the other roof tops. Nothing seemed to be out of place until you saw a slight flash of light reflecting on metal. Moving fast, you threw one of your shurikens just in time to stop a throwing knife from hitting the President in the chest. The assassin stepped out of the shadows and made eye contact with you. “Brutale.”

Aqua Two was giving orders through the comms, but you weren’t paying attention. Suddenly, Brutale threw another knife, but toward you. You were about to duck only for Aqua Two to tackle you to the ground. “Pay attention,” he growled as he rolled off you quickly and jumped to his feet.

“I was.” You hopped to your feet to see Brutale still on the roof. “I’m going after him,” you said before turning to look at Aqua Two. He looked back at you with a hint of concern in his eyes.

“You’re not ready for this.” He grabbed your arm, squeezing tight. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched the president being escorted inside the building by Plastic Man and one of the other new recruits. Brutale watched the president before looking back at you. 

You licked your lips. Brutale stepped back into the shadows. “I’m sorry, but I have to.” You jerked away from Aqua Two and fired your new grapple gun to give chase.


“Foolish,” Kaldur mumbled under his breath as he watched you go. He tapped his comm. “Is the president safe?” 

“Yes, sir. The president is secure,” the recruit said. “Have we captured the assassin?” 

“No, (Y/N) and I are in pursuit.” Kaldur ran for the fire escape and quickly climbed down the stairs. “Stay with the president.” He jumped down into the street, dodging the crowd when he saw you and Brutale fighting in the middle of the stage where the president had just been. Kaldur pushed past people, fighting his way to you. “(Y/N), I’m here. Keep him there.” 

“Working on it,” you replied as you dodged several throwing knives. One nicked your cheek, but you kept fighting. Kaldur jumped into the fight. Brutale fell back once he realized he was outnumbered. Moving fast, he hopped into the crowd. You and Kaldur shared a quick look. Kaldur held up three fingers. You smiled before sprinting off to the right. Kaldur moved left. He felt proud you had memorized the signals so fast. 

Brutale reached a motorcycle that was waiting for him on the street. He hopped on and drove off. “Crap.” You ran up next to Kaldur. Kaldur hummed, tapping his wrist to call his motorcycle. He had it hidden nearby, sensing it would be needed. Your eyes widened as it parked itself next to Kaldur. “Wow, do I get one of those?”

“Maybe. For now, you ride with me.” Kaldur climbed on. You eyed him before snuggling in behind him. Your arms tight around his waist. Kaldur felt a blush come to his cheeks. Luckily, you couldn’t see. Maybe you weren’t so annoying after all? Maybe even a little cute? He shook his head before zooming off after Brutale.

Kaldur followed Brutale closely. “Get alongside him,” you whispered. Kaldur tensed, feeling your breath on his ear. His body buzzed excitedly. He took a deep breath, pushing his thoughts aside. Brutale attempted to throw a few knives at Kaldur’s tires, but he dodged them. 

Your arms left Kaldur’s waist. He felt your hands on his shoulders. A glance behind revealed you were standing on the motorcycle seat. “What are you doing?”

“I got this.” You patted his shoulder with one hand as he sped up to catch up with Brutale. Suddenly, you jumped onto Brutale’s cycle. He attempted to stab you, but you dodged it and attached yourself around his neck. Kaldur dropped back, watching worriedly. 

With one jerk of the handles, Brutale’s motorcycle turned sharply, sending you and Brutale into the air. The cycle rolled several time. Kaldur slammed on his brakes. His heart stopped when he saw you hit the ground. The cycle flew over you and landed on Brutale who crashed on the ground after you. He heard a terrible snap. 

“(Y/N)?!” Kaldur dropped his motorcycle and ran to your side. He tapped his comm. “We need medical assistance immediately.” Kaldur checked your pulse. He frowned at the blood pooling by your head. “(Y/N)? Can you hear me?”

You moaned, opening your eyes. “That hurt.” Your lips cracked that annoying, yet wonderful smile. “Did we get Brutale?”

“Yes, he is over there.” Kaldur glanced over at him. Brutale moved slightly, but he wasn’t going to be able to get away. Kaldur focused his attention back on you when you hissed. “Don’t move.” 

“I think I broke my arm, Aqua Two.” You grinned when Kaldur narrowed his eyes. 

“Hush now.” Kaldur sighed in relief as an ambulance arrived. “Never do anything like that again.”

“We got him,” you said, closing your eyes. 

“You got him.” Kaldur pulled away as the paramedic came up. He went over to join the paramedic by Brutale to make sure he didn’t try to escape. Your laughter filled his ears and he knew you’d be okay.


A few hours later, you laid in your hospital bed. The TV played some old western. You watched it listlessly, wishing the pain in your body to go away. Apparently, they gave you some drugs, but the pain was still there. 

A knock on the door frame cheered you up. You grinned, looking over at the door to see Aqua Two standing there with a bouquet of flowers. A smile pulled at your lips. Did he really get your flowers?

“Hi,” you said when he didn’t move, staring at your cast.

“Hello.” He shook his head, stepping inside. “The doctor said you are alright.”

“Yeah, just some broken bones. They want to keep me overnight for observation.” You gestured to the chair with your good arm. He took the seat before handing you the flowers. “Thank you.” You held them to your nose, breathing in their scent. 

“I was told flowers are a customary gift for an injured person.” Aqua Two smiled tightly as you set the flowers in your lap. “How are you feeling?”

“Good. The painkillers aren’t kicking in super fast, but I’ll live.” You leaned back against your pillows. “Is Brutale in custody?” 

Aqua Two nodded. “He is. You did a good job.”

You smiled, thinking it was only a few weeks ago when he was punishing you for being cheeky. “You did too. Couldn’t have done it if you weren’t driving.”

A nurse came in to check on your vitals. She glanced between you and Aqua Two. You bit your lip while Aqua Two blushed. “Everything looks good. Call us if you need anything,” the nurse said, sending you a wink as she shut the door to your room behind her. 

“Tomorrow…” Aqua Two stopped and cleared his throat. Eyes on the floor. You watched him, smiling happily. “Would you allow me to escort you home from the hospital tomorrow?” 

You reached out to take his hand. “I would appreciate that.” Your heart skipped a beat, his hand felt so strong. “Thanks Aqua Two.” 

“Kaldur.” You blinked in surprise. He looked up at you, a hint of a smile pulling at his lips. “You may call me Kaldur.”

“Kaldur,” you said, testing the name on your lips. You liked it. He entwined his fingers with yours. Your skin electrized at the touch. “That’s a nice name.” 

The two of you fell into conversation and the time slipped away. Eventually, you didn’t even notice the pain anymore.


Part One

You and Tim eventually made your escape into one of the closets in the Watchtower. Locking the door, you sank down to the ground and covered your face with your hands. “That was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced.”

Tim sat down beside you. Sighing, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Did you get a chance to tell anyone that we didn’t mean to get married?” 

“No. They all kept congratulating us.” You leaned into him. “My parents were so happy, but all they could talk about was having another ceremony here.”

“Alfred said the same thing. He is pretty miffed we eloped.” Tim ran a hand over his hair. “Everyone seemed hurt that we didn’t tell them or give them any warning.” 

“It’s not like we had any warning.” You closed your eyes. “I’m going to kill Bart.”

Tim snorted. “Cassie’s looking for him. Apparently, he ran off.” You rested your head on his shoulder. He buried his face in your hair. “What should we do?”

“I’m tempted to just let it go. Let people think we’re married, do what makes them happy.” You sighed. “I’m so tired, Tim.”

Tim hummed. “I mean…being married wouldn’t be a bad thing.” He smiled when you looked at him slightly surprised. “Think of the tax benefits.”

You raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you serious?”

“Maybe?” He pursed his lips. “I don’t know. The thought of telling Bruce and Alfred that we were drugged and got married is enough to make me want to fight the Joker fifty times instead.” 

“Same. I don’t want to try to explain to my parents. They were so happy. Apparently, they thought I was a lost cause.” You bumped your knee into his. “But what are we going to do now?”

Tim took a deep breath before getting to his feet. He brushed himself off and offered you a hand. “We’re going home. We’ll clean ourselves up and get a good night sleep. Tomorrow, I’ll take you out for dinner and we’ll discuss this in more detail.” 

You took his hand. “Okay.” You smiled at him. “But before we go, I need to find Bart.” 

Tim smirked. “I’ll come with you.” The two of you stared at each other. You leaned forward slowly and pressed your lips against his. Tim tensed before relaxing and wrapping his arms around your waist. He pulled away after a moment. “Yeah, kissing you every night wouldn’t be bad.”

You smiled. “No, it wouldn’t be bad.” You pulled away and slipped out of the closet. Batman and Superman were talking just outside. They both stared at you. Superman chuckled while Batman frowned. You quickly left and Tim was right on your heels. His face blushing under his mask.


Tim was fast asleep before someone flopped on his bed, jerking him awake. “What the hell?” he shouted, ready to fight until he recognized the cologne tickling his nose.  He sighed. “I knew I should have went to my apartment.”

“Timmy, I can’t believe you’re married.” Dick made himself comfortable on the other side of the bed, putting his arms behind his head. “I mean you and (Y/N) weren’t even dating.”

“Well…things happen.” Tim laid back down, turning on his side to face away from Dick. “I’ve always cared about (Y/N) regardless.” 

Dick hummed. Tim really should have went to his apartment, but Alfred insisted on him staying the night at the manor. Dick was going to keep digging until the truth came out. “So funny story,” Dick said. Tim held back a groan. Dick knew. He knew the truth. “I overheard Bart telling Wally that he just performed the ultimate prank on you and (Y/N). Revenge for the shrimp incident, I believe he said.”

“Of course, the shrimp incident,” Tim mumbled to himself. Back when you were all kids, Tim and you convinced Bart he could speak to shrimp. It took Bart years to get over the humiliation. “I should have known he wouldn’t forget that.” 

“So…I’m guessing you didn’t mean to get married to (Y/N) and Bart tricked you somehow.” Dick nudged Tim’s arm. “Jason owes me twenty bucks. He thought you eloped to annoy Bruce.” 

Tim snorted. “That’s something Jason would do.” 

Dick hummed, smiling at Tim cheekily. “You gave him the idea anyway.” Dick propped himself up on his arm to face Tim. Tim turned to meet Dick’s eye when Dick poked him. “What are you going to do?”

“Well, we’re only married on Betrassus. That marriage won’t hold up here.” Tim rolled onto his back, sighing. “(Y/N) and I are going to dinner tomorrow night. They don’t know how to tell everyone. Neither do I. Bruce would kill me for drinking an alien drink and letting myself be drugged.”

“So that’s what happened. (Y/N) was drugged too?” Tim nodded. “Wow,” Dick chuckled. “Well, I’m glad I’m not in your shoes, little brother.” He reached over to ruffle Tim’s hair. Tim ducked his head to try to get away, but Dick persisted. It occurred to Tim that it would be nice to be married to you if only it would stop Dick from coming into his bedroom.


You hurried to the restaurant, pulling your coat tighter around yourself to avoid getting wet from the pouring rain. The doorman opened the door for you and you jogged inside. You sighed in relief, glad you weren’t too wet. Another man came up and offered to take your coat. You let him and moved to the hostess. 

“Hi, I’m here to meet Tim Drake.” You bit your lip when the hostess smiled knowingly. She gestured for you to follow through the fancy restaurant. You felt out of place and slightly undressed. Tim didn’t warn you it would be this upscale. Then again, he probably wanted to impress you. Tim always overdid it when he wanted to impress someone. 

She took you to a private corner booth. Tim slid out and stood up when he saw you. You smiled at him and slid in first before he joined you. The hostess left you alone. “I know this is out of your element, but the food here is to die for and I know you love good food,” Tim said, opening the menu. 

“You’re right.” You opened the menu and tried not to get sticker shock at the price. “So…I did tell my parents about what really happened.” You flinched when Tim looked at you nervously. “They understood and said Bart is now banned from the house. However, they did say it gives them hope for a wedding in the future.” 

“Oh boy.” Tim set the menu down and ran his fingers through his hair. “Dick knows too. I haven’t been able to tell Alfred or Bruce yet.” 

You hummed. “I can come with you to tell them if you want? It wasn’t that hard to explain to my parents.” You reached over to take his hand from his hair and hold it in your own. He blushed slightly, but relaxed. 

“What about us?” Tim asked, glancing from your entwined hands to your face. 

“Let’s just see where we go from here, babe.” You winked at him. “After we tell Bruce and Alfred, of course.”

Tim moaned. “You had to remind me of that, huh?” He rubbed his free hand over his face. The waiter came over and the two of you dropped the subject to enjoy dinner together.


It took Tim about a week to gather the courage to attempt to tell Bruce and Alfred. You supported him all the way, gently pushing him to schedule the talk with them. Tim found he appreciated you more and more as you two slowly grew closer throughout the week. 

Finally, Tim asked to meet Alfred and Bruce in Bruce’s office at four. You arrived at the manor at two to help Tim work up the courage. 

“I don’t think I can do this,” Tim said for the hundredth time as he paced the floor of his bedroom. You sat on his bed, watching him go back and forth until it hurt your neck. 

“Tim, we can’t let them think we’re going to get married here.” You crossed your arms, gesturing for him to sit down next to you. Tim collapsed beside you. You kissed his cheek. “It’s not that scary. At most they will be disappointed, but we can live with that. You’ve disappointed them before.”

“It’s not that simple.” Tim moaned, laying down. His hip pressed against yours. You smiled and laid down with him. “Bruce will be upset. He’ll probably try to remove me from the League.” 

“Key word is try.” You nuzzled his cheek. Tim blushed, reaching over to take your hand. “Besides, he might understand it wasn’t our fault. We were pranked.” 

Tim hummed. “I don’t think he’ll understand.” Tim sat back up. “I just need to rip off the band-aid and get it over with.”

You nodded, sitting up with him. “True. The more we sit here, the more stressed you are getting.” You smiled when Tim squeezed your hand before getting up and pulling you with him.

