#red hood x you



Dom!Jason Todd x Sub!Reader

Warnings – Language. Smut. NSFW. Dom/Sub theme.

Snippet below


Princess…”, he rumbled in his dark velvet voice. It sent an erotic thrill down your spine.

“I’ve missed you Jason”, you slinked over to him on your hands and knees, rising up and pressing your face against his thick thigh. The fine fabric was cool yet you could feel the heat of his skin radiating beneath your cheek. The masculine power pulsed from his muscles. You could feel your core dampening with anticipation.

“Did you now?”, Jason patted your head as you inched closer to his burning crotch. You could make out the outline of his hardening cock. You could even smell the earthy musk of him. Your insides quivered.

“Or was it my cock you missed?”.

You rubbed your face into his crotch, feeling it throb and swell, smiling at the small groan Jason made as you gently mouthed the outline of the thick shaft though his slacks. Dry mouthed, you licked your lips and swallowed. Excitement dancing like live wires through your veins.

Both”, you hummed and looked up at him with an impish gleam in your eyes.


Request: Hi! I don’t know if you still take the prompts, but can I have numbers 1, 9, 10, 2 and 3? Thanks, and your writing is amazing!

Prompts: 1: Give me a chance. 2: Not you again .3: Leave me alone. 9:I can’t believe you!  10: We cant keep this up forever. 

A/N: I feel ehh about it but I tried my best and I really hope you enjoy it! Thanks so much for the request and lovely compliment! You are amazing! Lots of love <3 <3

The faint sound of Fooled Around and Fell in Love emanates from the building you are currently leaning outside of. You roll your eyes at the pure ludicrous nature of the club your friend dragged you to.

Your wrist flicks up as you check the time and groan loudly. 20 more minutes. That is what you are giving her and then you are leaving.

You drop your head in your hands knowing you would never leave her. No matter how tempting your bed and a hot cup of tea is…

You glance up at the lights dazzling through the congested air of Gotham. A small breeze rolls over you causing your arms to wrap instinctively around your frame as you feel the night chill settle into your bones. 

Your gazing comes to an abrupt halt when you catch sight of a silhouette sitting on a rooftop. Your eyes rake up the long legs dangling over the edge of the building and up into the moon glinting off a blood-red helmet. 

An amused grin spreads across your face. You aren’t entirely surprised to find a vigilante resting up there. Put on a blindfold and walk forward two steps and you had about a 75% chance of running into one in Gotham.

His back is towards you and this puts an idea into your head.

You dig around your purse and mentally cheer as your fingers wrap around a marker. 

Moments later, a small, smooth rock is in your hands and you are scribbling a message onto it. You bite your lip and judge your throwing distance before taking a gamble. 

The rock hits the back of Red Hood’s helmet and from your hiding spot you hear, “What the-?” and a gun being cocked.

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Prompt:  About the baby, it’s yours.

Warnings: cursing

y/f/b=your favorite band

A/N: Sorry I have been gone for so long. Thanks to everyone for the insanely sweet messages. You guys mean the absolute world to me <3 Also, I never plan on having kids so this was kinda hard for me to write but I think I like the outcome. Please enjoy and thanks so much for the request <3 Lots of love :)

Your voice bellows as you match the volume of your speaker blasting music throughout your apartment. The entire place is thumping with the rejuvenating tunes of y/f/b. 

As your arms pump to the music, a bell chimes from the kitchen behind you and you rush over to the oven. The sweet smell of cake wafts delicately through the air. You relish in the fragrance and smile jovially at how well it turned out as you pull it from the oven and carefully set it on the counter.

Your hand rests idly on your stomach kicking with butterflies and harboring a new chapter for you and Jay. The conversation had pretty much been taboo but there is only so much you can do at this point. The multiple tests sitting in the bathroom trash were nothing you could change. You only hope Jay feels the same way…

You shake your head against any negative thoughts. You guys have been married a year. You are secure in your relationship. You can handle this. 

Your hand rubs a small circle around your stomach absentmindedly as you drift off into the realm of possibilities.

The music muffles the sounds of Jason entering the apartment and setting his bags down with a thud. He rounds the corner to find you in the odd position.

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Request: 16 !!!            

Prompt: I never meant to hurt you. 

A/N: I really enjoyed this one but I am also sick so could be delusional :) Thanks for the request and lots of love <3 (also highly recommend listening to i Follow You by Toulouse because it pretty much sums this up)

Jason’s flashbacks were not often triggered and always varied in magnitude. Sometimes he would simply shake his head and retreat outside for fresh air. Other times he would become reckless on missions. Never had they been turned against you. 

This did not stop him from worrying about it. His death took just about every bit of sanity he ever had and it took a long time for him to be comfortable with bringing something so precious into his dark world. Not that he could have stopped you with that excuse. You have a tendency to meet his self-doubts with an iron fist and he has slowly found himself molding his self-image to your positive outlook. He has also unwittingly found himself slipping into a comfortable place in your relationship as time and time again you remain steady at his side. But he will throw that all out of the window if it means you don’t get hurt. 

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Request: I love me some angst so please do 34

Prompt:  I don’t deserve to be loved. 

A/N: This did not turn out exactly how I planned and it is more fluffy than angsty (sorry!) but I hope everyone enjoys it! Thanks so much for the request!

It was another busy day at your bakery which meant great things for your checking account but along with it a sore back and a late clean-up. You groan as you swing another trash bag over your shoulder and mentally prepare yourself for the frigid air signaling a snowfall.

You swing open the back door and head towards the dumpster. Just as you are about to lug it over your shoulder you hear a child’s squeal. You recoil and squint your eyes to make out a small figure further down the alleyway being cornered by a bulky man.

The bag drops forgotten from your hand as you make your move. However, a shadow swoops down between them beating you to the punch. His hand comes down quick with an indistinguishable object and it collides with the thug’s face sending him sprawling towards the ground. He maneuvers his hand and you can make out the reflection of the moon glinting off a gun. 

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Request: Congrats on the followers! 77 for please!           

Prompt: Are you jealous? 

A/N: I am slowly but surely getting through my requests. Sorry guys that I am taking so long I have a lot going on. Thanks a million for the request and love you guys <3<3 :)

Jason had the hots for the new Wayne Enterprises intern. 

Jason takes another swig of his beer to get Roy’s incessant taunting out of his head. He glances over at the archer now as he charms some woman at the bar. He scoffs and makes a mental note to give him shit over his lame pick-up lines later.

His beer is suddenly swiped and replaced with a new one. 

“Just remember, the more beers I bring the bigger my tip,” your voice chirps from above him. He chokes on his last gulp and slaps the table before bringing his gaze up to your amused expression. 

“You are not my waitress,” he finally wheezes out. He internally groans at his not-so-suave reaction.

“Her shift ended, and lucky for you, mine began,” you wave your hand and his heart clenches at your radiant smile. It brings him back to the first time he was lucky enough to be on the receiving end of that.

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