“Let’s face the music,” Tim mumbled as you both left the room to head to Bruce’s office.


Bruce took a seat in the armchair as Alfred poured the tea. Tim stood stiff behind the couch. You moved to take a seat on the couch itself. “Thank you for the tea, Alfred,” you said, smiling at him brightly.

“You’re welcome, Mx. (Y/N).” Alfred took his own seat in the other armchair. “I’m glad we can have this time to discuss the upcoming wedding.”

You raised your eyebrows. Bruce’s eyes narrowed slightly at the sight. You glanced back at Tim who tensed. “Tim, just rip off the band-aid like you said,” you whispered to him. Alfred and Bruce sat up straighter in response. You smiled at them before taking your cup and sipping on your tea. 

“We…” Tim stopped to clear his throat, gripping the back of the couch. He shifted his weight from foot to foot. “I made a mistake.”

Bruce raised an eyebrow. “What kind of mistake?” 

Tim moved around to sit down next to you. His hands trembled. You rested your hand on his knee. He relaxed somewhat. “I…We…We were tricked.” He shyly looked at Bruce and Alfred before dropping his gaze to his feet. “Bart pranked us and we didn’t mean to get married.”

“He convinced Kon to give us a drink that made us inebriated. We ended up getting married and having a wedding night.” You blushed. Tim took your hand. 

“So we didn’t mean to get married and we don’t want to get married here.” Tim finished, looking up at Bruce and Alfred. “I know I should have known better than to drink on an alien planet. Please don’t be upset with us.” He bit his lip, burning bright red. 

Silence filled the room. You took a sip of your tea, avoiding eye contact. Tim’s gaze dropped back to his feet, but his hand squeezed yours tightly. 

Alfred cleared his throat. “Well, this is a development.” He sat back in his chair, taking a deep breath. Bruce didn’t say a word. His stare made you feel like he was staring straight into your soul. “But you two seem closer than before yes?” Alfred asked, nodding to you and Tim.

“Well, I mean…” Tim mumbled, tilting his head. 

“We’re dating now and we’re only married on Betrassus.” You nudged Tim’s head with your own. “Now that doesn’t mean that Tim and I won’t become something, but we’re not going to get married here anytime soon.” 

Bruce folded his hands under his chin and leaned forward. “This is what I warned Clark and Diana about letting young people into the league. Particularly, Bart Allen.” 

You and Tim shared a look. “I mean it’s true. We’re a mess,” you whispered to Tim. A shadow of a smile pulled at his lips. 

“Or at least Kon and Bart are.” Tim snorted softly.

“However, neither of you are to drink anything on an alien planet again.” Bruce got to his feet and crossed his arms. “And I will have a word with Bart Allen.” 

Tim froze as you had to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from laughing out loud. “A word with Bart Allen?” Tim gasped, jaw dropped.

Alfred raised an eyebrow at Bruce as Bruce marched off toward the Batcave entrance. You and Tim watched him go. Once the door was shut, you allowed your laughter to slip out. “Oh my, Bart is dead. I want to see that.” You jumped to your feet and dragged Tim up with you. Tim shut his mouth, blinking. “Come on, Tim. This is better revenge than Cassie breaking his jaw or us freezing his underwear with one of Mr. Freeze’s old guns.”

“Then we got to go. Excuse us, Alfred,” Tim said, smirking as he pulled you to follow Bruce. You quickly set the cup of tea down. 

“Thank Alfred,” you said over your shoulder as you and Tim disappeared down into the cave.

Alfred chuckled, cleaning up the tea. “They’ll be married officially by the end of the year.” He picked up the tray and turned to leave the room. “I guarantee it.” 


Part Two 

A sledgehammer was pounding against your temple. You moaned, opening one eye before shutting it immediately when bright light blinded you. Shifting onto your back when your side ached, you noticed how sore you were in certain regions. You hummed, wondering if you should have drank those Alien drinks at the party.

You and a group of the Justice League’s newer members were sent on a space mission. Green Lantern Cruz needed help on Betrassus to stop an invasion from Apokolips. Of course, you all stopped the invasion with ease and were left to celebrate with the locals. It was a wild party. To be honest though, you couldn’t remember anything after the second drink you had. 

Suddenly, an arm flopped over your chest. Your eyes flew open with terror as you followed the human arm to a lump under the covers next to you. A scream ripped out of you before you could stop yourself. The lump flinched, sitting up suddenly to reveal dark messy hair and startlingly blue eyes. Tim Drake, currently Red Robin, formerly the Robin you grew up with. He saw you and froze, eyes wide, jaw dropped. His lips were red and swollen. A large hickey on his neck. 

“(Y/N)?” he gasped, closing his jaw. You slapped a hand over your mouth to stop your scream. Your eyes dropped to take in his bare chest, also covered in hickeys. He followed your gaze, blushing and covering himself when he saw the hickeys. 

“Tim, what did we do?” you whispered once you felt safe enough to drop your hand. You glanced around, frowning when you realized you weren’t in your quarters. All the furniture was in the wrong place and the laptop on the desk had a familiar Red Robin sticker on it. It was one you made him back in the day. “Am I in your room?” 

He nodded, glancing down at you. “Are you naked?” 

You peeked under the covers to see your birthday suit. “Yep.” You peeked at him, almost smiling at how red his face was. “You?”

Tim peeked under the covers. “Yep, and covered in hickeys. I assume that must have been you, huh?”

The blood rushed to your face. “I do have a habit of that.” 

He swallowed hard, holding the blankets back to him. “Well, did we…you know?”

You shifted, recognizing the soreness you felt. “Yeah, we did.” You bit your lip and glancing over at him. “So…did you drink one of those drinks too?”

“Yeah, Kon gave me a pink one. Said it would be a great time.” Tim’s eyes widened. “That son of a bitch.”

“Kon gave me a pink one too. I had the orange one earlier, but then Kon handed me a pink one and said it was better.” You groaned, laying back down on the bed. “I don’t remember anything after that.” Your stomach turned and you closed your eyes to soothe it. 

“He did it on purpose.” Tim trembled, clearly upset. “I swear I’m going to break out my kryponite ring and break his jaw.” 

You frowned, throwing an arm over your eyes as your head throbbed. “I’ll help you if he honestly thought this was a prank.”

Tim hummed. A knock came from his door before it opened to reveal Kon rolling in a breakfast tray. He was humming ‘Here comes the Bride’. “Good morning, newlyweds. How did you sleep?” He smirked when he saw the hickey on Tim’s neck. Tim’s eyes narrowed, giving Kon a death glare. You sat up again once you realized what he had said.

“Newlyweds? What the heck are you talking about?” You snapped. Tim reached over to pull the covers over your chest when you didn’t move to cover yourself. Kon just smiled sweetly. 

“Kon, what did you do?” Tim said, crossing his arms when he noted the breakfast on the tray. Kon parked it by the bed before moving away toward the door.

Kon just smirked. “I didn’t do anything. You two are the ones who got married last night.” He laughed when your jaw dropped in shock. The blood drained out of Tim’s face. “I mean that drink was only supposed to allow your true feelings to show, nothing else.” He waved. “Don’t have too much fun.” 

You grabbed the pillow and threw it at him. Kon caught it with a laugh. He tossed it back and quickly left the room. “He’s got to be kidding, right?” you asked Tim, as you put the pillow back behind you. “We didn’t really get married, did we?”

Tim rubbed a hand over his face. “I think I remember something about marriage.” He bit his lip and looked over at you. 

“Oh my.” You shook your head, the hangover quickly reappearing in full force as it all sank in. Quickly as you could, you jumped to your feet and ran to his bathroom. You made it to the toilet just before you lost it. 

Once you finished, you sat back to catch your breath. A warm blanket wrapped around your shoulders. “Come on and lay back down,” Tim soothed. You looked at him, seeing he put some pants on. He helped you up and walked you back to the bed. “I’ll go see if I can figure this out. You rest.” He kissed your forehead as you settled against the pillow and closed your eyes. 

You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair. He leaned into your touch. “I think I must have drank more than you.”

“I think you did.” Tim chuckled. “I have a bucket next to the bed in case you need it.” He pulled away. You let your hand drop onto the bed and drifted off to sleep. If you knew Tim, he would have it all figured out once you slept off the hangover.


Tim stormed out of his room in his full Red Robin suit. You were fast asleep inside. Tim’s head hurt, hungover too, but not as bad as you. Besides, he had to figure this out. For you if anything.

He bit his lip, glad his suit hid the hickeys that covered his body. “Kon, what the hell did you do to us?” Tim demanded when he found Kon in the cockpit with Cassie. 

Cassie looked at Tim in surprise. “Woah, don’t tell me you’re upset already? You and (Y/N) just got married. You should still be in the honeymoon phase.” She smiled. “I’m glad for you two, but it was kinda sudden.”

“Yeah, because Kon drugged us.” Tim went over to Kon and kicked his chair around to face him. “What the hell? That was low of you and I hope this is all a prank you got everyone to go along with.” He stuck a finger in Kon’s face. Kon blinked, frowning slightly. 

He gently pushed Tim’s finger away from his face. “Hey, that drink I gave you two was just supposed to reveal your true feelings. I didn’t drug you. I just wanted you two to finally get over the little ‘will they, won’t they’ dance you have had for years.” 

Tim groaned, rolling his eyes and running his fingers through his hair. “Who told you that, Kon?” Cassie said, standing up to tower over Kon. Cassie’s eyes icy steel. 

Kon swallowed hard and blushed. “Bart.”

“Bart!” Cassie spun on her heel and stormed off. Both Tim and Kon shared a look of fear, recognizing the tone of her voice. The last time they heard that tone was when Bart stole Cassie’s bras to use as slingshots back when they were Young Justice. 

“I’m really sorry, Tim. I didn’t know, honestly.” Kon got to his feet, tensing when they heard Bart laugh in surprise as Cassie ripped into him. “I should have known not to listen to Bart.”

“Why didn’t anyone stop us?” Tim sank down into one of the chairs, pulling off his mask. “I mean you couldn’t honestly think we’d want to get married?”

“Well, you both were so for it. You didn’t seem drunk at all. It seemed like that’s what you wanted.” Kon rested a hand on Tim’s shoulder. “But is it really that bad? You’ve been sniffing after (Y/N) since you were fourteen.” 

Tim glared at Kon. “I was not sniffing.” He sighed. “I guess it’s not. Very fast though and I don’t know what (Y/N) will think once they are over their hungover.” He leaned back in his chair and ran a hand over his face. “Now what do we do? We can’t stay married.”

“I mean you could…if that’s what you wanted?” Kon shrugged his shoulders before wincing. “I better go stop Cassie before she and Bart rip a hole in the ship.” He hurried out of the cockpit. 

Tim watched him go. “This is a lot.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and wondered what you would say.


You sat up slowly, yawning and stretching your arms. The covers falling from your chest, making your shiver from the cold air. “Wow, what a dream,” you chuckled to yourself as you slowly took in the room. Ice cold reality washed over you when you saw you were still in Tim’s room. It hadn’t been a dream. Were you really married to Tim? 

You leaned over the edge of the bed and grabbed your clothes on the floor nearby. With a quick check at the door, you stood up and dressed yourself quickly. 

The breakfast tray was still there. You took a piece of toast, wrinkling your nose. It was damp and cold, but it made your stomach feel better. Taking the tray, you left Tim’s room and slowly made your way to the kitchen to clean off the tray. You paused in the doorway when you saw Tim sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in his hands. He stared down at it, deep in thought.

“Hey,” you said after clearing your throat. 

Tim jerked and met your gaze. “Hi.” He blushed, biting his slightly swollen lips. You felt your face burn when you thought about why his lips were swollen. 

You moved to dump out the breakfast into the waste container. Tim’s eyes stayed on you as you moved to rinse the dishes and place them in the washer. “So…” You wiped your hands on a towel, turning to finally look at Tim again. He had dark circles under his eyes. His hair a mess from running his fingers through it. Your fingers ached to fix it for him. “Are we really married?”

“Yeah, we are.” Tim took a sip of his coffee. You noted slight disgust at the taste. Without thinking, you moved to take his cup to dump it out and to pour him a fresh one. Tim watched you, wide eyed. 

You set the cup back in front of him. “So what now?” 

“Well…” Tim bit his lip. “We’re technically only married on Betrassus. The ceremony we performed won’t be accepted on Earth.” He looked up at you. “And no one at home knows. Cassie and Kon promised not to tell. Bart’s jaw is broken, so I think he knows to keep his mouth shut.”

You gasped. “Did you break Bart’s jaw?”

Tim snorted. “No, Cassie did when she found out Bart was behind the whole thing. He tricked Kon into giving us that drink.” You took the seat next to him, crossing your arms over your chest tightly. “This doesn’t have to change anything.” He bumped his knee against yours in the way he used to do when you both were kids. You pursed your lips. That was a long time ago. 

“Us sleeping together does though.” You met his eye. Tim blushed so red, he might burst into flames. “I mean…we never even seen each other naked before last night.” You smiled at his red cheeks, knowing he must have remembered quite a bit about last night’s activities. “I remember most of it now. It came back slowly.”

“What do you want to do?” Tim asked, leaning back in his chair. 

You pursed your lips. Tim stayed quiet, letting you gather your thoughts. It was funny. Tim was always the person you felt love for, but knew it would never go that direction. Either one of you were always dating someone else or weren’t in a place to move forward with your feelings. However, now felt different. “I think we should go out on a date when we get home.” You smiled when Tim looked at you in surprise. 

“Really?” Tim swallowed hard. You could see the hint of excitement in his eyes. “I would love that too, honestly.” He laughed nervously, glancing down at his coffee. “I wished I had asked you earlier, but it was always the wrong time or I was with someone else.”

“Same.” You winked at him. Tim blushed again. “Besides, we skipped all the way to marriage and a wedding night, so it’s fitting that we go back and cover the dating part.” 

Tim reached out to take your hand. You met him halfway, squeezing his hand gently. “Oh finally,” Kon groaned from the doorway. You both turned to look at him, noting the black eye. Tim turned, mouthing ‘Cassie’ to you. You reminded yourself to thank Cassie for dishing out punishment for their tricks. “I thought you two would be stupid about it.”

“Stupid how?” Tim asked, frowning at Kon slightly. 

“Stupid as in you both would decide to pretend nothing happened.” Kon shuffled to the fridge and pulled out a can of soda. “Luckily, you both used your brains.”

You and Tim shared amused looks. Kon shuffled out of the room, popping open the can. “So, we got two days before we get home, what should we do?” you asked. Your hand still in Tim’s strong, but gentle grip.

“I don’t know, but I’m sure we could figure something out.” Tim grinned and bumping your knee with his own again. The two of you laughed before talking about everything and anything.


Bart watched you and Tim through the security camera, grinning somewhat evilly. His jaw healed with his super speed. He hummed ‘Here Comes the Bride’ as he typed out a message to the Justice League. Last minute, he added your parents and the Batfamiy to it before sending it off. 


Tim and you came to the agreement to keep this to yourselves. Kon and Cassie were on board as well. Bart was being his sneaky self, but you wrangled a promise to keep his mouth shut too.

Therefore, neither one of you was ready when you exited the ship once you had landed in the watchtower. You were both met with a crowd of cheering Justice League, your happy, but hurt parents, and the stoic faces of the Batfamily. 

“Tim,” you whispered in his ear as he froze beside you. “I think they know.”

You smiled sheepishly at them, face burning. Bart laughed behind the two of you. “I’m going to kill him after this,” Tim said, eyes narrowing into a murderous look.

“I’ll help you.” You took a deep breath and took Tim’s hand. The two of you walked down together, ready to face the music.


Author’s Note - This is just a little story to help me get over my writer’s block. It’s been a challenge for me. There might be more little stories like this too. 

Warning - Pregnancy


The sky darkened, temperature dropping to hint at the coming storm. You glanced up at it and sighed. Gotham was quiet for once. The only people on the dirty street were two homeless people, making their bed in an alcove to hide from the coming rain. 

You tightened your jacket around yourself. One step after the other. You weren’t sure where you were going, but you wanted to get away. Away from the paper in your pocket and the news it would bring with it. You swallowed hard and pushed the thought away. 

It was pitch black before you realized you were in front of your apartment building. You frowned, glancing at the name plate with confusion. Maybe your subconscious mind knew you should go home and brought you here? You shook your head as the first few cold rain drops fell. 

Looking up at the building, you notice your apartment lights were on. He was home. You suddenly felt like you were glued to the pavement. The rain started to pour, but you didn’t care.

You frowned when suddenly the rain stopped. Glancing up, you saw an umbrella over your head. “What are you standing in the rain for?” Tim asked, appearing beside you. Umbrella in his hand. You blinked at him in surprise. 

“No reason.” You croaked, looking back up at the apartment. “Why are you here, Tim?”

“You and Dick invited us over for dinner,” Tim said, concern deepening his voice. “Remember?” 

A blush came to your cheeks. How could you have forgotten that? Now this conversation was going to be even worse. “Right.” You looked behind him to see Steph, Cass, and Damian watching you somewhat nervously. Cass looked confused. She probably read your body language. “Come on in then.” You dug your key out of your soaking wet jeans’ pocket and led them inside. 

“Are you okay, (Y/N)?” Steph asked as you led them over to the elevator. You forced a smile on your face and turned to face her. She and the others flinched. You let the smile drop. 

“I’m fine.” You went inside the elevator first, shrinking into the far corner. The others joined, huddling among themselves. 

“Wait for me,” Jason shouted, jogging inside last minute. You wondered how he got past the building door, but the thought faded away as quickly as it came. Cass held the elevator for him to enter. Jason panted, glancing at you before frowning. “What’s wrong with you? Did someone die?” He chuckled softly.

“No, I’m fine.” You tried to laugh with him, but it came out a choking sound. Jason’s eyes widened and he retreated to join the others in their huddle. They were whispering, but you did your best to not listen. The worries sank deep into your stomach. You started to feel sick. The piece of paper in your pocket heavier than before. 

When the elevator opened, you rushed out first, speed walking down the hall. The others followed, keeping their distance. You struggled to get your key into your hand and to get it into the lock. A stray tear slipped down your cheek. Suddenly, a warm rough hand wrapped around yours and took the keys from you. You glanced up to see Jason giving you a sad smile.

“I got it.” He unlocked the door for you and pushed it open. You nodded at him, pursing your lips to hold it in. 

“(Y/N), there you are,” Dick said, coming into the living room with an apron on. “I was wondering why you were taking so long.” He froze when he saw your face. “What’s wrong?” He move toward you, arms open. You shook your head, unable to handle his comfort. He didn’t stop coming. You dodged his arms and ran into the bedroom, slamming the door behind you. “(Y/N)?”

Your heart shattered into a thousand pieces as you slid down the door, sitting against it as you felt the door handle twist. The door rattled against your back. You hid your face in your hands.

“What happened?” Dick asked the others, his voice soft through the door. You couldn’t hear their response. 

Moving your cold fingers to your pocket, you took out the piece of paper and unfolded it. It was damp, some of the words were smeared, but the message was still there. 

You ruined it all. A gentle knock came from the door. “(Y/N), sweetheart. What’s wrong? You took hours to get home.” Dick’s voice was so calm, comforting. You didn’t deserve that. The words on the page blurred. “You’re scaring me, love. Please tell me what’s wrong.” 

It had to be done. You swallowed past the rock in your throat as you turned to kneel in front of the door and slowly slipped the piece of paper under the door. 


Dick gestured for his siblings to go into the kitchen. “Help yourselves to dinner,” he whispered before the rustle of paper brought his attention down to the floor. He saw the damp piece of paper under the door. “Sweetheart, I don’t understand any of this.” 

He knelt down and picked up the piece of paper. His siblings were still behind him, watching with wide eyes. You had scared them, just like you were scaring him. Dick glanced back at them, nodding his head to reassure them before looking over the paper. It was doctor’s summary note. You were at the doctor’s? Why didn’t you tell him?

Once his eyes reached the diagnosis section, his mouth went dry. He choked. The blood drained out of his face.

“What is it?” Tim asked, coming to Dick’s side. He took the paper from Dick’s hand.

“Sweetheart,” Dick whispered, voice hoarse. He cleared his throat, dropping to his knees in front of the door. “This is wonderful news. Honey, we’re going to be parents.” Dick’s eyes filled with tears. “I know it’s not how we planned and I know we fought the last time we talked about it, but sweetheart, I’m not mad.” Dick’s heart threatened to burst from joy at the thought of his child resting inside of you. He had wanted to wait, but now that it happened, he only felt joy.

“Let’s give them a moment, huh?” Jason whispered, ushering the rest of the siblings into the kitchen. Dick saw they were smiling, although Damian looked quite confused. He’ll probably have to explain to him later. 

The door cracked open and Dick saw your eyes peering out at him. “You aren’t upset?” A hiccup escaped your lips. The tears in your eyes made Dick’s stomach drop. He shook his head, opening his arms for you. You sighed in relief, opening the door the rest of the way to crawl out into his arms. “I was so scared when the doctor told me. You said you wanted to wait and I thought you would think I did this on purpose.”

“Never.” Dick held you tight and kissed your forehead. “You aren’t that kind of person.” He kissed his way down to your lips. “I love you so much. We’ll figure this out, I swear.” 

You nodded, melting into him. The two of you would have been on the floor forever if you didn’t start shivering from your wet clothes. “I need to change,” you whispered, pulling away to look down at yourself. 

Dick nodded, kissing your nose one more time. “Go change. I’ll prepare the herd in the kitchen, so they don’t jump you all at once.” 

You smiled and got to your feet. Dick followed you, patting your back to send you on your way. You waited as Dick moved into the kitchen and was attacked by the bubbling of cheers and mild teasing. Closing your eyes, you realized the sound was music to your ears. 

With a shake of your head, you went to go change, wondering why you got such a funny idea that Dick would have rejected you. You knew the kind of man he was. He had something that you valued above all else. A heart of gold.


Requested by Anon - Can I have an imagine with Batman Beyond Damian Wayne? Please? with sprinkles on top?

Requested by Anon - Older!Damian celebrating Valentine’s Day

Author’s Note - I combined these requests together. Also I assumed you mean Damian in the new Batman Beyond comics since he isn’t in the show? If not, let me know. 


Old Ra’s al Ghul led Damian down the steps into the mountain base where the League of Shadows had made it’s home. His breath still visible as they went deeper. They entered the throne room, which was empty except for the lone Shadow standing behind the throne. 

“I will retire now,” Ra’s said, glancing at his grandson. “You should as well.”

Damian nodded, lips pursed in a firm line. “I will shortly. There is a matter I have to see to first.” Ra’s nodded and slowly walked off. His staff cracking against the stone floor. Damian watched him go, willing him to go faster. Once Ra’s was gone, Damian allowed himself to relax. “Are my chambers ready?” he demanded of the lone Shadow.

“Yes Master.” The Shadow bowed quickly. 

“Good.” Damian turned and marched out of the room. He walked down the long hallways, nodding at each Shadow who stepped out of his way. They all bowed to him, showing proper respect. While he enjoyed the power this gave him, he wished they would disappear at the moment. 

Damian came to the kitchens. Several servants gasped at the sight of him, quickly stopping what they were doing to bow. However, the one servant washing dishes didn’t stop to bow. Damian almost smirked at the sight. “I require a meal brought to my room.” He looked at the head cook. The cook tittered, but nodded. The servant washing dishes stopped and turned to look at him. Their eyes were sparkling, yet their face remained expressionless. “Enough for two.” Damian kept his eyes on the cook. “I’ll be waiting.” 

With that, Damian spun and marched back out of the room. He heard whispers erupting from behind him, but he didn’t care. A smirk pulled at his lips. He wished he didn’t have to be so indirect, but in his position, he had no choice.


His room had been prepared as requested. Warm carpets covered the stone floors, tapestries lined the walls, adding color and keeping in the cold away. The fireplace had a roaring fire. He added another log to keep it going strong. 

A knock sounded on his door. “Come in.” He turned to see a servant with the food tray. They bowed before placing it on the table in the middle of the seating area. “Anything else, Master?” 

“No.” Damian narrowed his eyes. The servant bowed again and backed out of the room. Once the door was closed, Damian turned to take off his robe and armor. He tossed them on the nicely made bed. It looked even more comfortable than before. 

Suddenly, three quick knocks followed by two soft ones sounded from his door. Damian’s heart skipped a beat. The door opened revealing you, the dish washing servant. You slipped inside and quickly closed the door behind you. 

“Hello beloved.” Damian dropped his last gauntlet and moved to take you in his arms. You kissed him passionately, running your fingers through his hair. Your hands were dry from washing dishes all day. It angered him, but you wouldn’t allow him to move you to a different position. You didn’t want people to think you were sleeping with the Demon’s Head to make your way in the world. 

“Damian,” you whispered, pulling away from him. You panted slightly out of breath. Damian loved how flushed your cheeks got when he took your breath away. Your eyes dropped to his bare chest, running your hands down until they rested over his heart. “You didn’t need to put on such a show. You could have told me to meet you in usual way.” 

“TT.” He shook his head, taking your hand and leading you over to the seating area. He lifted the top of the tray to reveal the delicious meal inside. Your eyes widened. He knew it would be a treat for you. “I wanted you to come tonight and I did not have the time to leave the note for you under my dish.” 

You smiled, taking a tentative seat on the luxurious chair. Damian hated that you were uncomfortable, but knew you would recover from that once you started eating. He took a seat next to you, serving you. He left his shirt off once he caught you eyeing his abs.

“What is the occasion?” You licked your lips at the food. Damian nodded for you to eat before getting his own plate. 

“It is February 14th.” Damian smiled as you took a big bite of food. “Valentine’s Day. Highly commercialized in America. I never liked it, but it is an old custom to be with the one you love and show your love for them. I thought I should partake in this tradition for you.”

You looked at him, blinking softly with your mouth full of food. Damian took a bit of his own, bumping his knee against yours under the table. You swallowed before leaning over and kissing his cheek. “I love you too,” you whispered, glancing back at the door quickly. 

“No one will bother us.” Damian took your hand in his. “I gave orders not to be disturbed.” He kissed your knuckles. “Relax, beloved.” 

“If anyone were to learn that I am here…” You looked at him with fear in your eyes. His blood ran cold at the sight. “I am far below your station.”

Damian shook his head. “TT.” He smiled at you before leaning over to nibble your ear. “Like that matters to me and if I say so, you will be safe and no harm will come to you.” He felt you shiver from his breath in your ear. “After all, I’m allowed to chose my own lover.”

You smiled brightly before turning your head to catch his lips. He moaned as you pushed him back in his chair to climb into his lap. Your chest pressed against his. The food on the table left forgotten as you and Damian eventually made your way to the bed.


You woke to the feeling of someone stroking your forehead. Opening your eyes, you smiled to find Damian al Ghul Wayne watching you with a look of almost contentment on his face. You sensed you were one of the rare few to ever see that from him. Your heart glowed at the sight. “Good morning, beloved.”

“Wait, what time is it?” You sat up, panic filling you. “I have to be at the kitchens to start the morning meal.” You started to get out of bed, but Damian grabbed your hand and pulled you back. 

“It’s fine, beloved. I sent a message for you that you were tending to a personal matter.” Damian smirked. “Besides, I realize I haven’t completed the Valentine’s Day custom.” He turned away from you, reaching into the bedside table. You crawled back under the covers. The room had chilled since the fire died down during the night. 

Damian turned back around and set a beautiful wooden box in your lap. You blinked, tracing the design on the top. It must be priceless. You felt so unworthy. “Damian, I don’t know if I can have this.” 

“TT, open it before you say that.” You glanced up at him. His eyes sparkling a bright green. Your heart melted as you drew your attention back to the box. With only your fingertips, you open the box to find a ornate gold dagger inside. You stared at it in awe. “It is one of my mother’s daggers before she passed. It has the symbol of al Ghul.” He nodded to the hilt. 

“I can’t have this.” You looked at him with tears in your eyes. “Thank you, I love it, but I can’t keep this.” You bit your lip at the disappointment that flashed in his eyes. “Damian, someone of my station can’t have something like this. It will be assumed that I stole it.”

He frowned deeply as you closed the box. “Having that knife will not cause you harm.” He kissed your cheek. “It shows you are mine. If anyone in the League gives you trouble, presenting this knife will stop them instantly because it shows you are my beloved.” 

You blushed. “So we don’t have to sneak around anymore? This will make our relationship clear to all?”

“Yes, and provide you safety.” Damian smiled as you opened the box again and took the dagger in your hand. “Also I wanted you to be able to defend yourself.” He laid his hand on yours, adjusting your grip on the dagger. “I’ll have to train you to use it, but I think it looks rather good.” 

“Thank you.” You turned to kiss his lips. “But I have nothing for you?”

“Your company alone is enough.” Damian stole another kiss. He moved your hand to put the knife back in the box before closing it and reached out to set it on the table. His lips stayed on yours. “I love you, (Y/N).”

“I love you, Damian.” You buried your fingers in his hair as he crawled on top of you. Time stopped as you both celebrated your love.

A Shower to Remember - Will Harper x Reader



Requested by @buffdaddyphoenix​​ - I have been addicted to reading your stuff ever since I started watching young justice !! Could I request some one-night stand smut with roy harper? He is so hot I swear

Author’s Note - I actually did Will Harper instead. Sorry not sorry. Also this is rough.


“Are you almost done in there?” Will Harper asked as he leaned in the doorway of the Bowhunter Security’s front office.

“Almost.” You were on a ladder in the ceiling, carefully hooking up a new router. Will could only see your hips and ass. He smirked, enjoying the view. 

“Good. I can’t bring the guys back in until we get the internet up.” He chuckled, watching you as you went on your tip toes to reach something. “I hate being the only one in this office. Gets lonely.”

You froze before stepping down one step on the ladder to peek out at him. “Lonely, huh?” You narrowed your eyes suspiciously. Will just smirked back at you. “Does that actually work for you most of the time?” 

“What works for me?” Will flinched slightly, blushing. Damn, you were quick. 

“Sure.” You went back up the ladder and back into the ceiling. Will happily went back to checking out your lower half. He would have loved to have those legs wrapped around his waist or maybe his head. “I’m almost done.” You whistled. “Got it.” 

Will perked up, coming over to hold the ladder as you climbed down. You were covered in dust from the ceiling. He reached over to brush some off your forehead. “You’re dirty.” 

“You don’t clean your ceilings.” Flinching away from his hand, you went to his computer. “Let’s see if your computer can connect.” You typed away. Will leaned against his desk with his arms crossed. His eyes still lingered on your ass. It was just screaming at him to look at it. “And there you go.” You smiled, turning to face him only to frown when you caught his eyes lower than they should have been. “Stop it.”

Will smirked. “Great job. Did you change the password or is it still the same?” He came over to lean over next to you to peek at the computer.

“It’s the same, but I would recommend a harder password to crack. Using password for your password is like begging at someone to hack in.” You rolled your eyes, moving to pack your things. 

“Well, I feel bad for you getting so dirty.” Will smirked when you bent over to pick something up. He bit his lip to hide the smirk as you turned to look at him. “We have showers here. Feel free to use them.” 

You sighed, looking at the ceiling before you climbed up to move the tile back into place. “I think I will take you up on that. I have to go to an insurance company after this and I know for a fact that they won’t like me like this.” 

Will silently cheered, watching you climb down the ladder with peak interest. His gut stirred. Part of him couldn’t believe you actually took the offer. Now to seal the deal. “Let me help you get this stuff into your car.” He closed the ladder once you were down. You picked up your tools and packed your bag.

“You don’t have to do that,” you said, but Will was already heading out the door. He smiled to himself, feeling your eyes watching him as he went. Flexing his arms, he carefully slid the ladder back on top of your car and started to strap it down. “Thank you.” You were suddenly beside him, eyes on his biceps. 

He flexed a muscle. You flinched in surprise. “You’re welcome.” He pulled away from your car. You shook your head and moved to your trunk to put your bag inside. 

“So I can still use your shower right?” You asked, pulling out another bag, which looked like spare clothes.

Will hummed, gesturing for you to follow him back inside. “Of course. It’s the least I could do.” 

You followed him. Will knew he had you. He could feel your eyes on his ass. “Thank you.” Will led you to the locker room. 

“There’s only one shower and it’s a little tricky.” Will nodded to the shower. “Let me know if you need help.” He turned to find you very close to him. A smirk pulled on his lips. “Hi.”

“Hi.” You stared at his lips. “Okay, I don’t do this sort of thing.”

“You don’t?” Will widened his eyes, trying to look innocent. “Shower in public places?”

“No.” You narrowed your eyes. Will’s entire body jolted at the sight. God, he wanted you bad. His pants grew uncomfortably tight. “This.” You leaned forward and sealed your lips to his. Will melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you to him. You tasted like the mint from the gum you had thrown away moments before. 

Will backed you up against the wall. He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He groaned when you pressed against his crotch. “Tease.”

“Creeper.” You kissed your way down his jaw. “I think you planned this.”

He chuckled, sliding his hands under your shirt to feel your bare skin. Soft as velvet. “Not all the details, but I was hoping you would be interested.”

You hummed, sliding a hand up to bury it in his hair. Will moaned and kissed his way back to your lips. His tongue wrestled with yours, exploring before fucking your mouth. You trembled in his arms, pulling harder on his hair while your other hand gripped his shirt. 

“Do you have protection?” you asked as Will set you down to pull off your shirt. He smirked at the sight of your bare chest. 

“I do. You?” Will took off his own shirt, flexing his muscles to make you gasp. Oh, he liked you. 

“Yep.” You reached over to undo his jeans. “Anything I should know?”

He winked. “Safe word is green.”

“Green, I suppose it wouldn’t be red for you.” You smirked at him as you pulled down his pants along with his boxers. He sprung free. “Wow, you were very eager, weren’t you?”

Will blushed. “Can’t help it that your ass is so perfect.” He dropped to his knees, helping you step out of your pants. A moan slipped out of him at the sight of your legs. His hands slid up your legs to your ass, kneading before he buried his face between your legs. 

You gasped, running your fingers back into his hair as he guided your legs up and over his shoulders, supporting your weight as he made you tremble in his arms. You tasted so sweet. He saw stars.

Will glanced up at you, smirking when he saw you flushed and panting. He pulled away before you came. You sobbed, trying to hold him to you, but he removed your legs from his shoulders and held you up until you could stand on your own. “You’re ready for me.” He pulled you into the shower, turning on the water.

“I knew that mouth did more than just flirt.” You kissed him hard on the lips. He pulled you against him, moaning at the feel of your body against his. You were so warm, so soft. Will felt himself grow harder than he thought he ever could. 

Will backed you up so you both were under the water. You shivered against him despite the warm water. Will turned you around and guided your hands to press against the wall.  “Oh god.” You gasped when he pressed his hips against your ass.

“Hold on tight.” He chuckled, reaching down to line himself up with you. “Are you ready?”

“Please.” You panted, glancing over your shoulder at him. He smirked at you again before slamming into you hard. You screamed, fingers curling into your palms. 

Will chuckled, moaning at the feel of you. He held you up when your knees shook. “You okay?” He kissed the back of your neck. 

“Yeah.” You glanced over your shoulder at him. A shaky smile on your face. “Can you move?” 

“Oh, I can move. You’ll feel the aster.” He bucked his hips. His breath became heavy as he nuzzled your shoulder. You reached up to grab the handles on the side of the shower as Will rocked your body with each thrust. 

“Aster?” You panted, reaching an arm back to bury your fingers in his hair. It sent a wave of warmth down to his cock instantly. “Are we making up words now?”

Will sucked and nibbled your shoulder. He wanted to leave a mark on you. His mark. Something to remember him by. “Something my friends used to say.” He groaned when you wiggled back into him.

You hummed in response, pulling his hair hard when he felt you tense. “Come on. Lose yourself for me.” Will kissed his way up your shoulder to your neck. “Scream for me again.”

Will shifted slightly, knowing he hit the right spot for you when you tensed and shivered around him. A scream erupted from you again. Will tightened his grip around your slippery waist as your knees gave out. The water was still warm. “Sorry,” you gasped as you panted and came back to yourself.

“Don’t be sorry.” Will lifted you up into his arms and slammed into you again. You were limp in his arms, still coming down from the high. 

“Come on, big boy.” You tugged his hair again. Will’s hips jerked a few more times and let himself go. You sighed, letting go of his hair to grab the handles again as his grip on you loosened. Will pulled away, panting heavily before leaning over to kiss your cheek.

You turned and caught his lips with yours. “Enjoy yourself?” Will asked, still trying to catch his breath. 

“Yeah.” You smirked at him. “But now I really need to shower.” You glanced down at the mess between your legs. 

“I can help with that.” Will grabbed the body wash. 

You rolled your eyes, but you relented. “But we can’t do a round two, I have to be at the insurance place by three.” 

“Three huh?” Will started washing your chest. “Let’s see what we can do.”


Will walked you back to your car. You were clean, hair damp. He saw the post-sex glow about you. A tiny bit of pride crept into him at the thought he was the cause of it. “So?”

“So?” You glanced back at him as you climbed into your car and started it. Your car door left open. “Is this it?”

“Well, I have your number and you know where I am.” Will nodded to the Bowhunter security sign. “We should do this again sometime.”

You nodded. “Maybe next time in a bedroom?” You raised an eyebrow at him. “And dinner too?”

“I could swing that.” Will winked. He stepped back from the car to allow you shut your car door. “See you,” he mouthed to you through the window. 

You nodded and drove off. Will watched your car until it turned the corner. He debated breaking his wifi again. A smirk pulled at his lips as he headed back inside.  


Requested by Anon - hi! i was wondering if you could do a yj wally west or dick grayson imagine where one of the readers powers is they can learn a language and extract information instantaneously via lip contact(kind of like starfire) and they use this during an interrogation or on a mission and that causes a rift in the relationship because the reader made it seem as if they didn’t have any powers?


Wally rubbed warmth into your hand as you both sat on the couch at the cave. A movie played on the TV, but it was mostly background noise. “Your hands are freezing,” Wally chuckled, smiling at you.

You smiled back at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. He blushed adorably. “I probably just have poor circulation.” You ran your free hand through Wally’s messy hair. He had chased Robin around the cave minutes before and his hair was still standing on end. 

“How did training go? Did you knock Canary down?” Wally leaned forward to place a soft, fast kiss on the corner of your mouth. 

“No, but I did well.” You turned your head to catch his lips. Wally opened his mouth, allowing you to deepen the kiss. He tasted like soda and chocolate. You pulled away to catch your breath when his tongue met yours. “She said I’m cleared for missions now. Only minor ones though.”

Wally grinned. “Babe, that’s awesome.” He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you again. You buried both hands in his hair, pulling lightly to make him moan. His body vibrated excitedly against you. 

“Get a room,” Zatanna laughed as she walked into the room on her way to the kitchen. You and Wally jerked away from each other, blushing. 

“Hey Z.” You waved at her. Wally waved too before hiding his face in his hands. His ears were as red as his hair. Your heart fluttered at how cute he was. 

Robin jogged into the room. “Guys, we have a mission. Briefing in five.” He grinned at Wally. “Try to get whelmed, Walls.”

“Dude.” Wally glared at Robin. Robin just smirked at him knowingly. You blinked, realizing what Wally’s issue was. 

“Go take a minute,” you whispered to him. “It’s okay.” 

Wally gave you a thankful smile before zooming out of the room. “Batman said you could join us, (Y/N). He said Black Canary gave you the go-ahead on easy missions.” Robin leaned on the back of the couch and nudged your shoulder. 

“She did.” You flicked his nose. “And you should be nicer to Wally.”

Robin’s creepy little laugh filled your ears. “He’d do it to me too.” Robin glanced at Zatanna who was watching him from the kitchen. He stiffened, blushing slightly himself. “Hey Z, want to come on the mission too? We can be as chalant as we like.”

Zatanna giggled. You got up and left the two of them alone. A breeze hit you. Wally appeared at your side, taking your hand again. “I’m sorry I got you too excited,” you whispered in his ear. 

“You can’t help that you’re hot.” Wally grinned, kissing your cheek. “I’ll get better control. I promise.” The two of you entered the mission room where Batman was waiting. You dropped Wally’s hand when you caught Batman’s eyes lingering. Robin and Zatanna joined shortly later. You held down the excitement at your first mission briefing. 


Your breath came out in gasps as you ran after Icicle Jr.. He threw ice shards at you from over his shoulder. You did a somersault to dodge them, hopping back to your feet with ease. Your heart skipped a beat with joy. The training had paid off. 

However, you didn’t focus on your pride. Sprinting faster, you jumped at him and slammed into his back to knock him to the ground. Icicle Jr. grunted. His ice cold skin burned yours, but you still raised your fist for a well placed punch to his jaw to knock him unconscious.  

“Babe.” Wally zoomed to your side, eyes wide. “You did it.” 

You couldn’t stop the big smile that pulled onto your lips. “I know.” You hopped to your feet, leaving Icicle Jr. on the ground. “Did you get Killer Frost?” You glanced behind you to see Robin and Zatanna running to catch up to you.

“No, we lost her.” Wally knelt down next to Icicle Jr. 

“We’ll question him before we turn him over to authorities.” Robin frowned down at Icicle Jr. as Zatanna cast a spell to tie him up in his own shirt. “Maybe he will tell us what they were doing at the Diamond Exchange?” 

You tilted your head. “They were stealing, weren’t they?” 

Robin narrowed his eyes. “No, they weren’t. That’s why we need to learn what they were doing.” Wally flipped Icicle Jr. over and drag him over to the wall. He leaned him up against it. You rubbed your arms nervously. 

“You did good.” Zatanna stood beside you, bumping your arm before joining Robin. Wally moved back to stand with you. His hand reached down and took yours.

“Your hand is so cold.” Wally rubbed warmth into your hand. You smiled at him. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” You squeezed his hand back. Robin put some smelling salts under Icicle Jr.’s nose and he slowly came to. 

Icicle Jr. blinked, swearing under his breath when he saw all of you. “You won’t get anything from me. Might as well just hand me over to the cops.” He eyed you. “I got to say, you’re beautiful, baby. You should jump me more often.” He smirked at you and winked. 

You flinched. Wally glared at him, stepping in front of you protectively. “Enough,” Robin snapped, kneeling down in front of Icicle Jr. “Tell us what you were doing at the Diamond Exchange. Nothing was missing, so you weren’t stealing.”

Icicle Jr. hummed. “You’re going to get nothing out of me.”

“Egnahcxe dnomaid eht ta gniod erew uoy tahw su llet.” Zatanna smiled smugly. You bit your lip, remembering how they told you she used this spell before to get info out of Ivo. Wally squeezed your hand again, glancing back at you with a smile. 

“Vi var där som en distraktion, förlorare. Du föll för det.“ Icicle Jr.’s smirk grew at everyone’s confused looks. You tensed. Your lips tingled, craving the absorption of a new language. It happened every time you heard one you didn’t know yet. It was your secret. Then again, you didn’t realize your power until you kissed that girl in Mexico and suddenly knew Spanish fluently.

Robin muttered under his breath. “I don’t even know what language that is.”

“Too bad M’gann isn’t here.” Zatanna shared a look with you and Wally. “She could read his mind or something. I don’t know any translation spells yet.”

You sighed, closing your eyes. “I can help.” You stepped out from behind Wally, letting your hand slip away from his. Zatanna and Robin blinked at you. Wally’s jaw dropped. 

“(Y/N), you only speak English and Spanish.” Wally reached out to grab your hand again. 

“For now.” You looked at Wally. “Just don’t be mad, okay?”

“Mad?” Wally frowned, shaking his head. You pulled away from him and moved to Icicle Jr.

“(Y/N), what are you doing?” Robin asked as you cupped Icicle Jr.’s icy cheeks. Icicle Jr. seemed to go into a state of shock. You gave him a timid smile before slowly moving to press your lips against his. He didn’t move, but you felt warmth flooding into him. 

Your body hummed at the knowledge seeping into you. Suddenly, you knew exactly what he said like you had been speaking Swedish your whole life. 

Wally grabbed your arm, jerking you away from Icicle Jr. “What the hell was that?!” Wally pushed you to face him. 

“He said they were the distraction.” You licked your lips, glancing over at Zatanna and Robin who were staring at you with wide eyes. “And he was speaking Swedish. If you try your spell again, Z, I should be able to translate.”

“How?” Wally swallowed hard. His ears were red. You knew he was angry. 

“Quiet, Kid.” Robin held up a hand before Wally could say more. “Z, do the spell. Let’s finish the mission first.” Zatanna cast the spell again and you translated. Your mind was exploding at the new knowledge, craving it like you were dying from hunger. However, your stomach sank when you caught the devastated look on Wally’s face. 


“Why didn’t you tell me that you can do that?” Wally exclaimed, pacing in front of you. You were sitting on the couch in the living room of the cave. Robin and Zatanna were in the kitchen, watching from afar. 

You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Walls, I don’t really know much about it. I don’t kiss too many people. Just you and that girl in Mexico.” You pursed your lips to hold back the time you got a lip kiss from one of your cousins and learned how to speak Pig Latin. 

“But you just went and kissed him!” Wally threw his hands up in the air. “How would you like it if I just went up and kissed Artemis randomly?!”

You got to your feet, poking his chest as anger swelled up inside you. “One, it wasn’t random. Two, I was trying to help us complete the mission. Three, it didn’t mean anything. I’m sorry it hurt your feelings, but I wanted to help. This was my first mission and I wanted to do what I can.”

“Well, you didn’t have to kiss a supervillain!” Wally swatted your hand away. His eyes teared up, cheeks flushed. Your heart sank at the sight.

“Wally, I’m sorry.” You took his hands in yours, holding them tight. He closed his eyes. “I didn’t know how to bring it up.” You bit your lip hard. “How do you even go about it? I never told anyone, because I was sure no one would believe me.” You pulled away from him, hiding your face in your hands. “It’s so embarrassing.”

Wally sighed, gripping your wrist and pulling your hands away from your face. “It’s not embarrassing, babe.” You saw the rage drain out of him. That was why you loved him. He took a minute to understand, but he always came through. So kind. Your heart melted. “It’s kinda cool when you think about it.” 

“Really?” You smiled meekly at him. 

“Yeah, I mean it doesn’t make any sense at all.” Wally wrinkled his nose. “But it’s kinda cool.” He blushed. “Just run it by me next time, because you totally gave Jr. a hard-on.”

You choked. “Eww. Why did you have to tell me that?” Wally laughed, pulling you against him and kissing you sweetly. 

“Well, they’re feeling the aster,” Robin shouted from the kitchen. 

Wally jerked away from you. “Dude!” 

You laughed, shaking your head. Zatanna dragged Robin away while he laughed his head off. “Don’t be mad at him.”

“I won’t.” Wally smirked at you, his ears red as his hair. “But I’m curious. What did you get when you kissed me?”

You blushed. “Well, love and affection for one thing.” You pecked his lips. “Maybe some science knowledge too? I can do chemical equations that I never did before.” 

Wally blinked. “Babe, that’s so cool.” He buried his fingers in your hair and sealed his lips passionately to yours. Slowly, he picked you up in his arms and zoomed you back to your room where privacy was guaranteed. 


Warning - Babies and mention of breastfeeding

Requested by Anon -  Saw that requests were open and I thought of a cute batfam imagine. Reader is a single mom with a newborn baby girl and surprises the boys by coming home for Christmas and Alfred helped decorate the living room and reader helped cook and basically spend her baby’s first Christmas with her family and Bruce and the boys get all emotional or something also Happy Christmas!

Author’s Note - This request came in on Christmas Day, so I thought I’d squeeze it in. Sorry, it’s late.


Alfred smiled, watching the boys and Cass set up the living room for the holidays. He didn’t get to decorating himself this year, but it was a good activity to keep the rest of the family busy and out of the kitchen while he prepared Christmas Eve dinner. 

When he passed Bruce’s office, he paused to see Bruce inside with his face in his hands. He was holding the photo of you and your newborn baby girl that you had posted on social media a few days ago. It was a joyous occasion, the birth of his first grandchild. Of course instead of being happy, Bruce chose to sulk at the fact he didn’t even know you were pregnant. He also started investigating to find out who the father was when he found out you were going to be a single mother. 

Alfred shook his head and kept walking toward the kitchen. He hoped Master Bruce didn’t ruin this new peace between you and the family. The phone rang once he was inside the kitchen. He picked it up quickly, smiling as he knew who it was. “Hello, Wayne residence?” 

“Alfred, it’s me.” He smiled at the sound of your voice. “I was wondering if you could send someone to get us. My car broke down and now we’re at a gas station where we got towed to.” You sighed. Alfred frowned at the strain in your voice. “I know me showing up was supposed to be surprise, but I…well…I can’t really afford a ride there.” 

“Of course, Miss (Y/N). What is the address?” He picked up a pen, writing it down as you told him. “Are you in a warm and safe place?”

The baby fussed softly on your end. “Yeah, we’re fine. I’m inside the gas station with a cup of hot chocolate.” You laughed softly. “Thank you, Alfred. I’ll see you soon.”

“I love you, Miss (Y/N). I’ll have one of the boys there soon.” He hung up the phone and left the kitchen to go the the main family room. The tree was up, and most were decorating the tree. Jason was sitting on the couch, watching them. Alfred smiled, coming over to place a hand on Jason’s shoulder. Jason tensed, sensing he was just volunteered for something. “Master Jason, come with me please.”

The others laughed. “Shut up.” Jason growled, getting to his feet and following Alfred out of the room. “What’s up, Alfie? Need my help in the kitchen?”

“No, Master Jason.” Alfred handed Jason the address. “Take one of the cars, go to this address and pick up something for me.”

Jason frowned, eyeing the address. “Okay? Can I take any car?”

“Anything is fine. Be back in an hour at the most.” Alfred shooed Jason away. “Call me if you have any questions.” 

“Right.” Jason left. Alfred smiled before going into the kitchen. They’ll still be surprised, even if it wasn’t the way you and he originally planned.


Jason pulled into the gas station. He checked his phone on the dashboard. The address was right, but what did Alfred need from a gas station?

He parked the Audi in one of the parking spots outside and grabbed his phone. Frowning, he got out to look around.

“Jason?” He tensed, spinning to find you standing in the doorway of the gas station with a big smile on your face. “Hi.”

“(Y/N)?” A wave of pure joy washed over him as he ran to hug you. He spun you around, making you laugh. “Why are you here? Where’s my niece?”

“She’s inside.” You sighed once he set you down. “I was coming today as a surprise, but then my car broke down and we got stuck here.” He led you back inside when you shivered. Your baby was in her carrier, still fast asleep on the table you were sitting at while you waited. 

Jason peeked inside at her. “Look at you, princess.” He whispered softly, touching her cheek. She turned her head, opening her mouth to try to find something to suck on. He chuckled. “She’s beautiful, (Y/N).”

“Thank you.” You glanced between them, sneaking a photo of the two with your phone. 

Jason pulled himself away from her. “Give me your keys. I’ll move your stuff into my car while you two stay in here and keep warm.”

“You don’t have to do that,” you said, handing him your keys when he didn’t relent. “Thanks Jay. I honestly had no idea what we were going to do.”

“I got this.” He kissed your cheek. “I’ll come get you when I’m ready.” Jason was about to head out when you grab his hand. He turned to look, noting the panic, strained look in your eye. He knew that look well. “What?”

“There’s going to be a lot of stuff.” You blushed, your eyes on his forehead. “Just don’t judge me, okay?”

Jason snorted. “I’d never judge you.” He leaned over to kiss your cheek, squeezed your arm with his hand. “I got you now. Everything will be fine.”

“Thanks Jay.” You relaxed slightly. Jason led you over to take a seat before heading out to your car. It was an old, rusted piece of crap. He wondered how you even got this far in it. Inside was suitcases, boxes, and garbage bags. He sensed you coming for the holidays might be more than just a visit. Taking a deep breath, Jason pushed aside his curiosity and began to move your things into the Audi.


“Al, did you throw Jason out or something? I can’t find him,” Tim asked, poking his head into the kitchen. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath of the delicious smells from inside. 

“Master Jason is running an errand for me.” Alfred basted the turkey again and closed the oven. “He should be back in the next half an hour or so.” 

Tim hummed, stepping inside the kitchen. He leaned against the counter, taking a carrot from the serving tray Alfred had out for them to snack on. “Bruce is still brooding.”

“He’ll snap out of it soon.” Alfred smiled when his back was turned to Tim. 

“I don’t know if he will. He’s bothered by the fact (Y/N) had a baby by herself on top of trying to live on her own. I’m worried about her too.” Tim munched on another carrot. “I kept tabs on her. Her finances are in shambles.”

Alfred’s mouth went dry. Suddenly, it made sense. Maybe that’s why you reached out after three years of almost silence? Desperation. “Well, I imagine we’ll have to see for ourselves after the holidays.”

“I’m worried about the baby too. Bruce paid off her hospital bills, didn’t he? I heard he sent the hospital a check when he saw the photo on (Y/N)’s Instagram.” Tim took yet another carrot. Alfred turned. Tim had a furrow in his brow. “I’m scared for her, Alfred. It’s hard to be a single mother especially now days.”

Alfred reached over to pat Tim’s hand. “We’ll help her as much as we can.” He smiled when he heard Jason shouting that he was home with a Christmas present for everyone. “I believe Master Jason is home.” 

Tim grinned, getting to his feet and jogging out of the room. Alfred paused to wash his hands. He frowned slightly as he wondered if what Tim had said was true. The few emails and calls you made to him over the years did sound like you were struggling slightly. Troublesome living situations, having multiple jobs at the same time. He did send you money a few times as well especially when you found out you were pregnant.  

Alfred dried his hands and followed the noise to the main entryway. You were being hugged by Dick while Jason held your baby. Cass and Tim were peeking at her, cooing softly. Damian stood back with a scowl. “Miss (Y/N), I’m glad you made it.” Alfred opened his arms for you. Dick let you go and you ran to Alfred.

“I’m so happy to see you.” You held him tight, hiding your face in his shoulder like you used to do when you were younger. “Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome, Miss (Y/N), but you don’t need to thank us.” Alfred rubbed your back, feeling his shoulder dampen from your tears. “Collect yourself, Miss (Y/N).”

You sniffled, pulling away from him to wipe a few tears with your sleeve. “Sorry.” You smiled. “Do you want to meet your great-granddaughter?” You turned, taking your baby from Jason. The others followed you, still waiting to get a good look at her. Alfred took the baby into his arms, sighing at how beautiful she was. 

“She looks so much like you, Miss (Y/N).” Alfred chuckled, rocking her gently.

“TT, she’s a Wayne. Of course, she looks like her.” Damian crossed his arms. You blinked at him before ruffling Damian’s hair. He gasped, batting your hand away. However, a hint of a smile pulled at his lips. 

The baby slowly opened her eyes. Alfred smiled, seeing how beautiful they were. A little hand came out of the blanket she was wrapped in. Perfect little fingers and delicate fingernails. “Is Dad here?” you asked, wringing your hands.

“He’s in the study, brooding.” Dick chuckled, nudging your side as Cass gave you a hug. “You should probably go let him know you’re here. Otherwise, he’ll never come out.” 

“Cool.” You bit your lip. 

“I’ll watch over your daughter. Go talk to Master Bruce.” Alfred smiled, knowing you would be the only one to get Bruce out of the office and to join the rest of the family. 

“Thanks Alfred.” You shared a look with your siblings. “If I’m not out in twenty minutes, send Titus to save me.” You winked at Damian before slipping out of the room.

“May I?” Cass held out her arms for the baby. Alfred smiled and handed her over. Cass gasped at her niece. cooing at her softly. Alfred glanced toward the direction you went, hoping your conversation with Bruce would go well.


You knocked on Bruce’s office door. Nerves ate at your stomach. Shame made you feel hollow inside. You never planned to have to come back to your father like this, but life happened. 

“I’m not in the mood to be lectured, Alfred,” Bruce said inside. 

You smiled sadly before opening the door. “It’s not Alfred.” You almost laughed when Bruce fell out of his chair at the sight of you. The one and only time you surprised him. “Hi Dad.”

“(Y/N).” Bruce got to his feet, staring at you in disbelief and worry. “How…why are you here?”

You bit your lip. Your heart pounded like a jackhammer. “I came for Christmas. Alfred said I’m always invited and I figured I should since I wanted everyone to meet my daughter.” You swallowed the rest of the reason. The fact you needed money and you were homeless. That you wanted your daughter’s first Christmas to be somewhere warm and safe with people that loved her.

Bruce’s lips twitched. You tensed, knowing you probably didn’t hide it as well as you thought. “I’m glad you’re here.” He slowly came to you, opening his arms. You felt a tear slid down your cheek as you ran into his arms. He hugged you tight and for the first time in a long time, you felt secure. 

A sob slipped out of you. You buried your face in his shoulder. Bruce rubbed your back, humming to soothe you. “You’re okay. I’m here now,” he mumbled, rocking you gently. 

“I’m so sorry.” You gasped, letting out all the stress and tears you held in for so long. “I didn’t mean what I said when I ran away.”

“I know.” Bruce kissed the top of your head. You sobbed hard, your entire body shaking. “I’m proud of you. You made your way on your own like you swore to me you would.”

A lump formed in your throat. “No, I didn’t.” You sniffled, looking up at you as you felt another wave of tears come. “I had to work three different jobs just to stay in a small room in a house with five roommates. Even then, I was barely making it. Then I made a mistake and got pregnant. They kicked me out of the house after she was born and I had to live in my car.” You pulled away from him to rub your eyes with your sleeves. “Then when I came here, my car broke down and I was so scared that someone would find out and take my baby away.”

Bruce blinked. “We’ll figure that out now.” He took your hand and led you to sit down on the couch. “You’re not in this alone, (Y/N). You never were.”

“I said I didn’t need you. That I wished you weren’t my father,” you coughed, choking slightly on your tears. “How could I dare come back to ask for something?”

Bruce hummed as he handed you a tissue. “Sweetheart, did you honestly think I wouldn’t help you? I’ve kept tabs on you, even paid off your hospital bill.” You flinched in surprise. Now it made sense why they haven’t called you about your first payment yet. A weight lifted off your back at the thought.

A loud cry came from somewhere in the house. You got to your feet. “I think she’s hungry. I better go.” Bruce stood with you. 

“I’ll come with you. I’d like to meet my first grandchild.” He smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “You can stay here as long as you like, (Y/N). We have more than enough room.”

Fresh tears came to your eyes. Your hormones were still out of whack. “Thanks Dad.” The two of you left to follow the sound of your daughter’s cry. 


“(Y/N), your stocking is still in here too,” Tim said, holding up the stocking you had since you were little. You smiled as you adjusted your daughter under the breastfeeding cover. The whole family was in the living room, snacking on cookies and veggies. Bruce sat on the couch with you, waiting for your daughter to finish eating so he could hold her again. 

“Wow, I guess Alfred never did throw things away.” You laughed. Tim hung up your stocking on the mantle with the rest of the family’s. 

Alfred clicked his tongue. “I guess we’re missing one member of the family now.” He reached into a bag and removed a brand new stocking with your daughter’s name on it. You gasped, tears filling your eyes again.

“Aww, thank you, Alfred.” You swallowed hard, glancing down at your daughter. She fell asleep with your nipple in her mouth. You moved her gently out from the cover and handed her to Bruce while you covered yourself.

“Cute.” Cass took it and hung it up with the rest. “Whole family.” 

You smiled, glancing at Bruce to see him cooing softly to your daughter as he rocked her. Alfred secretly took a picture. You knew you would find it framed somewhere. “Alfred, can I help in the kitchen?” you asked when you saw him hand the camera to Tim to take more secretive pictures. 

“Of course, Miss (Y/N).” Alfred nodded, gesturing for you to follow him. 

“You got her, Dad?” you asked, glancing back at Bruce who’s eyes were only on his little granddaughter.

“I’m good.” Bruce looked back at you. “Don’t worry.” You nodded and left the room.

“Miss (Y/N), if you could start on the pie filling for my special blueberry pie.” Alfred moved to check the turkey in the oven again. You grinned, finding the bowls where they have always been. 

It brought back memories of other Christmases where you and Alfred made blueberry pies. You were the only one to know the recipe since the others were always too busy to learn. “Of course.” 

Alfred turned on the radio and the two of you worked silently. You finished the pie, sliding it into the oven as Alfred took the turkey out. “Can I help?” Dick asked as he peeked around the corner of the doorway.

“Set the table, Master Dick. Dinner should almost be ready,” Alfred said with a smile. You peeked at the turkey, the smell making your mouth water. It was a long way from the cans of cold beans you had been eating the last few days. 

Alfred handed you a bowl of steamed vegetables. You smiled, going to join Dick in the dining room. “Hey sis.” Dick smirked at you as he carefully set plate mats down.

“Hey yourself.” You rolled your eyes as you set the vegetables down and moved to help him. “How have you been?”

“Good, considering.” Dick bit his lip, eyeing you. “I wish you would have called me if you were in so much trouble.” 

You frowned, pausing with a stack of plates in your arms. Jason must have mention it to him. “I was trying to do it on my own, Dick. You know about that.”

“Yeah.” Dick gave you a half-smile. “But we made a pact to always look out for each other.”

You snorted. “That was when you were eleven and I was ten.” 

“Still applies.” He reached over to squeeze your elbow. “Just remember I’m always a call away.”

You rolled your eyes, heart warmed by his words. “This goes both ways, you know. If you need me, I’ll be there.”

Dick nodded, letting his hair fall into his eyes. You set the plates down to brush it away. “For example, if I want cuddles from my niece, you better be there.”

“I’m sure I can make that work for you.” You laughed, hugging him tight. Dick hugged you back, lifting you up. “I missed you, Dick.”

“I missed you too.” You buried your face into his shoulder. “You guys have to stop making me cry.” 

Dick laughed, spinning you around. “Can’t help that.” 

“Careful with the dishes,” Alfred scolded with a smile as he came in with the bowl of mashed potatoes. You and Dick laughed, spinning faster. You couldn’t remember the last time you laughed so much.


Once dinner was done, most of the family left to go out into the city on patrol. You, Alfred, and Damian were the only ones left. Alfred and you wrapped presents on the living room floor while Damian stared at your daughter who was fast sleep in a portable sleeper Alfred had dug out of somewhere. 

Alfred nudged your arm, nodding over to Damian. You smirked over at him. Everyone thought it was odd that Damian didn’t go on patrol with them. You sensed what he stayed for. “Damian, did you want to hold her?” You got to your feet and went over to sit next to him.

“TT,” he huffed, blushing slightly. You picked her up. She whined slightly before settling back down. 

“Hold your arms like mine.” Damian copied you, sitting flat on the floor. “You have to support her head, and hold her close to your chest.” You handed Damian your daughter. He tensed when he felt the little life in his arms. 

“I can feel her heartbeat.” Damian had a shadow of a smile on his lips. 

You smiled and moved back to wrap another present. Damian held her stiffly for a while until eventually he started to rock her. Alfred sneaked a photo of the two. You shared a smile with him, pretending not to watch them. Damian held her until she woke up crying for another meal.


You headed upstairs with your daughter in your arms. “I have your old bedroom opened,” Alfred said, following you. 

“Thanks Alfred,” you whispered as you walked down the hall toward your bedroom. It was next to Dick’s old room and across from Bruce’s. Inside was almost untouched except for the fresh sheets and the bassinet in the corner. “Wow, you left it the same.” 

“Well except for a few additions.” Alfred moved over to the bassinet. You went over and gently laid your daughter down inside. “I’ll need more time to open up the nursery.”

“You don’t need to do that, Alfred.” You bit your lip. Guilt haunted you. Everyone was making such an effort for you. “This is enough.”

Alfred took your shoulders and turned you to face him. “Miss (Y/N), let us help you. This is your home. It is open to both of you.” Your lips trembled. Alfred pulled away before you cried again. Stupid hormones. “Now go to sleep.”

“Good night, Alfred.” You watched him go with a stray tear running down your cheek. The relief you felt was endless. No matter what your daughter was going to be taken care of in the best way possible. 


“Wake up, (Y/N),” Jason whispered in your ear. You moaned, opening one eye to see your brother smirking at you in the bright morning light. “Breakfast is ready and there are presents downstairs.”

You turned to bury your face into your pillow. “Jay, my daughter was up three times last night, please let me sleep.” 

Suddenly, your blankets were gone and you were scooped up into Jason’s arms. You shrieked, smacking his shoulder. Jason just laughed and carried you out the door. “Wait, my baby.” You reached back toward the room. 

“Cass has her. She picked her up before I woke you up.” Jason carried you downstairs. You relaxed, wrapping your arms around his neck. 

“Then I forgive you.” You kissed his cheek. “Merry Christmas, Jay.”

“Merry Christmas, sis.” Jason brought you to the kitchen and sat you down at the breakfast table where the rest of the family was waiting. You searched for your daughter, relaxing when you saw Tim had her. “Can we eat now?” Jason asked, taking the seat next to you.

“Now we may.” Alfred set a giant plate of waffles in the center of the table. “Merry Christmas.”

Everyone dug in. You filled your plate and looked around the table. It felt so strange to be home, surrounded by family. You glanced at your daughter who was passed back to Bruce. He rocked her and met your eye. You smiled back at him, glad you took that chance to reconnect with him. Taking a bite from your plate, you sighed and were thankful for everything this family could give you and your daughter. 

this was supposed to be Damian centric but things just turned out like this. I haven’t been writing in a while since I was so busy with real life so this might be a tad bit boring for some nevertheless, I hope you still enjoy reading this!

p/s: i’m still not sure if i will ever find the muse to write the older requests but i’ll try to finish them!

Let it never be said that Damian Wayne does not lowkey wish for all of your attention to be on him and only on him, none with any of his ‘brothers’. (He already has to vye for your attention whenever father is around - he feels the need to assert dominance when his brothers are around). Despite having an actual mother - who is merely a mother in name and nothing but - you have somehow managed to worm your way in to his heart and settled in deep. Even if Damian has never said anything about accepting you as his ummioutright, he knows you know him well enough to decipher the things he actually means when he speaks and as much as he hates it, Damian feels flattered and grateful that you do not scorn him or even push him away.

Which is why when his brothers started coming over frequently to the manor during the week Mother’s Day is to happen, Damian finds it irksome. Not only had he caught Todd snooping around his ummi’s room, he also caught Drake trying to subtly (Damian doubts you aren’t privy to his intention - you have a way of just knowing) to ask you if there is anything you wanted. However, Damian’s biggest concern aren’t Todd or Drake - his biggest concern comes in the form of one Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson who has known you the longest and probably also knows you the best amongst all of them. It just does not sit well with Damian at all because he is the true son of Bruce Wayne therefore he should be entitled and privy to all of your love and affection. Trying to top Grayson’s present for you will be extremely hard.

“Penny for your thoughts, Young Master Damian?” Alfred asks as he pours the young master a cup of calming tea.

Tt.My thoughts are not worth the penny.” Damian murmurs but quietly thank the older man when he places the cup of tea on the table and he furrowed his eyebrows, studying Pennyworth for a minute. “Pennyworth.”

Alfred merely looks at him, acknowledging him. “Yes, sir?”

“Other than father, you would be the next best person that knows Ummiwell, are you not?” Damian asks a tad bit haughtily. It does not sit well with him at the fact that he has to stoop this low to ask Pennyworth for help but Damian reckons that he is the lesser of the two evils - as opposed to Damian asking the rest of his brothers. “Mother’s Day is right around the corner.”

It is only due to his training that Alfred did not smile at the young master’s words immediately and he nods his head instead. He roughly knows what the young master is trying to say - after all, he had gone through the same thing with the rest of the young masters: things only happened the same way every other year. “Yes, perhaps I am.”

Damian nods his head, satisfied with his judgment and Alfred’s answer. “What would be the best gift for Ummi? One that Grayson, Todd and Drake have never given her at all.” He wonders if he can briefly consider stealing you away for some mother-son bonding but knowing the rest of his brothers, they will most likely end up crashing his time with you so Damian would rather not have that at all.

Alfred clears his throat as he begins to clear the table. “If I recall correctly, you are very well-versed in drawing, Young Master Damian. The mistress did mention briefly about how she has been wanting to update the family portrait. Perhaps that is something you can consider.” He offers and Damian stares at him for a few seconds before smirking, huffing proudly.

“Of course.”

Which is why for the next few days leaning towards Mother’s Day, you find yourself being tailed by none other than Damian Wayne. If you were any other woman, you probably would not have noticed because after all, Damian Wayne was trained as an Al Ghul first before he is a Wayne. Alas, you are you and you have had your fair shares of your sons tailing after you so you merely leave Damian be; if he had something he wanted to talk to you, you will let him come to you of his own accord. That is how things normally go when it comes to Damian.

You only found out what Damian had been up to during the scheduled dinner. To your surprise, Dick had managed to get almost everyone (with the exception of Cassie and Helena who were unfortunately off on a mission) to come for dinner to celebrate Mother’s Day, claiming that it was his present to you. “Thank you for being our Mom.” Dick informs you as he presses his lips on your temple and you smile at your son.

Jason rolls his eyes, annoyed over how he had played a part in helping Dick with his present. He hands over a bunch of wood figurines. “Made them for you; i’m not the best at it but I had time.” He mutters, almost shyly yet gruffly. You lift one of the figurines to study it and to your surprise, you see your husband staring back at you in his glorified batsuit.

“Jay, this is amazing! The details on the batsuit is down to the T.” You reach over to wrap an arm around Jason’s waist and he chuckles under his breath, trying to shrug off your compliment. “I love it, Jay. Thank you so much; you made everyone too, didn’t you?” You place the figurines back on the table and inspected the rest: true to your assumption, Jason had managed to perfectly carve everyone in the family, including Damian’s pets. Your cheeks are starting to hurt from the amount of smiling you are doing.

Tim slid a box over to you. “I cheated because I asked you what you wanted for Mother’s Day, Mom.” He tells you sheepishly and you shake your head at him, giggling at his words.

“I don’t mind, Timmy; you bought this for me. I will cherish it and wear it.” You open the box to see the necklace you had told him you had been eyeing for a while. Tim smiles at you, rubbing the back of his neck and you lean forward to give him a kiss on his forehead. “I love it, Tim.”

Tim grins at you and even helps you put on the necklace. “It really does look lovely on you, Mom.” He compliments and you smile at him.

Tt.” Damian huffs before he stands up and makes a move to approach you. He hands over the tablet to you. “Your actual present is currently being put up as we speak but this is essentially what I am giving you.”

Your jaw drops as you stare at the tablet; a digital family portrait. “Darling, this is impressive!” You always thought you knew art but looking at Damian’s amazing drawing made you realize that you barely even knew art. The details on the drawing were on point and suddenly, it dawned on you that this was probably the reason why he had been tailing you the other day. “You said it is being put up?”

Damian smirks, proud that you seemed to enjoy his present a lot (definitely better than any of his brothers’ presents that is for sure). “Yes. I made a coloured version and have had it printed and framed. Pennyworth briefly mentioned that you have been wanting to get our family portrait updated and I have done it for you.” He states as a matter-of-factly and you place the tablet on the table before pulling your youngest son in your embrace, causing Damian to stiffen slightly - embarrassed because he cannot believe you are doing this to him right in front of his brothers - but when you did not make any move to release him, Damian relaxes in to your embrace. “Ummi, this is rather embarrassing.”

You chuckle, shaking your head as you press a kiss atop his head. Looking around, you catch Bruce’s eyes and the amount of you love you see in his eyes made you feel warm and almost touched. “Thank you so much, boys. I love each and every present; I love you. Thank you for letting me be your mom - I know I can never replace your real mothers but thank you for making me so happy and being my sons.”

Tt.” Damian pulls his head back to stare at you pointedly. “As far as anyone of us is concerned, you are our mother and nothing will ever change that, Ummi.”

Hi! Thank you for sending this in. I rarely ever get requests for Billy Batson so this was sort of a fun practice to do! Sorry it took so long for me to post this up but I hope you enjoy this regardless.

  • Dating Billy Batson would mean that you are privy to his alter ego (Shazam!) and the only reason you figured out his secret identity is because of how he had called out your name when he saved you that one unfortunate time you happened to be at the wrong place and the wrong time. 
  • “Y/N, are you alright? Did you get hurt - why are you looking at me like that, Y/N? …Oh!” 
  • After that entire fiasco, Billy sat you down and explained everything that happened to him and how he acquired his powers. You managed to convince him to go to you whenever he has any injuries or whatsoever because you really want to take care of Billy.
  • “I don’t care if it’s in the middle of the night or at 5AM, Billy, if you ever need a place to crash, you can come to me. I’ll always keep my door and window open for you.”
  • Billy is so much comfortable around you now compared to before. Since you know his secret, he sometimes go to you for a second opinion on his plans. 
  • “Y/N, do you think it’s better if I do this or should I just stick to the original plan? Which one is better?”
  • “How about you do it like this instead?” 
  • Billy feels like he can always count on you to have his back and he always tries to make sure he has your back as well. He tries his hardest to be there for you when and if people tease or bully you for dating him. 
  • “Are you sure you don’t want me to go after them? I promise I won’t break any of their bones or anything, Y/N. Just gotta show them how they shouldn’t mess with you at all!”
  • Whenever Billy is free from official Justice League missions, he would always try to spend most of his time with you and doing the assignments or homework he missed while he had been away.
  • In the end, Billy will always end up falling asleep either on your shoulder or your lap. Not that you mind at all, because you actually like that he feels safe enough with you to fall asleep near you.
  • Date days/nights would consist of you cooking brunch/lunch/dinner depending on when Billy decides to drop by. Sometimes, Billy would try to cook but he only knows how to make simple food like sandwiches, mashed potatoes and toast with scrambled eggs. He burns everything else!
  • Sometimes when you are feeling stressed, Billy will turn into Shazam and bring you flying because he thinks you will enjoy the view from up in the sky. 
  • “Thank you, Billy. This is the first time I have ever seen stars this bright and many.” 

This was inspired by a couple of songs and I honestly hadn’t mean for it to turn out like this but it did? There are definitely mistakes here and there but I tried my best to fix them. I probably overlooked a few. That aside, fun fact: I have yet to see Aquaman on the big screen. Why? Because it has yet to premiere here in Japan and I really, really cannot wait to watch it. I hope you enjoyed this! Don’t worry, there aren’t any spoilers (obviously lol).

p/s: I also have yet to watch YJ Outsiders so I’m really forward to watching those soon! 

It didn’t matter anymore. You are tired of always feeling like this: desolate and bereft, always longing and waiting. You haven’t always felt like this though. There was a time where you actually felt happy, content and satisfied. It first appeared when Arthur came late during date nights (the two of you made a promise to always have a date night once a week), which you honestly didn’t really mind as much until it kept on happening to the point where Arthur stood up multiple of times. (The looks the waiter or waitress that happened to serve you that night burned into your mind).

You aren’t aware of when this had started exactly for you always had this thought that the relationship you have with Arthur is going well. It was merely wishful thinking because Arthur continued to prove you wrong as the days pass: it went from Arthur standing you up on date nights to giving you poorly made up excuses about why he was gone for half of those times or why he would always come to your (shared) apartment so very late in the night (or early in the morning), with his hair damp and using a shampoo that is ultimately not his because it smells just a tad bit too feminine, by the time he slides in the bed beside you. (It almost makes you feel sick).

You didn’t actually want to believe it – what girl ever does? You have had your suspicions but despite your copious efforts in trying to prepare yourself for the inevitable, you are really not prepared at all. Perhaps, in theory, you probably had everything down to the T but when it came to actually be seeing it, with your own pair of eyes, that was the time when you understand just how painful it is to be very in love. Especially when the one you love to the moon and back and then some is perhaps in love with someone else.

Not far from where you are standing, Arthur has his arms around this pretty bombshell of a lady with beautiful fiery hair. Although you actually cannot see it from where you are standing, from the way she also has her arms around him and the way their heads are tilted towards each other, they are probably kissing, and it hurts. It hurts to see the two of them together like that so you left without looking back at all.

Arthur stretches his arms above his head. “Thanks for today,” He mutters to Mera who nods her head. “I doubt I would have been able to find this without your help.” Arthur opens his palm and the corner of his lips lift up the slightest bit upon seeing the serpentine he had found while on his expedition with Mera.

Mera gives him a small smile. “I never thought I would actually see the day where you would be this soft.” She explains, looking away from Arthur to look at the sea. “She is lucky to have you.” Mera couldn’t help the slight hurt from showing on her face but she had been too late, and Arthur is too madly in love with you to even be looking in her direction.

Arthur scoffs, making Mera look at him in confusion. “I’m the one that’s lucky to have her.” He really is. Arthur feels really bad for all the times he had stood you up during date nights but that is no longer going to happen. He closes his palm once more, making sure to put the Serpentine carefully in his pocket.

“Yeah, I suppose so.” Mera agrees softly. “You ought to go. Isn’t today one of your date nights?” Mera reminded him and Arthur nods his head. “I think I will take a walk, familiarize myself with the area.”

Arthur nods his head once again. “You do that.” The two of them exchange a few more words and after he sees Mera off, Arthur takes off towards the safe house Bruce Wayne had prepared for him. He is going to take this chance to make it all up to you and explain everything to you.

It took Arthur over an hour to get everything ready – since he had found the Serpentine, Arthur managed to cut the rock nicely to fit the ring he had made for you (trying to take your finger’s measurement while you had been asleep had been tough because you kept stirring slightly whenever he tried). Once he was showered and dressed, Arthur picked up the ring box – he also made this box from one of the shells he had found on the sea bed – and made his way to the closest florist shop because Arthur recalls just how much you adore getting flowers and Arthur knows it has been a while since he gave you any bouquet.

“Give me your finest flowers.” Arthur states once he reaches the counter. He fumbles with the box of ring in his pocket.

“Is this for a special occasion, Sir?”

Arthur glances around the shop before looking back at the florist. “Yes.” He tells him gruffly but when the man continues to stare at him, almost imploringly, Arthur relents. “I… want to propose to my lover tonight so can you please give me your finest flowers? Price doesn’t matter.” Arthur takes out the card Bruce had provided and places it on the counter.

Upon seeing the Wayne Enterprise card on the counter, the florist pales slightly and nods his head. “Right away, Sir.”

It took Arthur almost half an hour after that to get to your apartment. On his way over, Arthur can’t help but think about all the things he needed to say to you and the closer he gets to your apartment, the more he is dreading it. Arthur doesn’t really quite understand the dread that is building in him until he unlocks your door to find your entire apartment pitch black.

“Y/N?” He calls out, swallowing the lump that appeared in his throat as he steps into the apartment, closing the door behind him. He switches on the lights and he frowns. “You asleep?” He walks toward your bedroom and the frown on his face deepens when he notices that your bedroom is dark too. When he switches on the light, his eyes are drawn to how bare the room looks. Granted, he hadn’t been able to come back for the past couple of days but the last time he had been here, Arthur could have sworn your things were all over the place but now… it feels barren to him. “Come on, Y/N. This isn’t funny, babe.”

Arthur doesn’t realize this, but he breaks some of the flowers’ stems as his grip tightens at the many possibilities: what if someone had gone for you while he was gone? What if you had actually tried to reach him but couldn’t? What if you needed him and he wasn’t there? All of these thoughts were swimming in his head until Arthur zones in on the bed.

The closer he gets to the bed, the heavier his feet become – at one point, Arthur even feels like he had been dragging his feet. Right on his side of the bed, you left a frame facing down on his pillow and he gingerly reaches for the frame, hand trembling visibly. When he lifts up the frame, it is a photo of Arthur and you, taken by one of your friends: Arthur has his arm wrapped around your waist and you were laughing, leaning against him. With a twinge in his heart, Arthur notices just how much he misses seeing you laughing so freely. When he makes the move to set aside the frame, his eyes land on the letter and it is right there and then did Arthur realize just how much love hurts.


This was requested by anon and it is long overdue but I really had so much fun writing this request. I chose to write about Disneysea because I just came back from Disneysea with a bunch of my friends and despite the cold, I enjoyed it immensely! So I figured, since the memory is still fresh in mind, I should write about it. Thank you so much for sending this in! 

The first time you had noticed him had been by Triton’s Kingdom’s inner facilities. While your friends had gone to wait in line at the Blowfish Balloon Race, you had opted to wait in line at Sebastian’s Calypso Kitchen because you were hungry, and you did not feel like going round and round on the balloon ride. You had been minding your own business when you suddenly see something from the corner of your eyes so naturally, you turned to look, and it was probably one of the best decisions you have ever made because standing not far from you – by The Sleepy Whale Shoppe – were a group of friends? Family? – you weren’t quite sure – and they looked like they were having a good time.

(Although, out of everyone present in that group, there was only one person that caught your attention).

He was wearing a fitted black shirt with jeans that hugged his derriere very well and the jean jacket he threw on top of his shirt made him look all the more appealing and sexier. Not only that, he was also using a Mickey Mouse headband as well, making him look quite adorable – though when you did a quick scan, you notice that almost everyone in his group had either a headband or a hat.

The first time you had noticed him had been by Triton’s Kingdom’s inner facilities. You had been waiting in line by Sebastian’s Calypso Kitchen when you suddenly see something from the corner of your eyes. So, naturally, you turned to look and it was one of the best decisions you have ever made because standing by The Sleepy Whale Shoppe were a group of friends? Brothers? – you weren’t quite sure – and they were all good looking. Although, out of everyone present in that group, there is this one person who caught your attention.

While you were busy checking him out, you had missed one of his friends nudging him and pointing at you. So, when he turned to look at you, you blush profusely when he caught your eyes and gave you a smile – one that you reckon will probably be in your dreams when you return to your hostel that night. You immediately look away, placing both of your hands on your cheeks. “I am so dumb.” You murmured to yourself, relieved that you would be going up to the counter very soon.

The second time you had noticed him… Well, you had not really notice him at that time for you were too busy trying to build up the courage to take photos with Pluto when one of your friends nudge you. “Y/N, don’t look now but some hottie is definitely checking you out right now.” She whispered, giggling to your side and you probably should have listened to her but when someone tells you to not do something, you have this tendency to do quite the opposite.

So, you looked over your shoulders and almost choked on air when you saw the man from Triton’s Kingdom and this time around, he gave you another dazzling smile and a wave, causing you to flush from his attention. Not wanting to repeat the mistake you had done earlier (when you told your friends about what had happened while you waited for your hotdogs, your friends had given you an earful for not smiling back at him), you shyly lifted a hand to wave back and the smile on his face grew bigger, if possible.

“You should totally go over there and say hi to him, Y/N!” Your friend told you, but you shook your head. Today is really all about having fun with your friends and truth be told, you were just far too shy to go over to where he was casually standing at to ask for his name and number.

Giving him one last look, you turned to look at your friend. “It’s fine – come on, help me take a photo with Pluto, please?” You asked her, handing your phone to your friend and she furrowed her eyebrows at you before she relented, giving you a smile.

“Third time’s the charm, right?”

You had almost dropped your Strawberry flavored popcorn in surprise upon hearing a voice right beside your ear, but you did, however, startle, almost tripping over your own feet in surprise until a warm hand caught you and steadied you. You mumble an apology and turned around. “Oh my God.”

The man from before is standing right beside you and he is better looking upfront and definitely taller than you. You blink a couple of times and flush slightly at the smile on his face. “Sorry about that.” He apologizes and you shake your head, tongue too tied-up now. “My name is Dick and I know this is too forward of me, but we have seen each other quite a lot of times today, haven’t we?”

At this, you had to let out a soft laugh. You did happen to see him a lot today and although you should probably consider the fact that he might have been stalking you as well, you feel flattered that he even bothered talking to you. “Yes, we have. My name is Y/N.”

“So,” Dick looks around and looks back at you, raising one of his eyebrows up. “Why are you alone and not with your… friends? Sisters?” He asks as he moves forward with you.

“My friends are afraid of heights and I really wanted to ride the rollercoaster.” You explain, awkwardly holding on to your popcorn, contemplating if you should offer some to him or not. “What about you?”

Dick rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “My family all went ahead – priority passes – but while we were walking by, I saw you alone so here I am.” He tells you and your jaw drops slightly. Being able to afford priority passes speaks a lot – they are far different than fast lane passes – and the blush on your cheeks darken at what he had just implied. Dick smiles warmly at you. “You don’t mind, do you?” The smile falters slightly when it suddenly occurred to him that you might actually mind.

The first time Dick had seen you, the entire family had been trying to convince Damian and Jason to either get a headband or a character hat because everyone but the two of them got hats and headband and it had actually been Jason that pointed you out to him.

The second time he saw you, he was slightly disappointed that you didn’t even look at him but when he saw how excited you were, waiting for your turn to take a photo with Pluto, Dick could not help but smile so he stayed around the area just for a little bit – which happened to be a good thing because after that, Alfred managed to make everybody come together nicely for a family photo.

So, obviously, when he saw you standing alone and enjoying your popcorn, Dick knew he had to talk to you.

“No, I don’t.” You shake your head, giving him a shy smile and Dick visibly relaxes, a smile returning back on his face. “Would you… Do you want some popcorn? It’s strawberry flavor.” You offer the popcorn to him.

Dick chuckles and nods his head. “Sure, Y/N.”

This was totally written very quickly so there are definitely a lot of mistakes! Didn’t have the time to proof-read because I had to go visit a shrine to pay respects to the Gods (or something like that). Since it’s already 2019 (from where I am), happy new year! May 2019 be better than 2018 for all of you!

requested by anon: His i was wondering if i can request a dick grayson x reader imagine? Where the reader is in love with dick but dick is head over heels for kori ir si he thinks. The reader walk in on them having some private time and feels heart broken. The reader tries to get over dick so jason takes the reader out on a date to make them feel better which makes dick jealous its kind of lame im sorry the plot sucks have a nice day ❤

Jason had been a little bit too late in stopping you – if only he had been faster, he would have been able to save you from seeing such a sight. It wasn’t like Jason was not aware of your feelings about his older brother, Dick, because everyone but the actual object of your affections knew about your feelings.

A part of Jason wanted to go inside the room and throw a few punches for causing such a heart wrenching expression to appear on your face, but Jason remembers clearly how you were frozen stiff, standing by the doorway. All Jason could have done right at that time was to grip your wrist lightly and gently pulling you away from the room.

(The room where the love of your life was currently kissing the love of his life, probably).

The rest of that night went by a blur, mostly because Jason had been busy taking care of you. He had decided against bringing you back to your own apartment – knowing very well how you would just drown yourself with countless of alcohol and cry your eyes out the entire night and then some – and brought you over to his instead. He did give you some alcohol and you definitely consumed more than he thought you should have but you had relented when he told you to stop and that was when you had begun crying your eyes out.

But that had been two weeks ago. Jason thinks that is enough time for you to grieve – or at the very least, get over your initial hurt – over your unreciprocated love. Dick had been none the wiser, simply wondering where you had gone – Jason both likes and dislikes how you are able to avoid almost everyone for a good two weeks now, him included. But enough is enough and Jason was never known for being extremely patient, especially when it comes to something that he wants and, in this case, he wants you.

If someone had asked Jason when he had started liking you, Jason would not have been able to give you. Solid answer. Maybe it had been that one time where you had slapped him for his crude comment or maybe that one time, he had saved you from getting shot or it could have been that time when you had handed him his own ass. Jason can’t decide when he began having feelings for you at all.

So here he is now.

Jason clears his throat, catching you by surprise and you almost drop the book you had been browsing. Out of all the places, Jason definitely did not imagine finding you here in this bookstore. It should have been the first place he had looked at – considering how much you loved reading books – and the sheepish smile you gave him is almost enough to melt the annoyance within him.

“You are really hard to track when you don’t want to be found.” Jason points out as he steps toward you. You give him a sheepish chuckle, placing the book back at its place. He leans slightly against the bookshelf, making sure not to put all of his weight into it lest he wants it to fall. “I’d like to ask how you are, but you obviously look physically fine to me so how are you feeling?” But before you could even answer, Jason quickly adds, “And you better not tell me you are fine.”

You sigh, copying Jason’s pose and leaning against the bookshelf as well. “I’m healing, I guess. It doesn’t hurt as much because I think, deep down inside, I knew he had feelings for Kori. I was just deluding myself in thinking that I have a choice when I obviously didn’t.” You shrug your shoulders: the first few days had been rough for you. There was a lot of self-loathing and blaming but after a while, you had slowly come to your senses. Although deciding to avoid all of them had purely been a selfish thing.

Jason nods his head. “Do you want to have lunch with me?” He pushes himself off the bookshelf and turn to look at you. You obviously hadn’t been expecting that question from him because your elbow slipped and hit one of the shelves as you startled. He clears his throat, feeling a blush starting to rise and he curse the day he had decide to ask you without the cover of his mask. At the very least, you wouldn’t see him if he blushes – and Jason hopes he doesn’t.

It takes your brain a while to process what Jason had just said and you cannot help the blush that appears on your cheeks. Blinking a couple of times, you wet your lips before slowly nodding your head. Jason’s eyes widen the slightest bit before he schools his expression and gives you a stern look.

“You do understand that I am asking you out on a date right and not just lunch between two friends?”

The blush on your cheeks deepen the slightest bit and you nod your head, curling your hair behind your ear. “Yeah, I know.” You tell him weakly – your heart is starting to race, and you honestly don’t understand yourself right at this moment. You have always thought Jason to be really handsome and a really good friend too, considering how close in age the two of you are. “But I don’t want you to think I am doing this because I am settling, or you are my rebound…”

Jason shakes his head. “I have waited this long. I can wait a couple more to have you fall in love with me.” He smirks, draping his arm on your shoulders and you squeak the slightest bit when he pulls you to him. “Making you fall for me would not be that hard,” Jason tells you smugly, causing you to chuckle and roll your eyes. “Is Pho alright for you?”

You nod your head. Pho was not something you would normally eat but since you are already doing things you never thought you would be doing, might as well continue the streak. “I just so happen to be starving. You have impeccable timing, Todd.”

Jason snorts, rolling his eyes at your light jab and pulls you out of the bookstore. What he hadn’t count on was seeing Dick and Kori right as the two of you step outside. He feels you tensing up and Jason almost cursed out loud when Kori sees the two of you and that meant Dick’s attention was on the two of you as well.

Dick calls out your name in surprise and he is even more surprised to see Jason acting so affectionately with you. “I haven’t seen you around in a while! What are you doing here with Jason?” He pulls Kori towards the two of you and before you could even open your mouth to answer, Jason drops his arm from your shoulder to your waist – something that doesn’t miss Dick’s attention.

“We’re going out for lunch.” Jason tells him tersely. He really wished the two of you had stayed inside longer now, until Dick and Kori had gone. Dick shares a look with Kori before he turns back to Jason and you.

“Kori and I are about to go for lunch too. Maybe we can join?” Dick offers and before Jason could even open his mouth to reply, you spoke up, surprising everyone.

“Jason and I are going on a date.” You piped in, relaxing your body against Jason. You can feel all of their eyes on you and this causes you to blush slightly. But you clear your throat to continue talking. “Maybe some other day, sorry.” You tell them hurriedly and Jason nods his head.

“Oh.” Dick frowns but nods his head. “Yeah, maybe next time, right?” He turns to look at Kori who slowly nods his head. “It was nice seeing you, Y/N.” You give him a curt smile, nodding your head.

Honestly, my writing skills have probably deteriorated from the lack of writing lately but special shoutout to @half-superhero! Happiest of birthdays and I hope this was to your liking! I tried keeping it close to your request but everyone knows that I tend to stray far from what’s requested so I really do hope you enjoy this!


You wake up to the sound of barely hushed whispers of Roy… and your brothers? Your eyes widen in surprise when you realize, yes, those are your brothers whispering about with Roy! Groaning at how your sleep has been disturbed, you simply push the covers away from your body – thankful that you had the thought to put on some clothes before heading to bed last night – and stumble off the bed, heading to the living room.

“You guys are too noisy. Can’t a girl at least get some peace and quiet on her birthday?” You grumble as you lean against the doorframe, looking at Roy and Dick and Damian. Roy looks like a deer caught in headlight and Dick is looking at you sheepishly while Damian simply stares at you, crossing his arms at your words. “If this is about surprising me, you know I don’t really want any surprise, right? Just a nice lunch or dinner with all of my brothers present would be nice.” You stare at Dick who clears his throat and nods his head.

Roy gets up from the couch and heads over to you, wrapping his arms around you. You lean against his chest, pushing your nose to his neck, breathing in his scent. Roy and you have been dating for a while now and honestly, pursuing him and convincing him that he was good for you and you for him had been one of the best decisions you have ever made to date.

He presses a kiss to your temple and a smile appears on your face as you look at him. “Happy birthday, Y/N.” Roy stares at you with so much love that your cheeks start to blush and the smile on your face widens. “I’ll give you your present later okay?” He whispers, placing a kiss on your lips and you wound your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, deeper.

“Tt.” Damian rolls his eyes. “I think this is our cue to leave the apartment, Grayson.” He points out, looking at Dick. Dick chuckles, nodding his head, glancing at Roy and you.

You pull back from the lack of air and stare at your brothers. “I’ll see the two of you later for lunch?” Glancing at the clock, you still have about four hours before lunch, giving you ample time to just laze around.

Dick nods his head. “Alfred’s making all of your favorites so don’t be late. And I’m saying this to you, Roy. Make sure Y/N gets to the manor on time.” You pull away from Roy and head over to where Dick is to give your big brother a big hug, pulling an unwilling Damian into the hug as well.

“Happy birthday, Sister. I wish today be as what you expect it to be.” Damian tells you once you release him from the hug and you had to resist the urge to hug him once again because knowing Damian, he might avoid you for the rest of the day and you definitely did not want that! He has yet gotten used to your displays of affections.

After exchanging a few more words with Dick and Damian, the two of them left your apartment and you turn to Roy who is still staring at you. You furrow your eyebrows. “What?”

Roy chuckles under his breath and shakes his head. “Nothing.” He pulls you over to him and wrap his arms around you. “Do you want breakfast in bed or should we go out for pancakes?”

Your eyes light up at his suggestion. “Oh, can we go have pancakes? Please, Roy?”

Roy chuckles, nodding his head. “Somehow I knew you were going to say you want pancakes so get your butt in the toilet and shower. I made reservations!” Squealing at his words, you give Roy a quick kiss and rush to the toilet.

Your breakfast date with Roy had been an amazing one! Roy managed to surprise you with your favorite flowers, chocolates and even got you a pair of tickets to this concert you have been wanting to watch – it also happened to be the same concert you couldn’t manage to get a ticket to! – and you honestly thought nothing could make you happier. That was until you reached The Manor.

The living room was nicely decorated – there were photos from when you were a tiny baby to your toddler years to your early teens, so on and so forth, hanging on the walls from the living room all the way to the dining room. You knew Alfred liked taking photos of everyone (for memories’ sake) but it was really a surprise to see just how much love you received from everyone you are surrounded with. There were even photos of Roy and you and as soon as you got to the dining room, a chorus of “SURPRISE!” greeted you.

The tears that you had been struggling to hold back finally fell when you realize that not only is Jason present and not about to throw a threat or two, Barbara, Cass and Duke are all present as well. Stephanie is beside Tim and Bruce has a small smile on his face. Roy nudges you slightly when he realized that you had stopped walking.

“Come on, Y/N.” He pulls you in the dining room. You hastily wipe away the tears, not wanting to cry anymore on your birthday! The first one to greet you had been your dad, Bruce.

He smiles at you so warmly and suddenly, you feel as if you were still that small girl, trailing after Bruce and Dick. He gives you a hug, one that you melted right into and hugged him just as tight. “Happy birthday, Y/N. Your present is being delivered to your apartment right as we speak.” He mentions, and you grin at him, wondering what your dad had gotten you.

“Quite hogging her, Old man!” Jason grumbles as he steps up right behind Bruce. Bruce merely chuckles and releases you from his hug, stepping away to give Jason some time with you. He ruffles your hair and you laugh, not even caring at how Jason is easily messing up your hair. “Is Harper treating you alright?” Jason glances at your boyfriend and you grin, nodding your head.

“Roy treats me with respect and love, Jay. I am so lucky to be with him.” You tell him earnestly and Jason nods his head. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a really nicely made bracelet. “I made this for you.” He places the bracelet on your hand. “Try not to break it, okay?” He teases you, knowing how often you lose your jewelries or break them in frustration.

Before you could even form a reply, Alfred walks into the dining room with a two-tiered cake and this also almost made you cry once more. The cake was beautifully decorated, and you can see from how messy it was, your family definitely had a hand in decorating it too. When Alfred brought the cake closer to you, you almost choked on your breath because of the wordings on the cake.

With teary eyes, you turned to look at Roy only to find him holding up the ring that was missing from the velvet box perched on top of the cake. Roy looks at you. “Y/N, I’m really bad with words and I had a speech prepared and all, but I just can’t remember any of it right now so I’m just going to go at this.” He swallows nervously. “Will you marry me?”
